I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 492 367. Gentleman is open

Chapter 492 367. Gentleman is open

It was in this situation that Ouyang Tang suddenly mentioned that he wanted to go to some scenic spots in Zhoushi, but it was not convenient because he was unfamiliar with the place, so he begged Su Su to accompany him.

But Su Su thought about it for a while and felt nothing. After all, both of them were open and frank in their hearts, and there was really nothing to hide, and they also had a good impression of Ouyang Tang as a whole. Of course, they were the kind among friends. Good impression.

In addition, she came from afar, and as a native of Zhou City, she should give full play to the spirit of the host. It happened that she was relatively free during this time and needed to wait for the interview results at home, so she was in a bad mood.I have been in a tense and anxious state of mind, so I agreed to the other party's request, and we can take this opportunity to relax together.

Yesterday they went to a well-known Confucian Temple in Zhoushi. This is the birthplace of the Central Plains culture, and it is also a temple for scholars and literati. Everyone respects the sages. No matter how other tourists are, as a poet, Ouyang Tang feels that he should Should pay a visit.

Today, the target they agreed on was another ancient building in Zhou City. When they were about to leave, they suddenly felt thirsty on the side of the road. Ouyang Tang was going to buy two bottles of mineral water to take with him. It makes people feel too cheated, and the extra money is completely buying IQ tax.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly met Gu Cheng. Ouyang Ta also heard rumors that Su Su used to be pure in heart, but was rejected by the other party. He was very surprised, why everyone can be friends happily in this situation. , according to his thinking, if they are rejected, shouldn't girls be strangers to boys?After all, it would be a little embarrassing to meet.

But he's not the kind of gossip person, and he didn't ask any questions, but it's really not good to be seen by Gu Cheng. Those who didn't know thought he had some other thoughts, so his mind became muddy when he was anxious. , I really can't think of any other excuse to explain the current situation.

Of course, he could also tell the whole process directly, but at the time, he really didn’t expect it. Maybe everyone would encounter this situation. After finishing the draft in his mind, he went to quarrel with others with full of ambition, but when the real quarrel broke out, I found that many of the things I prepared were useless, and finally failed, and the more I went back, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became.

And Gu Cheng brought his daughter back to the apartment. He kept thinking along the way, Su Su and Ouyang Tang whom he met just now, their fate is really amazing, but he never thought that these two people would get together. It's really shocking and surprising.

If there is any psychological activity in his heart, it is really without the previous article, Gu Cheng has never been the kind of procrastinating person.Maybe Su Su is very cute and beautiful, but love is such a wonderful thing. When you don't love someone, no matter how good the other person is, you can't feel it, or you can't let your mind accept it.

This is also the main reason why he has rejected Su Su several times in a row and has always turned a blind eye to the other party's love. After all, now that he has a daughter, if he picks up feelings, most of the reasons must be because of love, and this love It is the idea of ​​rushing to get married and go all the way to whiteheads.

After having a daughter, Gu Cheng feels that his thoughts have become a lot more mature. He is not like those young people who can throw themselves into a love without thinking about their own safety. The way is completely different from before.

If one's life were a novel, everyone would definitely complain that Gu Cheng was sending off a daughter after seeing this, and the plot of sending off a daughter is a very important point in the novel.

But Gu Cheng doesn't think so. Most of those who fantasize about having many wives in their lives and live together without disputes are mostly unmarried young people. When you really have a wife and get married, you will definitely sneer at such things. .

If you only regard women as tools to vent your desires, it doesn't matter how many such partners you can have, because your heart and emotions are not on the other person. When you really fall in love with someone, you feel this A share of love is so small that it cannot be divided into several shares and given to many people.

He thinks that he might marry again in his life, but the marriage partner is definitely not Su Su. Su Su is a good girl, but she is really not suitable for him. There are many kinds of women in the crowd, including cute and sexy royal sister Lolita Lengyan , but only Su Su's type kept me from feeling turbulent.

It's not because Su Su is bad, there are thousands of rings and shoes in the world, not every one of them fits perfectly.

In order to avoid messing up his emotional life in the future, Gu Cheng strictly controlled it at the beginning. He had no chance to waste any more, and he didn't want to leave the impression on his daughter that his father was a prodigal son. The upbringing experience is very unhealthy.

The chance of trial and error is very rare, he only has one chance to pursue love, if he succeeds this time, he will really grow old together, if not this time, he will choose to be alone until he grows old and always be with his daughter every moment.

To put it cruelly, he didn't want to put this opportunity of trial and error on Su Su, because before he even started, he felt that the other party was not the kind of person suitable for him.

So if Su Su is really with Ouyang Tang, his heart will only be a blessing. Seeing two familiar people really come together, whether it is the identity of a friend or the identity of Su Su's crush In other words, it was an ending he hoped for.

To be honest, when a man gets married, he rarely has the energy to touch other women. Unless the relationship between husband and wife is very bad, otherwise, how could there be such a saying? Meals are accompanied by goji berries.

That kind of energetic and fierce things only exist in fantasies and sleep dreams. At this time, Gu Cheng has passed the age of sperm and brain, and he doesn't think he is attractive enough to make women in the new era feel carefree. For those who are separated, many women serve one husband together.

If this happens, then this woman is either for your money or has other plans.In modern society, women's independent thinking has intensified. If you want to return to the preferential treatment of men in the old society, you can only think about it in your sleep.

Thinking of this, Gu Cheng felt very frank in his heart. No matter what the situation between Su Su and Ouyang Tang was, he would sincerely bless him, and he didn't feel any dissatisfaction. After all, everyone is an independent individual, and it doesn't mean that he rejected Su Su. The other party wants to be in love with him all his life, and he really feels very troubled by Su Su's love. On the one hand, it is because everyone is very familiar, and repeated rejections will definitely hurt each other's feelings. This kind of situation made him feel that he was also a ruthless man in his heart.

 This chapter is my explanation. When I wrote this plot, I thought it would be poisonous for someone to complain, but this is my true inner thought. Even if it is a novel, I don’t think I should promote bad ideas. , I love my wife very much, so I don’t want to write the effect of the harem in my works. If there is something that is not acceptable, I can only wish you a smooth journey. The mountains are high and the road is far away.

(End of this chapter)

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