I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 548. 423. Translation Work Completion and Lemon Tea

Chapter 548. 423. Translation Work Completion and Lemon Tea
When Gu Cheng's English letters typed out a few large characters of the whole book on the computer screen, he finally couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

After a daily work arrangement, the English translation of the two books was finally completed before the scheduled time of the publishing house.To be honest, he was exhausted enough these days, because with the passage of time, the memory of the original work left in his mind became more and more blurred. Some plot arrangements may be forgotten.

Moreover, his English level is probably in the upper-middle position. Sometimes when encountering uncommon words, he needs to look up the English dictionary he bought from a bookstore.

In addition, these days, he still needs to take time out to play with his daughter from time to time, so as to enhance the relationship between the two, in case his daughter becomes cold to him because of not seeing each other or interacting for a long time.

He also spared one day a week to go to the Sunday club to hang out with his friends and relax at the same time. The originally tense spirit, with this kind of support, made his work schedule more regular.

It can be said that during these days he always felt as if he was working in a company. He started the work process after breakfast at 8:00 every morning, and was busy until 11:30 noon. After lunch, he simply made a After taking a break, I entered the study again at about 1:30 and 2:00 and started to work. I didn't finish my work until five or six o'clock in the evening.

There were even some unexpected situations in the middle. That morning, Gu Cheng had just finished translating a few chapters of his work, and before he could save them, there was a major power outage in the entire community, and the computer screen suddenly went black.

After asking the staff of the property, I found out that a real estate company not far away accidentally cut off a cable on the ground during construction work, and this cable was sent to their community. electricity channel.

After emergency repairs by the power company, when the fault was fixed, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon. When Gu Cheng saw the lights in the room turned on, he rushed to the computer immediately, turned on the switch and found the file, After careful inquiry, I realized that all my hard work in the morning was soaked in water. Because I didn't have time to save it, it was considered useless work.

After all, the document editing software that is popular on the Internet is not like the basic backup function of the later generations. No matter what problems occur, you can automatically upload the cloud backup to query the corresponding changes, and then restore the previous files.

No matter how angry and irritable Gu Cheng was, it was an established fact that what had happened had already happened, so he had no choice but to sit on the bed with his laptop after his daughter fell asleep, and drive out the manuscripts that had been lost during the day.

Thinking of this, Gu Cheng immediately pressed the shortcut button on the keyboard, saved the document he had just typed, and at the same time copied and pasted this document, and transferred it to the USB flash drive plugged into the computer host inside.

This double protection method can largely avoid the loss of documents and other unexpected situations.

After checking again, I confirmed that there were no major omissions in the final work I did today. Afterwards, Gu Cheng turned off the computer, then took out his mobile phone to find a familiar phone number, and dialed it.

"Brother, what can I order?"

There was a female voice on the phone. This was Zhang Li, the editor in charge of Gu Cheng's translation and all writing work. The two of them are already very familiar with each other. After going on business trips together, they kept in constant contact with each other about the work. Communication, so Gu Cheng also omitted the steps of striking up a conversation and laying the groundwork.

"The work you arranged for me has been completed. You took the time to come to my house today to take away the things. I stored them all in a USB flash drive for you. You can take them back to check."

"Work? Is it a matter of translation? So fast? Okay brother, I happen to have nothing to do right now, so come over right now."

Zhang Li's voice was obviously full of unconcealable happiness and excitement. When they had a meeting in the morning, they received a urging from their boss, asking her to do a good job of communicating with Gu Cheng, and to complete the translation as soon as possible, so that the work of the publishing house could be arranged. Go to the next stage.

Unexpectedly, before I had time to communicate with Gu Cheng, I received the good news that the other party had completed the work. As for the quality of the translation, it was not something I needed to worry about at all, and after being in contact with Gu Cheng for such a long time, he also had great respect for the other party. I have a little understanding of my personality. This person has always been, either not doing it, or putting all his energy into doing things well.

After hanging up Zhang Li's phone call, Gu Cheng felt his whole body relaxed. After handing over the USB flash drive to the other party, he said goodbye to this matter completely. When he has work, he always feels that he is playing or relaxing. I don't quite get used to it, and I feel that there is always something in my heart that is worrying about all my energy.

It's all right now, until he starts writing his next work, all the time is his rest time.

Thinking of this, he picked up the water cup in his hand and took a sip of lemon honey tea. The sweet and sour taste entered his stomach all the way from his mouth, and the tea kept his whole body feeling warm.

When Gu Cheng was working before, he either drank some drinks from the refrigerator, or Tian Ya helped him make some tea, and later made some scented tea, anyway, he was really not used to drinking plain water.

But since my daughter started using the method of rolling eggs and putting lemons, there have been more lemons used at home, and it would be too wasteful to just throw away these lemons, so Sun Ya had an idea At first, I never made lemon honey tea.

Moreover, freshly purchased lemons have a unique fruity fragrance. After two days of storage, this kind of fruit basically loses its flavor, and you need to buy fresh fruit again. Gu Cheng has been drinking lemon honey tea every day these days, saying To be honest, it felt pretty good at first, it was delicious and appetizing, and it could also supplement the lack of moisture in winter.

But after drinking it for a few days, he felt a little uncomfortable. Anyway, as long as he hears the word lemon, pantothenic acid starts in his stomach. Big meat will also feel very resistant.

So Gu Cheng has changed his mind now. He went to the supermarket to buy some large transparent jars, and asked Sun Ya to marinate them with rock sugar lemons and honey, which can be stored for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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