I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 487 362. Preparing for pruning

Chapter 487 362. Preparing for pruning

After sorting out the client and sending him away, Lao Zhou was completely free and had time to face Gu Cheng and the cute little Youyou.

He stuffed the haircut fee handed over by the customer just now into the drawer in front of the counter. At this time, it was already full and almost overflowing. It was all the work reward he received this week.

According to the previous habit, he would deposit the money accumulated in the two weeks into the bank, and seeing his bank card balance rising every week was the happiest moment for him.

"How is my aunt? Why haven't I seen her in a while?"

Because there were no customers in the barber shop at this time, Gu Cheng seemed less anxious, because no matter how many people came, he would be the next one who needed a haircut.

The aunt he is talking about here is Lao Zhou's mother, because the mother and son depended on each other and grew up all the way. After the aunt retired, she couldn't relax all day long. Although now with Lao Zhou's craftsmanship, she can almost eat and drink without worrying. .

But the elderly always want to find something to do, so when they have nothing to do, they often come here to help their son do some things within their ability, such as sweeping the floor, cleaning up the garbage in front of the door, wiping the utensils, and cleaning for Lao Zhou , Towels are used in daily life.

Gu Cheng could see the figure of the other party when he came to Gu Cheng several times before, but today it is really strange that Lao Zhou is here alone.

"There is an aunt in my hometown who is not feeling well. It seems that she is hospitalized. My mother will buy something and go to see the place. It may take a few days to come back."

Lao Zhou explained a sentence, but did not go into details, because his early childhood experience made him not very friendly to relatives in his hometown.The mother and son depend on each other for life, and they always encounter various difficulties and problems in life, but these relatives not only did not help, but sometimes even came to ask for debts during the Chinese New Year, even though they knew that debt repayment was a matter of course, but It also made Lao Zhou feel bad for these relatives who always persecuted his mother.

He squatted down, looked at Xiao Youyou's curious eyes, smiled suddenly, and reached out to wipe off the remaining biscuit crumbs from the corner of the other's mouth.

"I like to eat biscuits. Uncle also has them here. When you obediently ask Uncle to cut your hair for you, Uncle will reward you with a biscuit, okay?"

Although Lao Zhou's life and tone of voice make people think he is gay.But those who are familiar with him should be very clear that his sexual orientation is undoubtedly girls.It's just because his appearance is too charming and feminine, so he always encounters various difficulties and difficulties when looking for a girlfriend.

So even though he is a little older, his love life is still not making any progress.As a man, the older he gets, the more he wants to have a small home of his own, so when he sees other people's cute children on the road, Lao Zhou will have some longing and expectations in his heart.

Looking at the cute little Youyou in front of him, Lao Zhou's voice and tone became infinitely gentle.

As if feeling the kindness released by the uncle in front of him, Xiao Youyou also became happy.Stretching out his own palm, pressing his front body hard, the warm little hand directly covered Lao Zhou's face, stroked it, then narrowed his eyes into a crescent shape, and showed a big smile to the uncle.

This feeling of being touched by a child on the face is really the first time Lao Zhou has experienced it. He was a little astonished and surprised, and stayed where he was not daring to move, for fear of scaring Xiao Youyou. He was also in a happier mood after working all day.

"You see he likes you, okay, let's start now, and we'll talk after we finish the cut."

Lao Zhou nodded, anyway, finish the work first, and then deal with the rest when he has a lot of free time. Thinking of this, he immediately started to prepare for the work.

Because his barbershop is downstairs from the apartment, the crowd who come here for a haircut is quite mixed, including old people, children, women, and men.

As we all know, cutting children's hair is the most troublesome thing for barbers. After all, children are not as sensible as adults.And the child itself is an uncontrolled individual. It is very difficult for him to sit quietly on the stool and wait for you to finish trimming.

It is precisely because he knows the degree of difficulty that Lao Zhou also added some facilities to his barber shop, such as a seat dedicated to cutting hair for babies. This seat is much larger than other seats in the shop. It is convenient for guardians to hold their children and sit on this trimmed special seat.

There are also some electronic devices placed in front of this seat, which play very childlike cartoons, hoping to attract the attention of children, and even bought some toys that are popular with all kinds of people, including Superman, which boys like. , there are Barbie dolls that girls like, and wave drums that children like.

Even the dust-proof service worn on the body has a conjoined one-piece specially made for babies. This one-piece is convenient for babies to move their hands without restraint. The main purpose of covering is the chest and back.

Because it is very difficult for children to wash their hair, Lao Zhou did not ask Xiao Youyou to go to the shampooing place to wash it first, but directly asked Gu Cheng to sit on the seat with his daughter in his arms, and then gave the two of them Putting on the dustproof suit, Xiao Youyou, who was wearing this kind of clothes for the first time, looked very curious. He grabbed the top of the dustproof suit with his hands, and looked curiously at this transparent and smooth costume.

Lao Zhou was holding a watering can specially used for barbershops in his hand, which was filled with clean water just received from the place where he shampooed his hair. He sprayed it with the watering can to moisten Xiao Youyou's hair so that he could trim it later. Seeing this Xiao Youyou thought it was a novelty toy, and stared at this strange tool motionlessly, and even babbled in his mouth, as if he opened his hands to ask for it. .

"This is not a toy for you to play with, baby, sit down and be good and don't move around, let uncle spray water for you, okay?"

Feeling his daughter in his arms, twisting and turning very uneasy, Gu Cheng smiled apologetically at Lao Zhou with some helplessness, then bound his daughter's body with his arms, and at the same time comforted him softly. Emotions.

Taking advantage of the little baby's attention being attracted by his father, Lao Zhou quickly picked up the watering can and sprayed it on the child's head a few times. Feeling that the humidity was almost suitable for his work, he quickly put the watering can on Xiao Youyou's head. In front of him, so that the other party can observe the tool intently, and then start working with special scissors and combs in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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