I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2053 The Great Demon King of 1928

I finished my breakfast slowly, cleaned up all the garbage in the house, and then put it into a big garbage bag, ready to throw it away when I went downstairs. I also asked if there was anything at home that needed to be replenished. I planned to do some shopping on the way home. After receiving the specific items I needed, I returned to the bedroom to finish putting on makeup. With a refreshed attitude, I was ready to go to the company to work.

This seems to have become an indispensable routine for Jiang Ning during this period of time, but sometimes he feels particularly fond of this ordinary life.

When it comes to matters of love and life, he has never wanted grandeur and frequent surprises. Instead, he believes that this kind of plainness is the true meaning and daily routine of life. Individuals may have different perceptions of many issues due to their living environment. This may also be a major reason why he and Gu Cheng are more harmonious.

After a long time, the time spent on makeup was almost half an hour. Maybe in the eyes of girls, they always hope that they can be more perfect. Just drawing on the eyebrows has been messed up several times in a row. It is not until they draw the look that they particularly like in front of the mirror that they stop. .

After dawdling with makeup for a while, he still didn't stop. Instead, he opened the wardrobe and prepared to choose some clothes suitable for today's trip. The size and area of ​​the wardrobe in the entire room can be said to be the largest in size and area, no matter how big it is. Each other's are baby clothes.

Don’t underestimate girls’ desire for clothes. And although the baby is young, he has a variety of clothes at home. In addition to some new clothes that have not been disassembled, the ordinary clothes that are changed daily also occupy several cabinets.

The only one who seems a little pitiful is Gu Cheng. Not only does he not have his own special wardrobe, but all the clothes in the wardrobe may not even be used in one cabinet. You must know that the wardrobe in the bedroom is responsible for storing clothes. There are four big ones.

On the one hand, this reason is because boys actually don’t care much about clothes. As long as they can cover the body, it’s enough. But for girls, even if there are enough clothes at home, they still don’t have to worry about clothes. Every now and then, I will choose a suitable time to go to the clothing street for a walk to see if there are any new ones or styles that I like.

There are even some clothes that are more popular this year, but when another trend becomes popular next year, these clothes will be pushed to the bottom of the box. Gu Cheng had been very confused and puzzled before. If a girl has so many clothes, how can she wear them all?

In his opinion, he only needs three sets of clothes to change back and forth throughout the summer, which is enough, even. The clothes I washed today didn't even have to wait until the early morning of the third day and the second day to dry them. I just put them on directly. If I were more careful, maybe two clothes would be enough to change.

But there are still some differences in cognition for girls. They always believe that they should dress up differently for different occasions, and some tops are also suitable for dressing up with certain pants. They even have their own preferences for shoes, makeup, and their own accessories. Strict requirements, but sometimes I will choose other clothes to match my earrings.

After dressing herself up to be more business-oriented and standing in front of the mirror, I saw that I unconsciously had the aura of a strong woman, and then I nodded with satisfaction. For myself, the main purpose of going out today is to go to work in the company. Sometimes, even though I am very charming, when facing such occasions, I still have to be tougher, so that I can be convinced. His subordinates enhance his majesty, which is also his consistent dressing habit. "Okay, I'm leaving. You two, don't be naughty at home. Baby, come and give Auntie a hug and a kiss. How about I bring you delicious bread when I come back in the evening?"

Before leaving the house, he gave special instructions and looked very well-behaved. The father and daughter sitting on the sofa could be said to have a very thorough understanding of their tempers and personalities, even though the other party seemed to have an expression on their face at this moment. They looked dignified and solemn, but they knew clearly that as soon as they walked out of the door, the two of them would let themselves go and have fun.

Facing the other party's instructions, whether it was Gu Cheng or Bao Baobao, they both nodded with complete understanding, and even pretended to look intently, hoping to use this appearance to confuse the other party.

In the hearts of father and daughter, Jiang Ning's existence can undoubtedly be regarded as the role of the big devil in their mutual recognition. On the one hand, it's because Jiang Ning usually has a rather stern personality. When he encounters two people who act recklessly, he will immediately reprimand them mercilessly when he lets himself go. This kind of reprimand is not just for children, Gu Cheng is the main bearer of firepower.

For example, Gu Cheng likes to put his feet on the sofa and coffee table, which is not allowed in Jiang Ning's eyes. Gu Cheng sometimes feels a little boring while reading, and eating some snacks won't do it. I followed the specific rules too much. I threw the melon seed skins and packaging skins on the ground and waited for myself to finish. I then picked them up after reading.

Sometimes I like to procrastinate. For example, I know it’s almost time to put away the clothes hanging outside, but because I’m lazy, I don’t want to do it immediately. I will procrastinate for a few hours, and then wait until the day is almost over. Only when it gets dark will I take my time to deal with these things.

There are too many similar things. Sometimes I forget to flush the toilet. Sometimes I take a shower in the bathroom and forget to wipe the water off the floor. Sometimes I open the bedroom window. When I was there, I didn't tidy up the bed where I was curled up in a ball.

Although it may seem that the other party is a bit harsh and even brings his attitude in the company to his home, Gu Cheng actually does not have any unhappy or strange or repulsive thoughts because he clearly knows that he is a People who don't have much stance or don't have much perseverance may turn their lives into a mess if they don't have someone to care for and guide them in life.

It is precisely because of the other party's sternness that his home always looks in order, and he has developed a relatively good living habit, and his whole person does not appear so sloppy and casual.

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