I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 280 155. Manor Manpower

Chapter 280 155. Manor Manpower
Who wouldn't like a young man who is polite and respects the elderly.

After sitting down, Lin Bo poured a cup of tea for Gu Cheng himself, and the other party quickly took it with both hands. The two of them drank two rounds of tea and exchanged ideas about the family.

What Gu Cheng asked was about the other party's health. When he heard that Lin Bo could still eat two big bowls for every meal, and he would exercise in the morning, he was very impressed. In his life, the most important thing to care about is his health. As long as he is in good health, Nothing else matters, just enjoying life quietly and looking at the scenery in the world is enough.

But Lin Bo is very interested in Gu Cheng's daughter. Because of some things in his early years, he has no children in his life. This person will inevitably feel a little lonely when he gets old, and he has no ability to resist such cute children. .

This is also the main reason why most families have inter-generational relatives. When the elderly see children, they seem to feel that their lives have been passed on. Even their declining physical functions seem to feel the strong vitality of children and become active. up.

Gu Cheng was a first-class dazzler, and immediately took out the photo of Xiao Youyou in his wallet, and handed it to Lin Bo. Hearing the other party's praise of his daughter, the smile on his face couldn't be suppressed at all.

After agreeing to wait for a period of time, when Xiao Youyou's physical fitness became better, he would definitely bring her to live in the manor for a period of time, Lin Bo's mouth burst open with joy.

Just looking at the photos, I can't help liking the white and tender little girl on the front, and I will definitely like it even more when I see her face to face.

After chatting for a while, Gu Cheng was also accepting Lin Bo's teaching that as a father, you must care about your children's physical and mental health, and don't think too much about career and work. Children are the greatest gains and wealth in life.

Although they are all commonplace topics, Gu Cheng listened to them very seriously. This is all the life experience of an old senior. To have these experiences, there must be a lot of disaster behind it, so we still have to take this as a warning. I feel it with my heart.

After tea for a long time, he began to get down to business. Although Lin Bo had been exchanging opinions with Gu Cheng on the phone, meeting each other is undoubtedly a more convenient way to report information. He put on his reading glasses and took out his notebook. , and turned to the latest few pages, which recorded the basic information of the staff in these manors.

Naturally, he didn't need these things when he was young, but as he got older, his memory declined severely, so in order not to delay other people's affairs, he now always prepares a small notebook with him to record the things he needs.

It is said that a good memory is not as good as a bad pen, and there is some truth to it. Since I have this notebook, it has saved Lin Bo a lot of troubles due to bad memory.

"Cheng Zi, let me tell you about the situation of the manor first. This time we have hired five people. According to my experience, these five people are enough to handle the operation of a manor."

Gu Cheng nodded. On this kind of matter, Lin Bo has some authority to speak, and his collocation can save a lot of unnecessary waste of resources.

Although he has a bit of wealth and is not afraid of spending money, it doesn't mean he is willing to be taken advantage of. Spending money to support idlers is undoubtedly a bit stupid.

"The orchard needs to be owned by one person. The breeding of chickens and ducks and the imitation ocean pond can be shared to a certain extent. They are all in the scope of breeding, so here also needs a manpower, plus a person who is responsible for vegetables. This Things are the most energy-consuming, and we have to deal with bugs frequently, so the task is also very heavy. Next, we need one manpower for wheat. There is one manpower left, which is the delivery driver, who delivers fresh vegetables and meat every morning. to your place."

Listening to Lin Bo's introduction, Gu Cheng kept nodding his head. This combination is very reasonable and saves labor to the greatest extent. Moreover, according to Lin Bo, everyone is also responsible for the greening work of the entire manor. The individual is just in the kind of situation that needs to be busy from time to time, but not too leisurely.

Then, there are the details of these people. Su Guangliang, who is in charge of the orchard and the housekeeper, has been introduced by Lin Bo before, so this person can be ignored.

The person in charge of the vegetables is a 50 years old man who is an expert in vegetables. He used to work in a business manor. Later, because of his age, he naturally thought of retiring.

But there is a child who is not up to expectations in the family. His son lost a lot of money in business, and then ran away directly, leaving a lot of debts, all of which are backlogged on the old man.

Originally, he planned to return to the merchant's manor to continue working, but when the other party left, he had already recruited a new person to take charge of his work. He did a very good job, so he couldn't just drive him away for no reason.

It happened that Gu Cheng needed manpower, so Lin Bo introduced him here. Although there were a lot of troubles at home, the other party's vegetable planting skills were still very good. The merchant's vegetables were hardly affected by pests. It's extraordinarily endearing.

The person in charge of breeding is a more than 30-year-old strong man. He grew up in the village since he was a child. He used to work in an aquaculture company and later got married. In order to take care of family affairs, he resigned and returned to his hometown.He is also very familiar with his own job, and the most important thing is that he is honest and honest, and belongs to the kind who rarely talks and always works silently.

The person in charge of the wheat is an aunt in the village. She has been engaged in farming all her life, and she has rich experience. She is very clear about the situation in the land, so Gu Cheng is very relieved about the choice of this person.

Finally, there is the driver. This driver is the youngest young man in the whole manor. He is only 22 years old. He grew up under the nose and has a lively personality, but he is very stable and trustworthy in doing things. In addition to having relevant work experience, he is also a good candidate.

At present, all the planting in the manor is in the harvesting period, so after the recruitment is completed, Lin Bo decides on his own, asking everyone to go to work first and take charge of their own area, so as not to delay the harvesting period.

Regarding this point, Gu Cheng naturally has no objection, and at the same time he is very grateful to Bo Lin, if it weren't for the other party, he would really know nothing about the manor, this elder has helped a lot, and there are many things to worry about Yes, getting your own gratitude is also a matter of course.

(End of this chapter)

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