I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 403 278. Poet Ouyang Tang

Chapter 403 278. Poet Ouyang Tang

As soon as he finished speaking, he simply introduced his identity, which aroused enthusiastic applause from all the audience. It can be seen that his popularity is quite overwhelming, and he also has a high charisma .

After introducing his identity, Ouyang Tang was also very satisfied with everyone's reactions. He smiled calmly, then raised his hands and pressed down on the entire venue, and there was no sound at all.

"Many people here are my predecessors. It is my honor to hear my name or have some appreciation for me. Today, I think it is not so appropriate to call it a literary appreciation meeting. We are more like a group of literati imitating the ancients A song cup and flowing water, this is the elegant thing that suits us."

None of the people who can appear in this venue are mediocre.More or less occupy a place in the field of literature.So Ouyang Tang's attitude was very peaceful.

Because he is a romantic poet, so his personality is also the same in his past life. He is not the kind of person who looks at everything boldly. It is precisely because of this that his connections are very terrifying, and he is respected by many seniors and colleagues.

Some people have already regarded him as the most important leader of youth power in the Huaguo literary circle. If there is no accident, he may be able to officially serve as the president of the Huaguo Writers Association with some qualifications.

Gu Cheng had never met him before, but he had heard about his character and the way he handled things.The first meeting today is really well-deserved. He is very aware of his personality flaws. If he is familiar with people, he can talk eloquently, but he still has some social barriers to strangers.

So in life, I am very envious of those who can talk and treat everyone with a smile.

Next, Ouyang Tang began to share some poems he had written recently. After Gu Cheng listened to them, he really felt that the other party was of a brilliant literary talent.The words and sentences are very amazing, and it can be seen that he has a relatively thorough grasp of modern poetry.

Although it is said that literati are all relatives, when a person's talent really reaches the point where he is proud of the audience, they will not hesitate to show their admiration.

After sharing the verses, he started to chat about his writing method and the state of mind when he wrote the verses, explaining the way and importance of writing poems from shallow to deep.

Although Gu Cheng was also a literary youth before, he really didn't have much research on this kind of modern poetry, and he had only heard some of them occasionally. If he was asked to write, the things he wrote might be unsightly at all.

But after listening to Ouyang Tang's explanation, I really found that I have a little understanding of the basic structure of this literary method, which is indeed a very precious lesson for beginners.

From this point of view, Ouyang Tang is indeed an out-and-out great poet, he already has a thorough understanding of the area he has mastered, just like selling oil, he is already at a state of ease in writing poems.

This conference lasted for a total of one hour. Originally, Gu Cheng still had a lot to say, but seeing that the speaker on the stage had come to an end, he had no choice but to end today's lecture with regret.

There is also a reason for the arrangement of the conference. Most of the people who came to the conference today are seniors. Their bodies are indeed incomparable with young people. As mentioned earlier, there has been a phenomenon in the entire Chinese literary world. In this case, it is called incompleteness.

From all over the place, people aged 50 or over accounted for almost 3/4 of the entire venue. This is the normal state of the entire literary world. Therefore, in recent years, whether it is a publishing house or various newspapers and periodicals, all kinds of events have been held. Essay solicitation activities, as well as theme award activities.

The main purpose is to select some outstanding young people. As practitioners in this industry, whether they are editors, editor-in-chiefs of newspapers, or various old seniors, they are afraid that Huaguo's literary inheritance will be ruined by themselves. hands.

Affected by the general environment, the prosperity of Huaguo's literature has affected the entire Southeast Asian region. There are many small countries attached to Huaguo. Wild beasts have a lot of influence on the country's literature. Films and television adaptations based on Huaguo's works, as well as various derivatives , which caused a great sensation and repercussions in their countries.

Therefore, the country naturally does not want to lose this way to spread its own unique culture when the older generations pass away.

Whether it is the literary world or the relevant departments, they are all carrying out this theme, which is to vigorously promote the strength of youth literature.Gu Cheng is also in this situation, because his excellent works have successfully entered the sight of many high-level bosses.

The meeting ended with the host's congratulatory speech. Some people had already left the venue with their notebooks. Gu Cheng originally wanted to sell them, but Yan Songbai stopped him. He seemed to have something to explain. , so I had no choice but to watch Yu Qi and Zhang Li go back to the suite by themselves.

"I'll introduce you to Ouyang Tang later. You two are about the same age, and you are both talented young scholars, so it is good for you to get to know each other. The path of literature is boring and difficult. A confidant and Moving forward together with good friends is the power that can support you to the end."

Yan Songbai's words were full of memories, but what he said was indeed very reasonable.It can be seen that these things have been experienced by the other party, and Gu Cheng has also discovered that the group of writers is indeed relatively boring. You need to stay in a dark room and revise your manuscript over and over again. Sometimes my mind would go blank, and when I encountered Cavin's situation, I would become more and more irritable in this situation.

In the process of thinking, Ouyang Tang also started to walk from the first row to the back, and he kept saying hello to the people around him along the way, smiling and responding to the questions raised by the other party, such as some things he didn't understand just now. He will also patiently stop and explain to the other party.

It was already ten minutes later when he reached Yan Songbai's side, and he immediately bowed to his teacher to show his respect.

Respecting teachers is a very important factor in Huaguo cultural tradition, and Ouyang Tang really worships Wang Laoxie very much. It is precisely because of his teacher that his literary path can go so smoothly. If the other party did not discover him It is difficult to say what will happen next, he may be like some geniuses, who has not been properly taught as time goes by, and thus becomes somewhat obsolete.

(End of this chapter)

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