I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 497 372. Literary Critic

Chapter 497 372. Literary Critic

Gu Cheng had this kind of encounter several times. It was almost 11:00, but his daughter still didn't want to fall asleep.

At the same time, I can also feel sleepy, but I can't fall asleep peacefully according to my father's wishes, but keep crying and crying, expressing my mood in this way.

No matter what method is used, there is no way to calm the other party's emotions and make the daughter calm down. Sometimes the process will be very crazy. Little baby vents.

This kind of aggrieved mood sometimes even made him feel like sitting on the bed and crying. I believe that every novice mother should have had a similar experience.

If a baby who has just woken up seems like an angel descending into the world, then a baby who is about to fall asleep is an out-and-out devil.

This demon can easily destroy your self-confidence and all pretense of politeness, and may even create a world-weary mood.

Being uncertain about your daughter will deal a big blow to your self-confidence, and even doubt whether you have the responsibility, responsibility, and qualifications to become a father.

However, this kind of thing happens a lot, Gu Cheng also has the corresponding immunity and coping methods, he will not always be so impatient in the later stage, let his daughter play whatever she likes, if the other party is in a bad mood, she will keep crying Yes, he stood up and put down what he was doing, and walked around the room with her in his arms, letting her look at various things to distract her.

In this way, during the stroll, Xiao Youyou felt lack of energy and fell asleep naturally.

As her father's methods of coaxing her to sleep became more and more sophisticated, Xiao Youyou's falling asleep also became easier.Looking at his daughter's sleeping face, Gu Chengcai gently placed her on the cradle.

Rao is because of his superb physical strength, even in the process of walking around with his daughter in his arms for a long time, he was exhausted into a head of sweat.After all, this kind of fatigue can't be solved all at once, but holding the daughter around for a long time, which is a great burden on the arms and shoulders.

Different from the appearance of the little devil just before falling asleep, anyone who looks at Xiao Youyou after falling asleep will think that this little child is really cute.The long eyelashes lay quietly under the eyelids, and there was a little rosiness on her small face. In addition, she took off all defenses and maintained a relaxed sleeping position.And the facial features, hands and feet are very small and exquisite.

Gu Cheng couldn't help it, lowered his head and kissed his daughter's forehead, then picked up the small blanket next to her and covered her, then left in peace and returned to the living room.

Although Xiao Youyou is very warm in clothes, when people fall asleep, their body temperature will drop. This is also when many people just wake up, and suddenly wake up from that deep sleep, they will feel a little cold main reason.

Therefore, for the sake of the baby's health, it is still necessary to cover with a layer of bedding when sleeping.

After his daughter fell asleep, Gu Cheng had time to deal with other matters of his own. During this period of time, literary matters did not take too much thought. After all, his second book was still on sale, and he had already published two books this year. No matter which category he is in, he can become a highly productive writer with this production ability.

More importantly, both of his books are novels. As we all know, writing a novel is more labor-intensive than writing a short one. Some people spend several years pondering and polishing a novel before it comes out, so in the case of Gu Cheng, It is relatively rare in the entire literary world.

Although there is no need to worry too much about reasoning, at least he will not take the initiative to write the next book before this year. He needs to set aside more time to grow up with his daughter and witness the beauty of life. My manifesto is that I need to sort out my thoughts and make some plans and outline preparations for the next book.

But he also shoulders another responsibility, that is, the column contribution to the literary weekly. These days, he has provided nearly 20 essays to the literary weekly.

These essays caused great waves in the entire literary world, and judging from the way of writing, Gu Cheng, a writer, left everyone with the impression that his writing skills are constantly flowing, and he is good at various styles of prose works, including scenery and objects. Write reminiscences, fables, satires.

It seems that there is no area that this writer does not dabble in. Thanks to the publishing process of these essays, his reputation in the entire Chinese literary circle has gradually improved. Many writers are looking forward to the publication of Literary Weekly every day. See Gu Chen's latest work.

There are even some well-established writers who follow their prose columns every day.They can not only read but also write their own comments. Of course, there are also some critical voices in the industry, who are always nitpicking. These people are professional literary critics.

Their main job is to comment on the works of all writers in Huaguo, but Gu Cheng feels that this group of people has put the cart before the horse with the development of the times. They always use their superior attitude to criticize all young writers, and pursue traditional and time-honored writers. I always express my opinions in major newspapers, which say that I miss the golden age of literary prosperity very much.

It seems that today’s literary critics have lost their traditions, they can find out the point of view and direction they question in the face of all works, forgetting that this profession was originally set up to review and comment on other people’s good points and shortcomings.

Gu Cheng deliberately searched for the corresponding newspapers and periodicals to read some of the articles written by these critics before, but how should I say, if there is no such thing as what they said, I seem to have no way to refute it. If there is such a thing, but Compared with the overall article, these things seem to be too insignificant, and he will even attack and criticize your words.

According to Ouyang Tang, these people are like leopards waiting for carrion in the wild, no matter who they are, as long as they smell of meat, they will pounce on them and bite them fiercely.

As a romantic poet in the industry, Su Yangtang also accepts it. He was a humble critic before, and he just debuted in private and superficial. Facing these criticisms, he had no choice but to accept them humbly.But since having a master, Wang Laoxie often goes to battle in person, using all kinds of filthy words, ruthlessly greeting the family members of these critics in the newspapers, after several attacks like this, the opponents are completely afraid.

But Gu Cheng definitely can't use this method. Once he shows the intention of attacking, these literary critics will be like dogs that smell like shit.In addition, she has just debuted for less than a year, and she is a complete junior in every respect. In Huaguo, respecting teachers and respecting morals is still a very important character.

(End of this chapter)

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