Chapter 529 404. Busy Work (Thanks to Qi Feilan for the reward)

Because of the consent of his boss, Zhang Li also directly quoted the reserve price to Gu Cheng very calmly.After thinking about it for a while, Gu Cheng nodded and agreed to the condition.

Although in his opinion, the 8% share is not too generous, but to be honest, he is just a newcomer translator who has never translated works, that is, the current Haohan Publishing House is worried that the price given is too low. It offended the rising star of this publishing house, so this condition was given, and if it was replaced by another publishing house, it might not even consider the suggestion of sharing.

The profession of a translator and writer is the same as that of a newcomer writer. You have to look at your past qualifications, works and achievements.It is understandable that the publishing house does not have much confidence in him at present.

And now it is only the first step of cooperation between the two sides on translation works, I believe there will be many such things in the future.Not to mention other people's works, there will be a lot of things to do just by my own Gu Cheng's translation. When the two parties cooperate more often, I will not be able to pay this price by then.

For a while, the atmosphere of the whole negotiation could be regarded as full of joy for the guests. Zhang Li successfully completed his task, and Gu Cheng also successfully took over the work content of the next stage, and Yu Qi did not harm the relationship between himself and Gu Cheng. Feelings, and successfully watching the publishing house start the next stage of the task.

Under Gu Cheng's kind invitation, Zhang Li and Yu Qi had a hearty lunch in the apartment.It has to be said that the decision to buy the manor really raised Gu Cheng's living standard by several notches.

Su Guangliang, the person in charge of the manor, carefully considered the vegetables and meat varieties that he sent to the apartment every day, and also referred to the opinions of the confinement wife Sun Ya in the apartment.

Not only can the combination of meat and vegetables be achieved, but also it will not make everyone feel a little bored to eat the same food every day.

Today's lunch is seafood that has been carefully cooked by Sun Ya. There are crabs that are suitable for eating in this season. The yellow crab paste makes people can't help but move their index fingers.

There are also specially made fried chicken nuggets and sea fish cooking. The three of them ate very happily. Even Zhang Li, who has always insisted on wanting to lose weight, couldn't help filling another bowl of rice with such delicious meals.

After sending these guests away, Gu Cheng didn't delay, and immediately moved into the study, and devoted himself to the busy translation work.

Speaking of these things, he did not fully consider them before. He never thought that he would have the opportunity to open up the sales of these works to overseas markets. If he had taken precautions in this regard a long time ago, he should have directly Move over the original English work, and then start the work of Sinicization, so as to avoid repeated work.

But now it can be regarded as a lesson. No matter what works he writes in the future, he must keep an English version in his computer, so as not to encounter this situation again, he can save work and use it directly.

Compared with the work of Sinicization, the work of directly transcribing the English version in his mind is still very simple for Gu Cheng, and it just takes a little time.

So in just a simple afternoon, Gu Cheng has already completed about 1/1 of the content of the first work.Of course, some of these are manuscripts written to test my own translation level, but the progress of this kind of work is indeed several standards faster than other translators.

According to this speed, generally a book can be finished in about a week, and this is the premise that Gu Cheng has not fully devoted himself to it. If you use the morning time to do this kind of thing, I believe this time will be shortened by half again. .

However, Gu Cheng at this time is not the same as before. He is not financially distressed enough to get paid for this kind of work immediately, so he regards work as life, and a little fun after dinner is the best thing. Some ordinary life has been added some condiments, and the work can be completed with the most relaxed attitude and mood. Not only has the efficiency improved a lot, but the written text and the specific content of the translation have also become more appropriate.

So for the past few days, Gu Cheng has been giving his daughter to Sun Ya to take care of, and he can even make out with her for a while only in the morning. The eyes had a good rest, day after day, for nearly half a month.

Speaking of Xiao Youyou, the change during this period is 10 points big. I just learned how to stand before, and the standing time generally did not exceed half a minute. Every time it was because of lack of physical strength or balance ability. Not good and fell down.

But during this period of time, under Sun Ya's intentional teaching, the matter of standing is not too difficult for the baby, and sometimes he can stand quietly against the wall for a few minutes.

Sometimes even after waking up in bed, I would hold my father's shoulders or the mosquito net next to me, and change from a lying position to a standing position bit by bit.

After learning how to stand, then you need to face another problem, which is how to learn to walk. At this time, the baby walker that Gu Cheng bought specially before will be very useful.

After removing the bottom floor pad, the toddler walker, which could only keep still, suddenly changed to another shape. The baby's feet can directly contact the ground, and can slide far away with a little force .

After getting this new toy, Xiao Youyou was very excited. As soon as she got into the seat of the toddler every day, she would immediately be very happy. She walked around the whole room with her short lower limbs, as if she was on her own. In any gliding car, you can safely transfer all the weight to the seat pocket below as soon as you push your feet hard.

In fact, if a child really wants to learn to walk, a walker is not a very suitable tool, because it will cultivate the baby to become somewhat dependent on this appliance, and even hinder the progress of learning to walk.

If you really want to teach your baby to walk slowly, you still need adults to carefully and patiently hold the baby's arms on both sides, look at each other, and step forward step by step.

However, when adults have no time, it is a more convenient tool to hand the child to the baby walker, without worrying about him falling down or touching something and causing a bump.Moreover, letting the other party adapt to the strength and frequency of walking in advance will also help the process of learning to walk later. Generally speaking, the advantages of this thing outweigh the disadvantages, and it is still very helpful to life.

(End of this chapter)

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