I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 254 131. The website is online

Chapter 254 131. The website is online
The four people confirmed that there was nothing dirty on their bodies, so they randomly found a small hotel on the side of the road, opened a room, and then went in one by one to wash, and several people fell asleep on the same bed. Wearing wet clothes the next day, I returned to the dormitory.

This matter has almost become a black history of the four years of university. Although no outsiders know about it, the three people involved couldn't help but beat Shang Yan every time they mentioned it, to relieve their anger.

After listening to Shang Yan's narration, Li Nan also looked at him with a strange face. It was really unexpected that under Shang Yan's somewhat sloppy appearance, there was such a ghostly mind. This was a side I had never seen before.

"Are you saying that you are a bad species? It's fine if you fall in by yourself, but you also tricked all three of us into it. Really, when I think of it, I hate it so much. In order to let the three of you go up, I put my hands on it." After grinding off a layer of skin, you kid still stepped on my head."

Wang Jun said, as if he had returned to that day again, he couldn't help it, and clenched his fists.

Shang Yan also knew that what he was doing was a little unethical, so he smiled awkwardly, brought over a plate of fruit with a flattering face, and placed it beside Wang Jun, as if to make up for the mistakes he made when he was young and ignorant.

There was bursts of laughter in the living room here, and Gu Cheng and Wang Jun mercilessly told all the embarrassing things about their school days. Li Nan leaned on his chin and listened with gusto.

On the other side, Li Kui was in a frenzied rush.

Today was the day when the Weibo website was officially launched, so even though it was nine o'clock in the evening, he still didn't leave work, stuck to his post, kept an eye on the situation of the newly launched website, and was always ready to deal with emergencies.

Not only himself, but the entire company's employees knew that this was the day when the company's first product was launched, and everyone stayed in the company to witness this moment together.

The program department is on duty, monitoring the operation of the website at all times, and preparing to fix any loopholes that may appear at any time.

And the public relations department is contacting all the resources in their hands, and it is bound to publicize the news of the website through various channels, so that more netizens can know.

The customer service department is also working overtime to answer users who are using Weibo for the first time and do not know the basic functions.

And the front desk was not idle either. Although she was of little use in staying in the company, she still stayed and worked hard with everyone, bringing cups of brewed coffee to everyone's hands.

Counting it, it has been three months since the company officially started working. The work of the first two months was to build the website. With the large sum of money spent, the number of programmers has also increased a lot. Successfully built all the basic functions in one month.

In the third month, an internal test was carried out first, and some potential users who liked to surf the Internet were invited. After using it for a period of time, it was found that there were indeed many problems. After re-improvement, it was re-examined.

After confirming that it is perfect in the eyes of the company's testers, the public beta officially starts.

There is a huge LCD screen in the company hall, the data displayed on it is the number of real-time online people and the number of registered people, so that everyone in the company can clearly see the current online status of the software.

"The server is ready. I just received the notification that the top three portals in Huaguo have received our orders. They put our advertisements on the homepage as soon as possible. Take preventive measures and prepare for a wave of traffic."

The vice president put down the phone in his hand, his face was full of joy, and he arranged for the subordinates on the side.

Li Kui's expression at this time was calm and unwavering, and he couldn't see the current inner emotions, but the two hands in front of him were tightly clenched together, and the somewhat pale skin could explain his mood.

He also received a call from Shang Yan in the morning, saying that everyone was planning to go to Gu Cheng's house as a guest today, but he really couldn't leave, and he really wanted to attend this party and see his friends.

But the most important thing for him right now is the launch of the company's products. For this company, Gu Cheng and Shang Yan have offered real gold and silver to support him. As a dream, there is also Gu Cheng and Shang Yan's trust in Li Kui.

He raised his head and looked at the numbers on the screen in front of him. Now the registered number is 100,000 people, and the number of real-time online people is 9000 people. This is not enough. It is already a good start for a newly opened website, but Li Kui is not satisfied.

For today, the company has spent about 3 million on advertising, and the result he wants is not just this. He has been staring at the screen, expecting the curve to continue to rise.


The person in charge of monitoring the website traffic shouted, and immediately turned on the backup server prepared by the company. In order to welcome the arrival of today, he made preparations early, just to give users who visit their website for the first time a smooth experience.

Li Kui followed the voice and continued to focus on the screen. At the same time, all the busy people put down what they were doing and looked at the screen expectantly.

"One hundred thousand, 200,000, 300,000, 400,000, 500,000, 700,000, 800,000."

The curve continued to rise from the position of 500,000, and kept rising. When it was 600,000, it directly skipped 700,000 and reached the level of [-]. In just a few minutes, the number of registrations on the website directly doubled several times.

"Hurry up, keep working, stabilize the number, and everyone starts to move."

Li Kui looked like a frightened horse, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, he clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and greeted everyone.

"The battle has already started, and we have started to act. The goal is to keep everyone who enters our website and become our loyal user. Everyone, move, hurry up."

The lobby of the entire company instantly seemed like a calm lake was broken. Everyone began to spread out and returned to their posts. For a moment, the sound of typing on keyboards and making phone calls resounded throughout the company.

Li Kui continued to focus on the screen. As the number of registered people stayed at 800,000, the number of online people also reached about 500,000. Now most people are browsing the functions of the website. In this range, basically the website has ushered in a good start.

According to statistics, there are only 1800 million people in Huaguo currently surfing the Internet. Most of these users are elites in the society. The Internet has not yet entered thousands of households. The number of registrations of 800,000 is considered first-class. website up.

(End of this chapter)

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