I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 243 120 Literary Festival

Chapter 243 120 Literary Festival
Yu Qi has been extremely busy with work recently. On the one hand, he has to summarize the results of Gu Cheng's last book, and then apply for various awards. At the same time, he often holds meetings to discuss the progress of the other party's new book and determine the basic standards, so that he can work for the people below. The goal.

The matter of declaring awards is currently the main thing that I am busy with. For this matter, all the matters of the publishing house must be given way as soon as possible.

After all, whether it is for a publishing house or a writer, it is very necessary to have honor, which represents the recognition of the public and the affirmation of the status in the circle.

And not surprisingly, winning the award also has a great publicity effect on the books that are on sale. Literature lovers will also be curious to buy the book and watch it when they see that the book has been recognized by the jury.

At the same time, there are many busy people who have no time to pay attention to the past advertisements. They buy books for themselves by referring to the award-winning books every year.

Yu Qi once produced a writer who won the title of the best book of the year because of his outstanding literary talent. However, because of his high literary quality, most people could not understand the thoughts contained in it after buying it, so the sales volume dismal.

However, as soon as the news of the award came out, the sales volume skyrocketed immediately. The original first edition was sold out very quickly. At the same time, two editions were urgently published, which was also swept away by book fans in the market.

From the bottom of the publishing house's sales volume, it has soared all the way to the top ten of the annual best-selling list. This is the power of the award, and everyone can't help but not pay attention to it.

To put it simply, winning an award for a writer's work is almost the most important achievement in life, not only gaining fame, but also gaining money.

Once the news of the main awards is confirmed, there will be a swarm of film and television production companies to purchase the copyright of the film and television adaptation, which is truly a double gain of fame and fortune.

And because the ecological environment is relatively complete, the copyright of all works also has a rough price range. This price is not only recognized by the film and television company, but also accepted by all writers.

For example, the best work of the year, this is the top prize, and the price has to be double the price of works by second-tier writers in the past.

And some insignificant small awards, such as the best character creation award of the year and the best illustration award, will only add about 10% to the original price.

"Xiao Wang, come in."

After Yu Qi carefully reviewed the manuscripts in his computer, he felt dizzy and complained secretly in his heart.

As the editor-in-chief of the publishing house, all the works that the editor thinks are good will be handed over to him, and then there will be reasons for the recommendation of the editor-in-chief and the editor. will formally enter the publishing process,

This is also the basic workflow of the publishing house, so a large part of Yu Qi's job is to review these manuscripts. As a veteran editor who has been working for many years, he already has his own set of evaluation methods. Almost a book only needs a simple By looking at the editor's opinion and the main writing style, you can see whether it is necessary to publish this book.

Then the following staff will rate the book based on the comments of the editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief, and editor-in-chief, and finally determine the number of initial printings and publicity levels that the book can get in the publishing house.

He finished reading all the manuscripts in the mailbox today, and he is also very dissatisfied with the editors below. This is almost two weeks of manuscripts, and there are not many high-quality ones. Either the old themes are reapplied, or there are no sales. Highlight books.

When this kind of book is sold on the market, it is not bad if it can sell [-] copies a year. Although it can bring some profits to the publishing house, this profit cannot keep up with the time and energy spent by everyone.

But after thinking about it, it is also a normal phenomenon. The editors are also the big ones out of the dwarfs. Now that the good writers in the market are tied to other publishing houses with net income, it is so easy for newcomers to stand out.

And there are also some environmental problems. Since entering the new century, the development momentum of the group of writers has obviously been at a disadvantage. According to experts' guesses, with future development, young people may seldom develop the habit of reading books. , have been distracted by various electronic products, and the lower class writers are getting more and more difficult.

Of course, the writers at the upper level are almost unaffected. After all, after years of development, almost every writer has his own fixed book fan group. No matter how the book is written, just seeing the name of the writer can attract Bought by book lovers.

Secretary Xiao Wang quickly opened the door and came in. This is an immature young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses who looks like he just graduated from college, and he is also Yu Qi's recently replaced secretary.

The original secretary was assigned to another department for promotion, and Xiao Wang officially took over the other party's job.

"How is the matter of the interrogation that I asked you to pay attention to last time?"

Yu Qi pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers, soothing his tired eyes from watching the computer just now, and asked Xiao Wang on the side.

"Editor-in-Chief, the materials have already been submitted to the jury. I delivered them to the place myself. I checked them several times before departure. There is nothing missing, so don't worry."

Yu Qi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the other party's words. This matter is also a matter that the entire publishing house is extremely concerned about. After all, since the author left ten years ago, the entire publishing house has continued until now, and has not published another one. The first signed writer who can win the title of best writer of the year.

Now that the publishing house has finally had Gu Cheng, the person who turned the tide, appear, and the results of the entire publishing house last quarter have once again entered the top five of Huaguo Publishing House. If the other party wins this award again, Haohan Publishing House's Rebirth is even more overwhelming.

It is now July, and every August is the month that the entire Huaguo writers and publishers pay the most attention to, and the annual selection is held in this month.

Moreover, this grand event is led by the government, and there will be almost no favoritism. If the judges of the conference are old with the shortlisted writers, they will withdraw from the selection of judges.

The fairness and justice of this literary festival is guaranteed to the greatest extent.

The judges are all selected by writers and writers who have already sealed their pens, and the competition is completely based on the writing, and the achievements and backgrounds are not considered.

If there are no outstanding works this year, then the award will be vacant. This kind of thing has happened quite a few times in the hundreds of years since it was held.

(End of this chapter)

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