Chapter 228 105. Trade City

At the same time, he clarified Gu Cheng's identity. Although he is in charge of this company, the boss behind it is Gu Cheng, who has invested a lot of real money. Besides, he is still his benefactor. I may still be dawdling in the sales office in a daze.

These kindnesses cannot be forgotten, so it is natural to point out the identity of the boss, no matter how many times Gu Cheng comes here, I have to have a clear conscience.

Here Gu Cheng returned to the car, turned on the air conditioner immediately, half-stretched his body, insisted on squatting for a while, and only sat down at ease after touching the seat with his hand and it became cooler.

In such a hot summer, it would be a disaster to just sit on the seat with one buttocks, and it might burn your soul out of your body.

He is a man who has suffered such a loss, so naturally he will not stumble twice on the same rock.

After cooling off in the car and drying off the sweat from being scared by Sun Wei just now, he began to prepare to leave.

"This woman is really getting more and more presumptuous. It's really a headache."

Gu Cheng muttered, making up his mind that if it wasn't really a last resort, he would definitely not come to a real estate agency. He has bluntly rejected Sun Wei many times, and he is really not in the mood to find a partner now, so in order not to delay the other party, thank you Her likes and favors.

But in Sun Wei's words, it's rare for me to meet a man who can be tempted, so naturally I don't want to let go easily. She simply doesn't have the urgency to start a relationship now, so she lets herself continue to pursue Gu Cheng until he changes his mind. .

Of course, it is not ruled out that she changes her mind midway, if she meets a more suitable one, she will also change her mind, these have nothing to do with Gu Cheng.

The other party has said so, what else can Gu Cheng do, he is not the kind of scumbag who does not accept, refuses, and is not responsible, but when encountering such a stubborn woman, there is really no other way. You can hope that the passage of time can change the other person's mind.

After starting the car, Gu Cheng's next stop is not to go home, he is going to go shopping in the trade city, he still has an important task when he comes out today.

As Youyou's body grows bigger and bigger, he has basically mastered the skill of turning over. The car he bought before can no longer satisfy the other party's curiosity to explore the world.

He has discovered more than once that every time Youyou turned over, he was stuck against the wooden fence of the small bed. Once he was hindered, Xiao Youyou began to babble for help.

So in the next step, Gu Cheng plans to move his daughter's resting area to his own big bed. In order to make himself sleep more comfortable, he bought a big bed that was 2 meters by 2 meters.

This is already an exaggerated big bed on the market. The common double bed is 1.8m*2m, so it is enough for little Youyou to toss about. athletic ability.

Turning over and over, sitting down and climbing up and down are all manageable, and after yesterday's observation, Gu Cheng felt that he would not overwhelm his daughter, so this worry disappeared.

But there is still a hidden danger in sleeping on a big bed, that is, there are no obstacles around, what if Xiao Youyou rolls out of the bed after having so much fun, this is a terrible problem, after all, the distance between the bed and the ground is still very high Yes, plus children have always been fearless.

Although a thick blanket had been laid on the floor, it was still not safe, so Gu Cheng had to find another way.

Sun Ya came up with a great idea, that is to buy a mosquito net, the mosquito net can surround the surroundings, once the zipper is closed, the child will not be able to roll down no matter what, and the mosquito net will stop the child when he climbs to the edge of the bed Yes, this is a great way, and Sun Ya's family also did this before, and they have always lived in peace.

Gu Cheng also thought about it, indeed, this is a good idea with no future troubles, so today his purpose is to buy mosquito nets, and he really doesn't know where to go to buy these things for a while, Sun Ya suggested to go to the trade city to see Look.

The trade city is a relatively old gathering place for vendors in Zhou City. Here, you can buy almost everything, such as cheap clothes, daily household items, bedding, and home decorations, you can find corresponding shops.

This is also the favorite place for Zhoushi women to shop, because they can always find cheap and useful practical items, and every time they come here, it feels like Taobao.

The car set off towards the trade city, Gu Cheng glanced at the time, it was just past eleven o'clock, hurry up and get things done, just in time to go home for lunch.

Not far from the trade city, Gu Cheng found an empty seat, and immediately parked his car, locked the doors and windows, and walked into the trade city.

The outer wall of the trade city has fallen off, because the people facing it are all civilians, so the owner of this building didn't bother to repair it. Gu Cheng rubbed his chin and looked around. With the development of the times, sooner or later, this place will become demolition. The lot, if it is won now, it must be a good investment direction.

However, there is still a lot of traffic in the trade city. It is not so easy to take down this building before seeing the disadvantages. Others are not fools and are willing to sell their golden eggs, so this idea is only in the After going through it in my mind, Gu Cheng regretfully dismissed it.

Because the flow of people here is the largest in the city, whether it is office workers or the elderly nearby, the favorite place to shop is here, so many small vendors also took advantage of the timing and set up stalls at the door. Not to mention snacks, the business is really good.

When Gu Cheng was a reporter before, he had interviewed the vendors here, so he naturally knew something about it. As long as he occupies a booth here, he can easily earn 400,000 yuan a year without talking about anything else.

So don't underestimate those vendors who sell snacks in the square. Although they are not dressed so brightly, their annual income may be higher than your salary for three or four years.

Gu Cheng rushed into the crowd, listening to Zhou Shi's familiar accent next to his ear, and followed the trend to buy some cold drinks to relieve the heat.

With a bowl of ice powder in his hand, he walked slowly while looking at the surrounding shops, his body's hotness also followed the cold drink, and he became refreshed.

"Hey, boss, is there anywhere that sells mosquito nets around here?"

Gu Cheng walked for a while, and all he saw were clothes sellers, the kind of looser clothes worn by grandpas and aunts. He was really tired of shopping, so he was in a hurry to go home for dinner, so he simply asked The owner of the nearby merchant.

(End of this chapter)

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