Chapter 595 470. Rehearsal

When the last note came out of Gu Cheng's mouth, he gasped for breath and held the microphone stand in front of him with his hands, a large amount of sweat secreted from his half-bent body, face and neck.

"How can everyone do it? I see that several people had problems with their performance just now. Why don't you take a break and continue to recover your strength, and you haven't eaten yet."

Gu Cheng glanced around the entire Sunday club, and looked at the official members of other bands. Everyone's state is now on the same level. The continuous high-intensity ensemble practice for one and a half hours has greatly exhausted everyone's physical strength.

"Okay, let's take a break. After all, we are old. It can't be compared with when we were in school. At that time, we could hold the instrument and play for two or three hours without panting. Now it's only an hour and a half. Can't stop."

Li Kui, the oldest, also followed Gu Cheng's suggestion, and at the same time his face was full of wry smiles and unwillingness. When people feel that their physical conditions are really starting to decline, I believe that the emotions at this time will be very similar. .

"It's not a big deal. At that time, I was able to stay in the Internet cafe all night for three consecutive nights. During the day, I could go to class as usual without feeling tired at all. Now it's no longer possible. I managed to stay up all night some time ago. On the second day, I felt like I was going to die. same."

Under the proposal of the two, Shang Yan was the first to put down the instrument in his hand, and while responding to the other party's question, he walked to the side of the refrigerator, took out a few cans of drinks from it, and threw them over according to everyone's position.

"If you want me to say that you still lack exercise, I'm not the same as you. For me, this level of exercise is just a matter of sprinkling water."

Wang Jun put his hands on his waist, and his expression looked extremely relaxed. He was not at the same level as everyone else. This was also due to his occupation. What a fitness coach cannot do without is to ensure that he In order to continue to maintain the lines of his body, he needs a lot of physical exertion.

"Okay, okay, you are the best, you are the best, you have to keep arguing about this issue, you are really getting younger and younger as you live."

Shang Yan glanced at his bad friend angrily, opened the bottle cap of the soda can, drank the liquid in the can in one go, and at the same time exerted force with his fingers, the volume of the soda can instantly became smaller, and then accurately projected it to the special storage area. Recycle bottles in the trash.

Faced with Shang Yan's complaints, Wang Jun didn't seem to care at all. As long as he can win Shang Yan in this kind of thing, he will feel happy, and there are no other strangers around, so it doesn't matter if he is naive , Isn't there a saying that a man will be a teenager until he dies.

"Let me tell you, all of us really have to put this exercise on our agenda. We are not yet 30 years old, and we have already experienced a physical crisis. When we get older, we will have to sit in a wheelchair. It is said that the body is the capital of revolution, and I still want to live to be 70 years old, and everyone will get together to play chess and go fishing.”

Shang Yan sat down on the sofa in the lounge, picked up a tissue next to him to wipe off the sweat from his forehead and neck, and watched several other panting old men make suggestions.Moreover, maintaining a good physical strength is also conducive to the harmony of husband and wife life. You must know that he is a person who is about to get married soon, so he must be particularly concerned about this aspect.

"I can't do it anymore. Wait a minute. After I finish my work, I don't have time to go to the gym now. I can spare time to come and rehearse with everyone. It's a great thing."

Li Kui was the first to ask for forgiveness, and waved his hands repeatedly at Shang Yan. He is not like these idlers. Every day, the company's affairs have been backlogged in his heart like a mountain.

When I didn't start a business before, I was just a small middle-level leader in the company. I felt that life was really enjoyable. Not only did I have my own private life every day, but I could also spare time to ensure some social connections.

At that time, I was very envious of the executives of these companies. I felt that they earned a lot of money and had no pressure or burden. They must have lived a more comfortable life than myself. There is heartache and pain in every post.

Take the current him as an example, the whole person is affiliated to the company 24 hours a day. Whenever there is a problem in the company, no matter what he is doing, he will take charge of the overall situation as soon as possible. It's just too heavy.

The employees have always been indifferent. The superiors have arranged tasks, and they can be called a good employee if they go along with the flow and complete the work. But when your status is promoted, how do you look at problems? And earth-shaking changes have taken place.

For example, if the company is not profitable, or the company's next strategic plan, and who is available, who is a little slack, who is not successful, and who is fishing in troubled waters, all the problems must be considered in the mind. A person's spirit is kept tense 24 hours a day, and he is afraid that one day because he is too tired, the string in his mind will be completely broken.

As the actual person in charge of a company, he must be responsible not only to the shareholders and investors behind the company, but also to all the employees of the company. He must lead everyone to continuously let the company take one step after another to achieve our common vision.

Anyway, ever since he started his business, Li Kui feels that his happiness has completely disappeared, as if nothing in his heart can make him feel happy from the bottom of his heart, but this is also the corresponding price of success. With the anticipation and admiration of his parents and all his subordinates in the company, he feels full of motivation. As a person who came out of a small mountain village, if he wants to achieve such a status, he must pay a lot of hard work and hard work that ordinary people cannot match. .

"Fitness is still a good thing. I also suggest that everyone try to maintain this habit. Recently, I live in the manor, and I run every morning. After running, I feel that the spirit of the whole person is completely different from before. If you can To maintain this habit is better than how much money you earn or what kind of achievements you achieve, after all, only by being alive can you see more scenery and appreciate more scenery.”

After Gu Cheng finished his drink, he joined this topic. Since he entered the door, he has been practicing chorus for about one and a half hours. The two songs of no boys and the Internationale were rehearsed by them over and over again, one after another. , Now I feel like I close my eyes and my mind is filled with the lyrics of these two songs, and I also need to discuss some other topics to clear my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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