I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2056 The Sufferings of the Rich Class in 1931

In the past, I might have endured my nausea and tried my best to flatter myself when participating in such occasions, but since I got together with Gu Cheng, this situation has changed. Although the other person is a single dad, he may become a The object of everyone's discussion, but behind the scenes, almost everyone is extremely envious of their current situation.

The main reason has a lot to do with the current strength that Gu Cheng has. A woman may spend most of her life attached to the identity and background of others. This situation abounds, except for those who are naturally strong women. In addition, this is the case for most people's lives and entire lives.

When you are not yet an adult, the people you are attached to will be your father and your family. When you become an adult, to a certain extent, your face and the respect you gain may be the same as those of your husband. It has a lot to do with it. If you want to be respected by others in old age, it may be linked to your son's achievements to some extent.

As a well-deserved young Kangjun figure in the current literary world, Gu Cheng has great energy and status in society. It's not as simple as what the other party is showing now. You have to know that although he has always maintained the habit of never leaving home, and he wants to take root and grow mushrooms at home, he often keeps in touch by writing letters. , as well as the fact that there are too many new writers who respect and admire him in the literary world, and the fact that the other party relies on the current literary tycoons are all a manifestation of the other party's strength.

Even the energy possessed by the other party has penetrated into the branches of the entire world. To give a very simple example, screenwriters in the film and television industry are a category of literati. Journalists in the media field are a category of literati. Broadly speaking, directors, producers, actors, and hosts are all detailed branches of literati.

In such a world and era where literature is particularly respected, the power of a literati will far exceed people's imagination. They have even become a class and a collective. Anyone who dares to provoke their class will be severely punished. Fight back with fierce means.

Even those seemingly glamorous businessmen would vaguely express their respect when meeting literati. When a businessman wants to have a broader social status, he must move closer to the literati class. There are even quite a few Jushangs who have more or less foundations under their names. In addition to playing a certain social charity role and supporting poor people and children, these foundations also use more power to support those who have passed the exam. It's not the result of a literati who is too wishy-washy.

After all, the power of a businessman may only be limited to a short period of time, but when a literati can really reach a certain height, he may really become immortal.

It is precisely because of this that because of his partner's status as a literary man, his self-made ability, and his huge power and followers in the literary world, he has become the focus of the party, even when he was originally facing him. The ladies who were at odds with each other also began to lower their status and bring themselves closer. To give a very simple example, in the past, if my best friends who were not far or close to each other got married, I would simply give them gifts. It's enough, but now the other party is calling in person, inviting her over and over again, and must ask her to arrive at the scene to add luster to her engagement ceremony.

The main purpose is to take advantage of this opportunity to establish a relatively good friendship with myself, so that I can ask for help when I encounter any problems in the future, and there is a certain kind of literary person in my circle of friends. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as adding luster to one's social status.

I changed my clothes, took my handbag and car keys, and watched everyone's eyes farewell all the way to the underground parking lot. Because the occasion I need to participate in today is to show my sharp and superior side, so He also rarely drove his sports car again. After all, in comparison, his boyfriend's SUV may look very gorgeous, but it is not as eye-catching as he imagined.

He started the car and skillfully navigated the street where the office area was located, heading towards a place he was already familiar with. Maybe they are also worried about what kind of impact their actions will have on their families, so gatherings of celebrities like theirs are usually held in relatively private private clubs.

There may be many people who misunderstand the level and class they are currently in. I have always thought that people like them, who live without worries about food and clothing, should live very wantonly every day, and even achieve absolute freedom to a certain extent, but in fact, things are far from as simple as imagined.

The higher the status of a person, the more they need to pay attention to their words and deeds, and life may even feel like a layer of shackles. Sometimes even the words, deeds, and appearance shown outside require a dedicated team to create. , you must know that these traditional families are basically the children of CEOs of various listed companies. To a certain extent, their family's wealth is always closely related to the performance of the stock market.

The wrong words and deeds of a second-generation rich man, or his arrogance and domineering exposure to the public will lead to a serious decline in the trust of shareholders in the company. After all, how can a person who can't even manage his own children be inclined to the other party? Show talent in business?

This situation has occurred several times before, such as the rich second generation acting arrogantly and arrogantly in the downtown area. When this news was reported, the stock price of the other party's property began to decline seriously, shrinking by as much as 1/3 from its original market value. Of course, this is not the final result. You must know that the shopping mall is like a battlefield, and the other party has exposed its flaws. , how could the other jackals who had been waiting nearby for a long time let go of this opportunity so easily, swarming up and taking advantage of the opponent's weakness to pursue the victory.

In the end, after a series of business methods, the company's market value was only about 1/3 after stabilization. At the same time, due to the chain impact of the stock market, the company's area was also surrounded and suppressed by several companies, and was lost. It has conquered many markets, and since then the company has plummeted. It has become a lonely business company from the star giant level that was originally sought after by the market, and even squeezed into the third-rate class.

Unless you encounter a lucky opportunity in the future that can make your company shine again, there should not be much possibility for the other party to regain its previous position, and this kind of opportunity has always been possible. Even if you get the opportunity again, it will take a long time to gain the recognition of investors. In terms of difficulty, it is no less difficult than starting a business again.

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