Chapter 607 482. Freedom Bar
After handing over the matter to Su Guangliang, Gu Cheng didn't put his mind on it. After all, he was just a layman in terms of profession, and he didn't have any experience that was too proficient in this matter, and he didn't have too much experience before. Familiar experience, simply ignore it, and leave it to the other party to deal with.

According to getting along with Su Guang for so long, and observing the other party's work ability in detail, it is quite good. He can handle this matter in an orderly manner, and it is not too embarrassing for him.

Time passed day by day, and under everyone's expectations, it finally arrived the day before the band needed to perform on stage.

The closer the time is to everyone's mood, the more urgent and expectant it is. In order to appease this tense and impetuous atmosphere, Gu Cheng deliberately discussed with Shang Yan, planning to go to the scene to check on the spot before singing, and observe his own performance environment At that time, it is best to make different plans and response methods according to the actual situation.

On the other hand, during this period of time, everyone often gathered together to practice the ensemble, and indeed felt a sense of exhaustion from the heart, and even felt bored with the two songs played.

By the way, go to the bar to observe the venue and relax, and it is best to stop the performance before facing a big event, because as far as Gu Cheng observes, everyone has already mastered the two songs very proficiently. The idea needs to be practiced further, which may further aggravate everyone's nervousness.

If you are too nervous when playing for this reason, the loss outweighs the gain.

Sometimes, if you relax properly and loosen the tight rubber bands, you may receive completely unexpected results.

Of course, there is actually another way of thinking. Shangyan finds a suitable bar performance for the band, and it is also a favor. Although the other side only allows everyone to get this opportunity because the band's skills are similar, there are other factors. It is the friendship with Shangyan. If it is an outsider, he will definitely not give this opportunity away casually. After all, for the bar owner, anything related to the bar's reputation and word-of-mouth is a very cautious thing.

Now that the other party has expressed goodwill, as band members, they have to be ignorant. Reciprocity is a good factor in maintaining a relationship. Gu Cheng also plans to take this opportunity to spend some money in the other party's bar, and repay the other party's kindness by cheering.

Sometimes for the bar, the kind of big spenders is also very important, because people are herd animals, when someone spends too much money in the bar, the desire and envious eyes will lure all other of customers followed suit.

A special sociologist conducted a survey before and found that the turnover of bars has two completely different upward curves when there are big customers and when there are no big customers.

After a detailed statistical chart confirms this consumption trend, some leaders will indirectly drive other people to consume. Originally, this person may only spend a few hundred yuan when he comes to the bar, but under the background of the surrounding atmosphere, he will spend this amount without knowing it. Feeling raised to the scale of one thousand yuan.

So there are many bars, when the business is bad, they will specially arrange some wine holders to act as high-rollers, spending money like water in the bars, indirectly stimulating everyone's desire to consume.

When Gu Cheng and Shang Yan told the other members of the band about the results of their discussions, everyone's expressions were very pleasantly surprised and excited. During this time, after work every day, they rushed to the club venue as soon as possible to take Playing instruments and rehearsing over and over again, to be honest, they really feel 10% exhausted. If they can find a chance to relax and have a hearty drunk, it will also be very helpful for their mentality adjustment.

Since everyone agrees with this decision very much, seeing that it is getting late, it is already five or six o'clock in the afternoon. Let the logistics manager of the band, our Ms. Li Lan, go to a restaurant not far away to buy A few meals came over, and the dinner problem was settled in a hurry, and then they were divided into three cars and drove towards the luxury bar that Shang Yan had mentioned.

In addition to Gu Chengshangyan Li Kui and Wang Jun Li Lan, the people who traveled this time also included Ouyang Tang, Su Su and Ms. Li Nan.

The number of people does not affect everyone's desire to have fun, and for a place like a bar, in fact, more people can have more fun.

The car kept approaching the bar. To be honest, Gu Cheng had been a regular customer of the bar for a while before he crossed. After all, as a reporter, the life pressure faced by literary and art workers is much higher than that of other professions. In the process of interviewing and understanding, I can find many unfair places in this society. In addition, he is also a character of hatred and hatred, so when faced with such a huge pressure that he can't solve, he will choose to use alcohol to numb himself heart.

At the same time, I also put my hope on the government, and pray that after the other party solves the economic problem, they will focus on this kind of social problem that needs to be sorted out, so that many tragic things that were not necessary to happen do not have to happen. This is Gu Cheng's only solution. method, after all, I am just a small reporter, and I speak lightly, and a little bit of jealousy can't solve any problems.

After Gu Cheng crossed over, there was also a period of time when he was deeply involved with the bar. When he was lost and couldn't find himself, indulging in this kind of noisy feasting and feasting could make people calm down and concentrate. After the transfer, I felt a lot happier. Although this kind of life came to an abrupt end on the eve of Gu Cheng's trip, it also fully showed that he was a regular visitor to the bar.

When it was about one street away from the location of the bar, Gu Cheng could see the huge signboard of the bar from the front windshield. This bar has a nice name, called Freedom Bar.

Because the target customers and consumer groups of the bar are all the most fashionable people in the city and white-collar workers with a good living standard, so when naming the bar, they also fully considered the minds of these people. For young people It is said that after stepping into the society, the only thing that I feel the most desire and want is freedom.

At the same time, it also contains another meaning, which is to find spiritual freedom in this bar, completely abandon all the work pressure and other trivial things from the outside world, and devote ourselves to happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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