Chapter 349 224. Recording

When it comes to the profession of journalism, it seems that many writers have changed careers from this industry. After all, they all use pens to record things, so the threshold for each other is not so high.

Even in the previous life, many writers used to be journalists. It may be because this profession can often touch the joys and sorrows of those people in the market, so they are rich in inspiration.

"Then it seems that the profession of journalist has brought you a lot of inspiration, which will also become an extremely precious wealth in your life."

When he said this, Zhou Nanbei's eyes were full of praise. After all, many writers in the literary world are now facing a problem, that is, they become famous at a young age, and then their lives are separated from ordinary citizens. Empathetic story.

Like the profession of an actor, a writer also needs to experience life from time to time. Only by truly understanding everyone's emotions, can the written words be more touching.

"You came here this time to promote the new book. What I want to ask is, what's so special about this book that allows you to make an exception to appear in front of the public and change your previous thinking?"

This question is a bit tricky, but Gu Cheng also has a related way to deal with it, so he doesn't find it difficult to answer.

"In today's economic development, it seems that all industries are linked to money. Although I am somewhat against these methods, after a writer writes a book, everything is not all right. The publication of a book is inseparable from the publication. The support of the agency and everyone’s attention, and the best way to measure the success of a writer is the sales of his works.”

"Since I have entered this industry, I am no exception. I am an ordinary person. In order to prevent my works from losing too much money and dissipate the expectations of the publishing house, proper publicity is also very necessary. The smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. This is a fast-growing society, if I stick to my previous ideas, I will probably be eliminated by the market, I am still young, and the road of writing has just started, so naturally I don’t want to retire so soon.”

Gu Cheng's answer was very decent, and Zhou Nanbei was relieved. When he asked this question before, he was still a little worried, but he thought that this program was recorded and broadcast, and if there was anything inappropriate, he could edit it appropriately. The incomparable excellence, which also allows him to continue the interview with confidence.

"Many writers have a confusing question. Here today, I also want to take this opportunity to ask you, what does writing mean to you?"

Gu Cheng pondered for a few seconds, and he already had the answer in his mind. Regardless of his previous life and present life, his hobbies for writing and literature are incomparably unified. If you want to say why you like literature, the answer may be different, but the final result is incomparable. same.

"Writing is a dialogue with one's own personality, a confrontation with one's soul, and a serious talk about ideals and the future with the world. On the way of writing, we slowly re-recognized ourselves, and began to find the way for ourselves to talk to the world That bridge. So, we slowly opened that door, which was originally ajar, and saw the place we wanted to go on a pilgrimage with all our heart—the other side of freedom.

The road of writing is indeed difficult, but since you have chosen it, you have no regrets, and don't give up lightly.Every effort you make will not be in vain, it has melted into your flesh and blood invisibly.One day, writing itself will reward you, maybe not honor or money, but it will make you extremely happy and let you really find the best self. "

Not surprisingly, this answer won everyone's applause again. This may be the best answer to this question.

"We've talked so much, but still don't know what your new book is about?"

"This new book is in the same line as the previous one. It tells a serial murder case that happened on a deserted island. The article is full of many psychological activities and dialogue links. This kind of reasoning writing method is what I call Stream of consciousness, on the basis of "Orient Express", when I wrote this book, I was more comfortable using this writing method, and I believe it will give readers a good reading experience."

"Stream of consciousness?"

Zhou Nanbei adjusted his sitting posture and looked at Gu Cheng with great interest. This was the first time he had heard such a statement. When the recording of the program started, he went to collect some comments about Gu Cheng from newspapers. "This book really set off a big storm in the novel world, and people seem to be aware of a new way of writing novels, and there are many followers.

However, most of them are a bit ambiguous, and it has been confirmed by Gu Cheng today, and he wants to study this method carefully.

"Can you talk to us?"


Gu Cheng's writing of a work is not only carried out without thinking, but on the basis of Sinicization, he has also gone through in-depth research. Every time he finishes copying a book, he has a very deep feeling and experience, feeling that his own literature Quality has also been greatly improved.

"The writing method of the stream of consciousness uses a lot of descriptions of psychological activities. This writing method is very suitable for use in romance novels and mystery horror novels. It can give readers an immersive feeling and enhance the already scary atmosphere. Several levels, readers can put themselves into the protagonist through the description of the text, feel empathy, and increase the excitement and pleasure of reading."

This kind of writing method is not uncommon in the parallel world, but it is really the first time it has appeared in this world. People who heard Gu Cheng’s introduction felt like they had opened the door to a new world. writing.

"It can be seen that Mr. Gu Cheng has a deep understanding of literature research. We have collected some questions about readers asking you. These are your die-hard book fans. They not only like your "Oriental", but also your prose. object, so do you mind answering?"

"No, I'm ready."

These days, the customer is God. This sentence is not only applicable to the service industry, it is very applicable in many places, and book fans are also very hardcore. They like a writer, and they can stick to it for a lifetime, so Gu Cheng is naturally not stingy with himself. kindness.

"The first question, this more than 30-year-old middle-aged man, his occupation is a financial officer, I want to ask Mr. Gu Cheng why he insists on sinking in the category of mystery novels instead of turning into serious literature? About this question , I'm also curious."

Hearing the question, Gu Cheng couldn't help but laugh, why, of course mystery novels are better for making money.

(End of this chapter)

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