I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 443 318. Xiao Mo's Birthday Present

Chapter 443 318. Xiao Mo's Birthday Present

The matter of Xiao Youyou's cold didn't happen much until the next day. After a whole day of Gu Cheng's meticulous care, she was completely cured, and the recovered baby became extremely excited.

Maybe it's just recovering from a serious illness, which made her feel that the whole world has become much clearer, and her nose doesn't feel like it's always blocked, and her father won't touch her little nose with that white thing again. up.

On a new day, she felt that everything made her extremely happy.She showed a bright smile to everyone who saw her, this cute appearance, no accident, suffered another kiss attack.

Today Sun Ya has returned to her post, and she has been busy in the kitchen and living room early in the morning, dealing with the garbage made by Gu Cheng and Ouyang Tang yesterday, and washing all the changed clothes.

To say that single men are always sloppy, even a man like Ouyang Tang who looks very delicate.This seems to be his own racial characteristics. Some fruit lunch boxes on the table and melon seeds eaten while watching TV are naturally indispensable for the residues left by the two of them drinking tea.

It was still the same in the kitchen, the potato peels and apple peels scattered next to the trash can, as well as the cleaned kitchen utensils, the corners and the oil stains on the handles were not cleaned.

Footprints were also left on the floor. The kitchen is an area where water tends to accumulate on the floor, and with people coming and going, it will naturally become messy and dark.

There are also those beverage bottles on the table. After drinking, I always forget to put them in the recycling place. There is obviously a place on the balcony dedicated to recycling such plastic bottles. Throw them in, and Sun Ya will find them for recycling when they are full. On the one hand, people who sell them can solve these problems without causing pollution to the environment, and on the other hand, they can earn money for grocery shopping.

When Gu Cheng got up early in the morning, he went to the living room to see that the place had changed. All the garbage left over from yesterday had been cleaned up, and the floor was wiped to make it look brand new. He even hesitated to lift his feet, for fear What harm will it do to such a clean floor.

"Morning, sir. I've already made breakfast, and it's in the kitchen. You can eat it directly. Also, do you want to change your bed sheet and quilt cover today? But I already changed these things on the day Youyou was hospitalized, I also took the dishes from the manor together."

Sun Ya was wearing an apron and a pair of gloves in her hands, and she was wiping the tea table and TV cabinet with a rag.

Seeing Gu Cheng coming out, she immediately asked him about his needs. The other party approved her request for leave without hesitation yesterday, which made her very grateful. Repay each other's kindness with better service.

"I don't need to change it, I think it's pretty good, but Sister Sun, I just realized after you went through your leave yesterday, it's really great to have you here, but it has brought great convenience to my life."

Looking at the brand-new living room, Gu Cheng couldn't help sighing, don't underestimate these daily chores, they are cumbersome and troublesome to do.

If you are willing to live in a dirty environment, then naturally it is not a problem, but I have always felt that the service that I live in is like a hotel, and it suddenly disappeared, and I am really not used to it.

Therefore, Gu Cheng decided that if possible, he was willing to keep hiring Sun Ya as the confinement wife of his family. On the one hand, everyone was familiar with it, and after getting along for a long time, they could be regarded as good friends. The most important thing is to find the right person, be serious and responsible and hard-working, it's really not in vain. He will reward the other party with a bonus every month.

"This is my part of the job. I have to do my own thing well after getting this salary. There is nothing worthy of praise."

Sun Ya feels a little disapproving, the relationship between her and Gu Cheng is very clear, the other party treats her wholeheartedly and kindly, and she is willing to repay this kind of affection, and use her caring care to save Gu Cheng and Xiao Youyou from those household chores. become the strong backing of the other party.

"By the way, I already prepared Xiaomo's birthday present yesterday. Although this gift came a bit late, I hope she likes it. This is also my heart."

Gu Cheng thought of what he had promised to Xiaomo yesterday, and he immediately decided to deal with it, so as not to forget it in the end, and it might damage his image in Xiaomo's heart. The other party thought he was My uncle is a man who breaks his promise.

This gift was a packaged gift box, sealed with beautiful stickers on the outside, Sun Ya was a little hesitant, not knowing whether she should accept this thing, but it's normal for friends to give gifts to each other, it's a big deal When it's Xiao Youyou's birthday, just buy a suitable gift to give back to the past.

The most important thing is that Xiao Mo is very looking forward to her uncle's gift. She has been talking about it all day yesterday, and she still keeps this surprise. Originally, Sun Ya thought that if Gu Cheng forgot about this, she would go and buy a gift by herself. A gift, as a gift from the other party to satisfy the daughter's wish.

"Okay, then I will not refuse, thank you sir."

Sun Ya took the box that Gu Cheng had been holding in her hand, carefully put it in her handbag, and when she was ready to go home, she handed it over to her daughter as soon as possible, satisfying her daughter's long-standing expectations.

This gift from Gu Cheng is a brand new set of hardcover Barbie dolls, the price is about 500 yuan, 500 yuan is not a small amount in this era.You must know that Sun Ya's salary is only around 4500 yuan, so I have to say that only women and children's money is the best money in this world.

Yesterday afternoon, he deliberately took advantage of the space where his daughter was sleeping, and asked Ouyang Tang to help take care of the baby. Then he found a boutique nearby and bought such a set of Barbie dolls. Barbie dolls are a favorite gift for every girl. , and also the princess of their dreams.

Every time Xiao Mo comes to her home, she likes to watch Barbie cartoons on TV, and she shows that she loves Barbie dolls very much, so this gift from Gu Cheng can be regarded as complementary.

This gift box contains all the characters in the Barbie doll cartoons, and each princess is equipped with corresponding costumes, which is quite value for money.Originally, Gu Cheng planned to choose a set from his daughter's unused toys and give it to Xiao Mo, but thinking about it, it seemed that his intentions were compromised, and he was unwilling to give away his daughter's things to others at will, because they were all other people's uncles and aunts. Thoughts for the baby.

(End of this chapter)

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