Chapter 437 312. Morning
After sending Su Su away, Gu Cheng watched the other party enter the elevator, and then stood on the balcony of his home and saw the girl enter the taxi, so he closed the doors and windows with complete peace of mind.

To be honest, he rushed back from other cities in a hurry today. The exhaustion of the journey, coupled with worrying about his daughter, also made him feel physically and mentally exhausted.

After finishing everything, I collapsed on the sofa, really feeling like I couldn't even move a finger.

Every time I come to this kind of time, I feel extraordinarily lonely, and I also think in my heart, whether I have been too demanding of myself all the time.In fact, it's good to find someone to share the responsibility of taking care of Youyou with me, and you shouldn't think so narrowly of others. Not all women are the irresponsible stepmothers in the bloody TV dramas, and there are many in reality. Great example of reorganized families getting along.

But now there is no way to solve this matter right now. My attitude has already been shown before, which made many people understand Gu Cheng's plan.

It is not so easy to change one's attitude all of a sudden. Thinking of this, I can only sigh helplessly, struggle to stand up, find a change of clothes, check my daughter's sleeping position again, and rest assured after confirming that there is no danger He took his clothes and went to the room to wash up.

After sorting out all his things, Gu Cheng glanced at the time again, it was almost time to feed Xiao Youyou again.However, Gu Cheng has rich experience in how to feed his daughter in his sleep. After all, he used to do this every night before. With more time and frequency, he has also cultivated a good skill.

First, I skillfully brewed 150ml of milk powder. Now Xiao Youyou is in the period of replacing the first stage and the second stage. According to Sun Ya’s arrangement in the morning, the progress has come to an end. You only need to add a spoonful of milk powder for the first stage, and 4 spoons for the second stage. A small amount of milk powder is enough. If this progress continues, maybe after drinking this can of milk powder, I will bid farewell to a certain amount of time.

If you want to talk about the difference between these milk powders, it may be that babies need different nutrients in different periods, and Gu Cheng doesn't quite understand the meaning of this.But everyone is doing the same, and he followed others to do the same. Since this kind of saying is the mainstream in the market, there must be some meaning in it, so he just followed the trend, followed everyone, and drank at the right time. Suitable milk powder.

After the milk powder was brewed, Gu Cheng skillfully picked up his daughter from the bed, and deliberately bumped it a few times during the process. As expected, the baby woke up very dissatisfied, and vented his dissatisfaction , just at the moment when the other party opened his mouth, Gu Cheng quickly stuffed the pacifier into the other party's mouth.

Feeling the familiar taste, Xiao Youyou skillfully wrapped her arms around the bottle with her little hand. With the help of her father, she gurgled and drank non-stop. Soon the bottle of milk had bottomed out. He hiccupped, and then fell asleep again, during which his eyes were tightly closed and never opened.

Seeing that his daughter was full, Gu Cheng carefully placed her on the bed again, and then walked to the side table to clean the feeding bottle. The baby's feeding bottle needs to be cleaned at all times, because bacteria grow quickly, and then In addition, the baby's spleen and stomach are very fragile, and a little carelessness will cause diarrhea, and in severe cases, dysentery. This is no joke.

The journey of taking care of children is full of hardships and hardships, and you must have the corresponding details and sufficient knowledge. If you want your daughter to grow up healthy and healthy, and at the same time, you must work hard. Even if you are a single father, you can Can you imagine how many things a mother needs to worry about in her daily life?Not only do you have to take care of your husband, but you also have to take care of the baby who is still in its infancy. Maternal love is great. This sentence is never just a word, but full of sadness and blood and tears.

After finishing his daughter's affairs thoroughly, Gu Cheng couldn't hold on any longer. He tilted his head on the soft mattress, felt the familiar smell, and fell asleep deeply before he had time to react. This sleep was extremely peaceful. And comfortable, the daughter is in a place within her reach, and she can see the cute little face of the other party when she opens her eyes, plus she is in her own home, lying on her own bed, as if she has a safe haven in her heart.

The life of an adult has never been easy. Although Gu Cheng has some cheats, has a super vision of another world and a huge library of literature, it is not so easy to realize these things little by little. This process requires redoubled efforts. He hopes that one day he will improve his literary skills and write a masterpiece with his own knowledge alone. He never wants to be burdened with the soul of an unknown plagiarist.

When Gu Cheng woke up again, it was already the morning of the second day. He turned over carefully, first glanced at his daughter's sleeping face, and used his own hands to carefully smooth the other person's frown because he didn't know what to think. He just squeezed his hands and feet and climbed down from the bed. He was extremely careful during this process, and took a slight step and turned his head. He slowly moved to the door of the room, and closed the door carefully.

Children need to ensure adequate sleep in order to have a healthy time for development. In addition, as long as the daughter wakes up, Gu Cheng's hands and feet will be bound, and nothing will be easy to deal with, so the best way is Before my daughter wakes up, she has to deal with her own breakfast and personal hygiene, so that she has enough energy to face the happy little magic star.


Before Gu Cheng could turn around, a magnetic voice came from behind him. He turned around and was almost startled. It turned out that Ouyang Tang had woken up at some point. Looking at the other party's appearance, he not only changed his clothes, but also changed his clothes. It's like taking a bath, because the wet hair on the top of the head still has some drops of water, sitting on the sofa in his home with a cup of tea in his hand, looking at Gu Cheng with a smile like a flower.

"My God, when did you wake up? Did you sleep well? I'm really sorry, because there are no rooms left at home, and my newly bought house is still deodorizing. There is no way to live in it so quickly, I can only feel wronged You spent the night on the camp bed."

Gu Cheng opened his mouth to strike up a conversation, but the movements of his hands did not stop. He didn't know when his daughter would wake up, so he had to hurry up and deal with his own affairs. While walking to the sink, he picked up his toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste, while talking to Ouyang Tang. Having a morning conversation.

(End of this chapter)

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