I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 278 153. Su Guangliang

Chapter 278 153. Su Guangliang

But our little Youyou is a complete slob, she prefers lying there or lying down rather than sitting, and it is not her style to sit up so hard.

Gu Cheng can't do anything about his daughter's little rascal's appearance. Now Xiao Youyou is extremely proficient in crawling and turning over, so he can't learn to sit all the time.

So during this period of time, he and Sun Ya have been deliberately training Youyou's ability to sit up independently, but although Xiao Youyou is a child, his cunning level is also first-class, not attractive enough, but not at all. fooled.

Sun Ya is now using Youyou's favorite bear toy to lure Youyou to sit up. Only when she is sitting, will she hand the toy to her. Once she wants to lie down, the toy will be confiscated immediately.

When Gu Cheng came out, Xiao Youyou had been sitting independently for a long time under this kind of training.

As soon as he saw his father's figure, he immediately dropped the toy in his hand, like a puppy, his nose was flickering, his arms were waving constantly, and he invited his father to hug him.

How could Gu Cheng be willing to reject this villain, he hugged him immediately, and Xiao Youyou returned to his familiar embrace, lying on his shoulder the whole time, still moaning, as if he was talking to his father whom he hadn't seen all morning Complaint, telling the aunt to be bad to oneself.

This kind of villainous appearance made Sun Ya feel helpless. She smiled, tapped Xiao Youyou's forehead, pretended to be angry and wanted to leave, and then walked into the kitchen to prepare for lunch. for lunch.

And Xiao Youyou was just pretending, but when she saw her aunt leaving angrily, she became a little bit reluctant, grabbed Gu Cheng's shoulder, looked at Sun Ya's leaving figure, and kept moaning.

"What's the matter? You want auntie. Auntie is going to cook and is very busy. Dad will hold you and let auntie rest."

Gu Cheng tried to dissuade her, but Xiao Youyou turned a deaf ear to it. She kept waving her hands towards the kitchen, and opened her mouth to vent her dissatisfaction.

Gu Cheng, who couldn't be more stubborn than his daughter, could only walk towards the kitchen with his daughter in his arms, and then stood at the door, so that Youyou could see Sun Ya's movements and figure clearly.

It was the first time I saw my aunt wearing an apron, and Xiao Youyou stared at everything curiously. I originally thought that the cooking fumes in the kitchen would affect children, so everyone agreed not to bring Youyou here, so For this strange environment, the baby is also curious,

Whether it is the range hood that is smoking, the stove with blue flames, the refrigerator next to it, and the chopping board that Sun Ya's subordinates make the sound of "chop chop chop", they are all completely unfamiliar to Xiao Youyou She opened her mouth wide in surprise, looking at everything here.

And Sun Ya also took time out of her busy schedule to interact with the baby, and every time she winked at Youyou, it could cause Youyou in Gu Cheng's arms to smile, and her eyes narrowed into thin lines.

In addition, the two lower teeth in the mouth have begun to take shape. Every time I smile, I will show two solitary small white teeth, not to mention how happy I look.

Lunch at noon is prepared chicken noodle soup. After working in Gu Cheng's house for so long, Sun Ya already has a little understanding of his taste, and now every meal he cooks is particularly in line with his wishes.

This has become a rather sweet worry for Gu Cheng. He can't control his appetite when he eats, but his weight shows signs of wanting to soar after eating too much. Signs of success.

Now every time he takes a shower, Gu Cheng will sigh in front of the mirror, but when it's time to eat, he can't help his desire.

It's really sweet troubles.

After enjoying the perfectly flavored chicken noodle soup, Gu Cheng touched his belly again, feeling a sense of satisfaction, and regretted the feast he had just now.

"Really, it's time to get fat again. I can't eat so much next time."

Sun Ya was holding Xiao Youyou, who was drinking milk, and she was no stranger to this situation. Almost this kind of confessional speech was performed several times a day, but when it was time to eat, these sworn promises and oaths All are forgotten.

The little baby who had finished feeding did not have any accidents, and still couldn't resist the attack of drowsiness. He successfully fell under Sun Ya's hands, and fell asleep helplessly.
Although Gu Cheng also wants to enjoy the comfort of a nap, he still has one thing to do, he can't sleep wantonly.

Since signing the manor transaction contract, Gu Cheng has entrusted Lin Bo to handle the subsequent matters. The other party is not only an old housekeeper in this industry, but his rich experience also gives him excellent ability to judge people.

On the other hand, Gu Cheng had to take care of his daughter, and was a bit powerless to intervene in these matters, so he handed over all the disposal rights to this old man who had worked in the business all his life.

However, Lin Bo was entrusted by Gu Cheng, and immediately started to work in a hurry. First, he selected some of the villagers who were familiar with him, worked hard, and had nothing wrong with him from among the villagers who were at home. They were the official workers of the manor. .

At the same time, he also found a candidate for a housekeeper. This housekeeper has always been valued by Lin Bo. The original plan was to recommend him to Father Shang to take over his job when his health became inconvenient.

But now that Gu Cheng has a need, he had no choice but to use it here first.

The housekeeper chose Su Guangliang, a native villager who had served in the army for three or four years before, and started contracting orchards after returning.

But what to say about contracting this thing depends on God’s will. Su Guangliang has technology and hard work, but God’s will seems to be absent. He contracted the orchard and invested almost all his retirement funds and family savings, but that One year is the cheapest year for fruit prices, and news of a bumper harvest is everywhere, so the price of fruits will naturally drop accordingly.

After a few years of busy work, after I settled the accounts, not only did the co-author not make any money, but also lost nearly more than 50,000.

This is really unlucky. After Su Guangliang experienced this incident, he fell into silence. He handed over the orchard to others, and lived on odd jobs on weekdays. The famine was filled.

After several years of busy work, he finally made up for it, but he also lost his original ambition, and entered the manor as an orchard consultant.

Lin Bo also heard about the other party from other people's mouths. Through observation in life, he also had an understanding of the veteran's character and character. The will to come out is also vigorous and resolute in doing things. Not only does he have means, but he also has a very good network of contacts. This is a lack of luck.

(End of this chapter)

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