I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2060 1935 Optimistic Wei Wei

It was not until later that I found a candidate who seemed to be a good candidate. After six months of contact, the two began to gradually establish a relationship. They continued to get along for another year and a half, and it was confirmed that the two people had perfected each other. Their personalities and views are also relatively consistent, and too many conflicts will not happen in life before they can completely let go and start preparing for the wedding.

In fact, according to Jiang Ning's usual habits, if a member of an ordinary club gets married, he will also give a gift. However, most of the gifts will not be grand and will be delivered to him personally. Sometimes, he may Choose to let others transfer it for you.

But it was because he and Weiwei had a relatively good relationship that he insisted on delivering it in person. On the one hand, he wanted to express his wish for blessings, and on the other hand, he might also want to understand the other person's attitude. How do you feel psychologically before marriage?

"Oh, it's such a shame that you can't be my bridesmaid."

After hearing the other party's reply, Weiwei pursed her lips without even concealing it. She still looked extremely disappointed. He had always been like this. This was the main reason why Jiang Ning was willing to date him for a long time. After all, for a girl who puts all her thoughts on her face, it seems that no one can refuse the kindness and friendship expressed by the other.

"It doesn't matter, even if I can't be your bridesmaid, it's still the same. How have you set the date? I will definitely prepare to attend in advance."

He patted the back of the other person's hand comfortingly, hoping to use this action to comfort the other person's loss a little bit, but fortunately, the other person's character has always been a heartless person, and he lived as if he was happy. Like the little sheep, all the worries and troubles will not trap him for too long.

"Oh, don't mention it. I'm so busy every day during this period that I'm exhausted. I have to take wedding photos, choose a date, discuss the specific wedding venue, and discuss which guests to entertain. Later, I was really annoyed, so I left all these things to my mother to deal with. I came here to play mahjong every day these days, maybe because I was getting married soon and I had better luck. But I won a lot of money, otherwise you don’t want to go back tonight, how about we go shopping with me and eat?”

Mentioning the tedious things she has experienced during this period, Weiwei's head feels heavy. Maybe all people who get married have to go through this kind of step. At the same time of anxious anticipation and panic, most of the emotions may have to be put in front of them. One thing after another was washed away.

If he was still very interested at the beginning, but when all the things were dealt with one after another until it became too annoying, he had lost interest in continuing to work on this matter. Fortunately, there are parents at home who can help each other solve these matters, so there is no problem.

It was precisely with this kind of person who could blame him that he finally got some breathing time. He called his best friend in advance and made an invitation. This was also the main reason why the two of them were able to meet in this club.

"Today, not today. I already told you when I went out that I have to go home tonight for dinner. You can't break your promise to others. Otherwise, you should have nothing to do tomorrow. Let's make an appointment tomorrow. How about it? I just have a day off tomorrow, and the company doesn’t have much to do, so I can just play all day long.”

Perhaps it was also because he had been suppressed for so long during this period, Weiwei felt like an elf who couldn't wait to be released. If you want to run freely on the streets, want to be unscrupulous, and do whatever you like, as long as you don't let yourself go back to that troubled feeling, that's enough. "Okay, by the way, I haven't seen you for a long time and you haven't called me. I don't know how your life is going. Why didn't you bring the baby here today? I miss him. "

Speaking of this issue, Weiwei actually complained a little about Jiang Ning. After all, it seemed that since the two got acquainted, as long as she did not take the initiative to send invitations and inquiries to Jiang Ning, the other party would never call her back. In personal friendships, it seems that I have always been the one taking the initiative, and the other party responds to all of my overtures.

Although she knew that this was his normal personality, as a best friend, she always wanted to be the only exception for him.

After hearing the other party's inquiry, Jiang Ning touched his nose in embarrassment. He had to admit that this might be something he had done wrong. His circle of friends had always been relatively small, so he didn't have too many habits. , and kept in touch with friends. He always felt that if two people called, they must have something to communicate. If there was nothing or just chatting, it would be too much of a waste of time.

In addition, I may be quite busy with work during this period, so I focus more on my family in my spare time after work. Instead of talking about some unintelligible things, it is better to sit at home quietly, read your favorite books and reminisce about your favorite TV series for a while.

"My company is quite busy during this period, and I am anxious to expand to surrounding provinces and cities. By the way, have you used any of the cosmetics I asked people to hand over to you? They are all new products released by our company. Do you have any comments at any time? You can tell me that you were supposed to take the baby out with you today, but he was watching TV series at home and didn’t want to go out. So he didn’t take it with him. However, some time ago, the baby asked about you, saying that he has a nice smile. Why hasn't Aunt met him? Remember the last time you gave him a cake."

I don't know if it's because she's getting married soon, but Weiwei feels particularly fond of the baby every time she sees her. She even fantasizes about whether her baby will be as cute as her after she gets married and has children.

And because the other party has a kind heart when interacting with others, the child also has a very deep memory of this aunt with an extraordinarily sweet smile. Sometimes, when Wei Wei is communicating with the baby, Jiang Ning would subconsciously feel as if the people standing in front of him were two people of about the same age.

After listening to the other party's explanation, although she was not satisfied, Weiwei could only nod her head, and the two began to chat about their experiences during this period, mainly focusing on Weiwei's period. That uneasy feeling.

After all, if you don’t share these things with your best friends, there doesn’t seem to be many people to talk to. It’s always hard to fully tell these little thoughts to your parents, and it seems hard to tell your partner about them. Psychological condition, so Jiang Ning's appearance can be regarded as giving him a way and direction to vent to a certain extent. (End of chapter)

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