I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 472 347. Strong Woman Sun Ya

Chapter 472 347. Strong Woman Sun Ya

After spending another two torturous hours at the elder's house, Gu Cheng's gastrointestinal condition was relieved, so he said his farewell at the right time.

And the two elders who repeatedly asked Gu Cheng to stay at home for a while, and saw the other party's firm attitude and commitment, and if they would definitely visit again next time they had a chance, they had no choice but to let the other party leave.

After all, today's young people are working hard for their own careers, and there are still many opportunities to meet in the future. It would be a bit bad if the two old people delayed each other's work.

But even if people leave, they have to take their things, because they know that they may not be able to return to their hometown in the countryside for a long time after coming out this time, so the two old people are also prepared.

I carried a lot of mountain products from my old home in large and small bags, such as dried fungus mushrooms and various mountain products.Just by imagining the size of the two bags and the coops containing the chicks, one can imagine how hard and exhausting the two old people's train journey was.

Gu Cheng originally rejected the gift from the two elders in a very righteous way. He had come to visit his elders before he left, but he brought some things back. What is that?

But Father Li made a gesture that if you don't take it, you won't give me face, which made it impossible for Gu Cheng to refuse.I had no choice but to accept these mountain products, but the portion was slightly reduced. In Gu Cheng's words, now my family is provided by the manor to provide all kinds of vegetables, and there is no shortage of various dishes in daily life.

It's better to save more for the two elders to use, and take a little bit for yourself to try something new.

With the gifts from the elders, Gu Cheng started the car and left the community. Li's father and Li mother sent him all the way to the gate of the community, and returned to his home contentedly until the other party's car could not see the taillights at all.

When they got home, Sun Ya was still helping to dry the bedding on the bed, and Xiao Youyou was already sleeping very soundly in her exclusive pram.

In daily life, things like quilts are not often removed and washed to keep them comfortable and clean. On a sunny day, take out the quilts that have been used for a long time to dry, and after being sterilized by the sun, sleep at night At that time, I felt warm in the bed, with the warmth of the sun still remaining.

This kind of thing is a very refreshing experience for anyone, and it is also very reassuring and comfortable to sleep.

Handing over the dried vegetables in his hand to Sun Ya, and asking the other party to put them in the kitchen, in the storage compartment specially placed for these things, Gu Cheng stretched his waist, because it was a rare sunny day in Zhoushi today, plus He got up early in the morning and went to bed late last night. He was a little tired at this time. The most important thing was that he was too full at noon. As soon as this person was full, he naturally wanted to sleep.

Although he was very strong-willed, he couldn't resist the signal from his body, so he moved his exclusive recliner to the front of the floor-to-ceiling balcony. Gu Cheng's body.

Under the gentle touch of Father-in-law Sun, Gu Cheng fell asleep in a short while. At the same time, in order to prevent his face from being burned by the sun, Gu Cheng also specially took a cowhide hat that he bought on a trip in the snow area, and it was very good. surrounded.

When he woke up again, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon. Because Zhou City is located in the north of the entire Hua Kingdom, since autumn has entered, the night has come much earlier than usual.

If it is summer, the sky may not be completely dark until eight or nine o'clock in the evening, but in autumn it is only five or six o'clock, but at this time the sun has already set, and the sky is covered with a light black night scene.

If there is no accident, the whole sky will be completely dark in about 30 minutes or an hour. Gu Cheng stood up from the chair and stretched comfortably. This time he slept extremely comfortably and at ease, and also No one came to bother, it can be said that the exhaustion in my body was completely dissipated.

She raised her head and checked the decoration in the living room. Sun Ya had already put away all the quilts that had been placed on the sofa to dry. At the same time, Sun Ya was holding Xiao Youyou in the kitchen, waving a spatula, preparing dinner for the evening. .

Every time he sees this kind of scene, Gu Cheng feels very guilty in his heart. He is obviously a man and the other party is a woman. He feels very tired just taking care of the child, let alone doing housework and other tasks while holding the child. do something else.

But this kind of thing is very normal in Sun Ya's view. She can not only hold the child to make the bedding, spread the sheets and quilt, but also take out the clothes in the washing machine to dry, and put the dried clothes back into the closet.

It can also use one hand to complete the work of washing rice, cooking rice, picking vegetables, washing vegetables and cutting vegetables. Even when cooking, you can hold your baby with one arm and complete delicious dishes at the same time.

Gu Cheng can't help but admire this kind of skill, he can be regarded as a strong woman. If this kind of thing was put on Gu Cheng, he would have given up on it long ago. It is not difficult to do so many things while holding the child. person?
But the other party happened to be very relaxed and finished these things, so Gu Cheng felt very guilty. He was actually not as good as a woman when he was a man of seven feet.

Every time he thinks of this, he comforts himself secretly in his heart. After all, there is a specialization in surgery, and he has not been trained and trained in this area before, so it is understandable that he can't catch up with the other party.

But if you think about it carefully, no one in this world is born familiar with the operation of all things. Behind Sun Ya's neatness and ease is the experience and training brought about by insisting on this kind of high-intensity work day after day.

Seeing this, Gu Cheng hurriedly ran to the washroom, washed his face in a hurry, and after all his mental thoughts returned to normal under the stimulation of cold water, he quickly walked into the kitchen, and took the water from Sun Ya's arms. After passing Xiaoyouyou, the other party can be relieved and relaxed.

"Sister Sun, you can call me up next time for this kind of thing. I can help you share some things at home. You don't need such a high-intensity work. You can wait for me to wake up, such as bedding, collecting clothes, etc. You can do it later in your spare time.”

While teasing the baby in his arms, Gu Cheng told Sun Ya that although the other party was a confinement wife, Gu Cheng didn't want to make himself like a landlord in the old society. There were many things that were not within the scope of the other party's work. There is no need to work so hard.

"Oh, it's okay. If I really can't figure it out, I will definitely call you. Besides, I'm used to it. It's not a problem for me. Okay, you can go and sit outside first. There is a lot of oily smoke, and it’s always bad for a baby to be inside, but my side will be fine soon, and I can eat with another dish.”

(End of this chapter)

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