I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 532 407. Grabbing Food 2

Chapter 532 407. Grabbing Food 2 (Thanks for forgetting my future reward)

"Okay, okay. Whatever you want, take a look, look hard, Dad doesn't like you at all, this bad-tempered little girl."

Seeing her daughter like this, Gu Cheng quickly restored her daughter's posture to the previous one. Seeing the familiar TV screen, Xiao Youyou's emotions seemed to have recovered. Everything is completely hallucinatory and false.

Even the rosiness on the face from excessive force has been completely cut off, leaving nothing left. Besides, women are born to be masters at changing faces, even such a young girl is born with this talent.

Gu Cheng rubbed his nose resentfully, feeling that in front of his daughter, his father has no dignity at all. No matter how you threaten the other party, she seems to be in the mood to talk to you, so she just talks to you. If she doesn't want to talk to you, you are in the other party Nothing in front of you counts, which is also the helplessness of being a parent.

In his previous life, he had watched the interview program of a national husband's father. The reporter asked the other party who he was most afraid of in the company and at home, and the other party's answer was the same.

In the company, he is the chairman who is in charge of all the company's movements. Everyone in the company needs to act according to his face, but when facing your son at home, in the eyes of the other party, no matter what your status is, you just It's just his father, he can listen to you if he wants to listen to you, and leave if he doesn't want to listen to you. There is nothing you can do about him.

However, the daughter's performance and strength of resistance also aroused Gu Cheng's competitive heart. This feeling is like the thoughts of a child. When you see a little girl who is beautiful, you can't help but want to tease her. The other party, this kind of teasing does not mix other emotions, either want to pull the other party's braid, or want to pull the other party's clothes, it is just a way to attract the attention of the companion, hoping to open the previous situation, The two began to make friends happily.

However, the end result of this method is always counterproductive. Those pretty little girls will always cry and take your small report to give feedback directly to the teacher. In the end, you are still the only one who is scolded by the teacher.

While touching his daughter's ear with his palm, Gu Cheng moved his palm to her waist again, moving his fingers slightly, hoping to solve the problem by scratching.

But the daughter acted as if she didn't have any itching, even though her father's palm moved around her body, she didn't have any intention of resisting at all, her eyes were still staring at the TV screen, looking at those different colors The little chickens in the room are bouncing around on the screen, as if it is the true meaning of life.

Seeing that his method didn't work, Gu Cheng didn't intend to stop there. After all, if he just asked for money to withdraw, it would spread as if he had failed. This unknown sense of honor made him unwilling to stop.

His eyes looked around the entire room and living room, looking for tools that could help him. Since he was dry and helpless, there was no shame in using tools.

You must know that Xiao Youyou is an out-and-out foodie. At any time, as long as there is something to eat or someone is eating, it will immediately attract the attention of the other party. Swallowing, and reaching out to ask for it, as if it was a heinous sin to eat without her.

His eyes scanned the entire room, and he quickly found his target. It was a bag of candy. He didn't know when he bought it, or who brought it. It seemed that it had been placed at home for a long time. Last time, Gu Cheng used it to entertain Xiao Mo who came to the house on Saturday. After the little girl ate a few, she returned the rest to Gu Cheng on the grounds that eating too much would damage her teeth, and she has been placed on the coffee table ever since Below, quietly waiting for the arrival of the next guest.

Gu Cheng reached out and took out the bag of candy from under the coffee table. Hearing the sound of plastic next to him, Xiao Youyou immediately shifted his gaze over vigilantly, and then fixed his eyes on the colorful candy in his father's hand. Candy coat.

"What do you look at, don't you ignore me, it's all mine, and you can't eat it."

At this time, Gu Cheng seemed to have regained a city, his eyes were full of domineering and triumphant, in front of his daughter, he took the candy out of the bag, then tore off his coat, put the candy inside his mouth, and returned Made a shocking and delicious look.

Xiao Youyou watched his father's movements carefully, and the whole person seemed even more anxious. He stretched out his little palm all the time, waving towards his father's arm continuously, asking for the food that his father just ate, and even his whole body. There was an obvious swallowing movement.

But Gu Cheng was originally there to amuse his daughter, so how could he let her eat it so easily, not to mention that candy is not suitable for the current Xiao Youyou.

"Rake, rake, rake. Rake."

Seeing that her father was unmoved, Xiao Youyou anxiously began to twist her body, and climbed vigorously from her father's knee, calling her father continuously, looking very affectionate, if she didn't know that her daughter was Why this performance, Gu Cheng might really be moved by the other party's attitude.

"Don't call me, didn't you just stop playing with me? Didn't you like watching TV? You go and watch it. Dad eats by himself. Anyway, you don't have a share. You didn't play with me just now. Now that you see something delicious, you want it." ,late."

Gu Cheng acted like a triumphant villain, replying arrogantly to his daughter, and at the same time, in order to further arouse her daughter's anger, he even moved the unchewed candy to the side of his lips, exposing the whole candy The complete shape attracts the daughter's attention.

Looking at his father's appearance, Xiao Youyou was completely irritated. The skin of his whole body turned red quickly. At the same time, he acted like he was going to get angry because he was too angry, and the strength in his hands also increased. Quite a few, and the whole person began to climb towards Dad.

Gu Cheng didn't intend to respond to his daughter's behavior, and let his daughter climb on him. When he was about to touch his candy, he just shut up, and the other party's plan was completely in vain.You must know that Jiang is still old and hot, and the little girl's social experience is still too shallow, and she needs more experience.

(End of this chapter)

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