I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 563 438. Men before and after 3 years old

Chapter 563 438. Man before 30 years old and after 30 years old

After listening to what Ouyang Tang told him about the experience during this period, the expression on Gu Cheng's face also became a little confused.

After an incomprehensible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Gu Cheng was surprised to find that Ouyang Tang's experience was not fully confirmed by the dog-licking standard judged on the Internet in his previous life.

Although from appearance, Ouyang Tang must be a standard high-quality man as everyone said. Not only is his career outstanding, but his achievements have also made many people feel ashamed.

In terms of money, the manuscript fees accumulated over the years are not very good at extravagance and waste, so the savings in the bank are very generous.

In addition, the guy himself is also very handsome, with a tall and straight figure, and he has no annoying personality flaws or personal hobbies. He doesn't smoke, and he can drink as little as he can. He is also a poet, with a natural romantic atmosphere , like any romantic sentence that ordinary people's knowledge is not enough to conceive, it is completely easy in his mouth.

I believe that any woman will be very happy and secretly happy when she sees such a high-quality man pursuing herself.But it is precisely such a high-quality man who always unconsciously puts himself in a very humble position in the face of relationships. The objects are all pursued by the other party.

So when it comes to pursuing girls, he is really not good at it. He can only think of using all the methods he knows to please the other party in order to change the other party's view of him.

But it was this kind of mentality that caused him to be naturally in a weak position on the road of pursuit, and even became a little servile.


While organizing the words in his mind, Gu Cheng thought about how to remind him in a tactful manner without hurting his self-esteem. Ouyang Tang's way of chasing girls is a bit too humble.

"In fact, chasing girls is very simple. You just need to be considerate in your life, don't get too entangled with others, and leave a certain amount of space for each other. And you must put both parties in the same position to consider the problem, mutual respect."

"Ah? I didn't disrespect her. She holds a very high place in my heart."

Ouyang Tang looked at Gu Cheng with some surprise, he really didn't know why his friend would persuade him so.Is it because I am not considerate or respectful enough for Su Su?
Thinking back on all the cases and scenes in which he had come into contact with Su Su, he decided to respect him more in the days to come.

Seeing that Ouyang Tang was still not quite enlightened, Gu Cheng hesitated to speak, and was about to persuade him again, but swallowed these words back to his stomach What is it that you really want to get.

Sometimes it may not be such a suitable and warm couple in the eyes of outsiders, but this is precisely the way the two get along after many times of running-in, and they enjoy it on the contrary.

Thinking of this, Gu Cheng withdrew his words to persuade Ouyang Tang.Everything that happened in this world is precious wealth and experience in life. Ouyang Tang's own advice or persuasion will make Ouyang Tang take less shortcuts, but it will also make him lose the joy of exploring life.

"Come on, I support you mentally and wish you all your wishes come true in the end."

Gu Cheng patted Ouyang Tang on the shoulder, and left the living room while shaking his head. He was going upstairs to check the bedroom that Su Guangliang had prepared for him. If there was anything missing, he should replenish it in time during the day to save money at night. If you add it later, it will be too late.

In the process of going upstairs, Gu Cheng also sighed in his heart. It seems that no matter what kind of person he is, he can't escape the mentality of licking dogs. This matter seems to have nothing to do with status, power and wealth. If you haven't If you become a licking dog, it can only mean that you haven't found the woman who makes you worth putting down your worth to please.

And according to Gu Cheng's observation, dog licking seems to only happen to men before the age of 30. Men before the age of 30 are vigorous and beautiful, like a peacock courting. No matter what kind of women they see, they will Without hesitation, he spread his tail wings.

But in the days after the age of 30 for men, it seems that their desires have been restrained all of a sudden.No matter what kind of women you meet, you will basically not be as condescending and devoid of dignity as before.

In fact, a large part of the reason for this change is that after the age of 30, men will basically find something or something they are interested in, and these things or things will attract all their attention. After the transfer, women have become somewhat dispensable in their eyes.

The most notable example is that a large part of the men after the age of 30 are fond of fishing. It is often seen that men after the age of 30 who have a family and a successful career will call out three or five friends on weekends. Gathering at the best fishing spot in the city, they will happily discuss all the topics they are interested in during the fishing process, sometimes when a fish is hooked, they will be as excited as a 30-year-old child who got his favorite toy , The smile on the general face is so pure and sincere.

Of course, not everyone likes fishing. Gu Cheng once read a report in his previous life, saying that the newspaper had investigated the hobbies of men after the age of 30, and there were all sorts of strange things.

There is a man who especially likes to collect chargers. That’s right, it’s the kind of chargers you think of, which are usually used on mobile phones and laptops. He specially built a wall in his home, and collected almost all the chargers on the market. It was swept away, divided into models one after another, and placed in different glass cabinets. Seeing these things every day, I will feel a sense of satisfaction in my heart.

As long as there is a new charger on the market, he will immediately buy it back without hesitation and add it to his collection.

Gu Cheng's boss in his previous life was a man who was close to 40 years old. He also had a hobby of his own. Compared with the above examples, his hobby seemed a bit unsurprising.

This leader likes to collect all kinds of cups in his life, drinking cups, drinking cups, and all kinds of crystal-made, odd-shaped cups.

Gu Cheng once had the honor of being a guest at the other party's home, and he was shocked as soon as he entered the room. There were all kinds of water glasses everywhere in the room, and he felt as if he had walked into a special collection of various tragic events The museum is average.

(End of this chapter)

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