I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2044: The mood changes drastically in 1919

The Law of True Fragrance can be said to be vividly reflected in him. He returned to the bedroom and changed into more refreshing clothes. His whole image suddenly changed, and he even seemed to have returned to the kind of eye-catching, handsome and outstanding person. You look extraordinary.

After the image changed, his mood also improved a lot. He hummed a tune that he couldn't pronounce and walked back to the living room at a leisurely pace. He took the novel he had just finished and returned to the study.

Taking advantage of the situation, I randomly picked out a book on the wall that I had not read. It seemed that the title was quite good. I planned to use this novel to pass the time next.

Although anyone who enters his room and sees the bookcases in his study, the first feeling is that it is extremely spectacular. Another thought is that there may be some problems with the placement. How can there be a wall with several empty books? One wall, and the other wall is not full. According to normal people's logic, it should be arranged in an orderly manner according to levels.

But in fact, this way of placement is due to Gu Cheng's own unique skills. For example, there are empty books on one side and empty books on the other. The bookcases are filled with works that he has not read, but the other wall is not full. It is a collection of works that I have seen. It can be said that although this wall does not seem to be full, there are already several layers of them, and I have read almost every one of them.

In addition, I often maintain the habit of purchasing new books from time to time. At the same time, I also receive sample books from literary friends. Even the publishing house often compiles the works that their publishing house thinks are good this year and publishes them. Mail it as a gift package to yourself for appreciation and evaluation.

Therefore, these empty positions are often replenished, and the speed of reading books cannot match the speed of adding. This leads to the possibility that the front wall is full, and even some places have accumulated, while the other wall It hasn't been filled yet.

However, after moving to a new home, he may have another way of planning his study. For now, it is better to keep this habit, so that he can always find books he has not read, or which books he has already read. , and put it in another collection.

Of course, in addition to the hygiene on the floor and countertop in his study, neither Sun Ya nor Jiang Ning would take the initiative to sort or touch these books, because they had been told by Gu Cheng before that they had their own habits and rules for placing books. , once it is messed up, it may take you a long time to rearrange it.

In their opinion, this may be a unique quirk of the writer's profession, but compared to other people's quirks, Gu Cheng is already relatively normal. After all, some writers have been read in those newspapers because of If you are unable to write a work for a long time, you will choose to run naked or swim naked or other jaw-dropping ways to vent. There are even many people who have made great achievements in literature, and they have some unspeakable habits.

After all, the writer's profession has always been about suicide as a romantic way to realize one's own spiritual and literary values, so it is understandable that the other person's way of thinking is somewhat different from ordinary people.

After holding the new work and walking out of the study with anticipation, Gu Cheng was about to find a corner where he could bask in the sun without feeling too hot, and continue to immerse himself in the wonderful world of the work. At a glance, he saw his daughter who was busy doing something in front of the sofa.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm playing." It was just a normal exchange at first. Seeing that his daughter was particularly happy playing by herself, Gu Cheng didn't pay any more attention to her. But just when he was about to withdraw his gaze, he suddenly realized that something was not good. His daughter's hand was stained with something dark, which looked particularly dazzling under the sun. He immediately dropped his hand. He stands up to take a closer look or prepare to replenish the other party with some ingredients, so that the other party can continue to maintain a quiet atmosphere and continue to maintain this delicate sense of balance between the two people.

"What's in your hands?"

As Gu Cheng said that, he took his daughter's little hand. He was still careless at first, but after he really saw it clearly, he suddenly felt that his heart was not calm. One after another, anger surged from his heart to his heart. His mind and even his originally good mood were ruined a lot.

"What are you playing at? Why are your hands stained with so much ink? You are drawing on the table again. Give me the pen."

At the beginning, his tone could be considered calm, but when he saw clearly the irregular lines that his daughter drew on his coffee table, his tone could almost be described as severe.

After taking his daughter away from the crime scene and looking at the patterns on the table in front of him, Gu Cheng suddenly felt as if the nerves in his head were about to break. He even stood there, not knowing what kind of method to use. Emotions to deal with.

Although I had basic psychological expectations before, I even encouraged and welcomed this situation with an understanding attitude. After all, children like to draw everywhere, which is also a way to express their painting talent, and this kind of painting This method can vividly display the childlike perspective and world of the other person. If you continue to cultivate it for a long time, you may really have the possibility to develop into a painter.

He is happy to see children develop their interests, hobbies or talents. He has even thought about enrolling him in a painting class when he is not so busy with studies when he goes to kindergarten. Let the other party find a correct guidance and development direction for their interests and hobbies.

Because I really don’t have any talent for painting, even the scripts and basic images I drew for the animation company were extremely intense. I still had to stand on the spot and guide the artist, and repair them step by step to achieve my own impression and image. The image in your mind.

Precisely because I do not have this kind of talent, I am quite lucky that my daughter has such hobbies and interests. Adults always add things to their children that they are not good at or are interested in, but cannot do. I hope that the other party can fulfill their expectations, and they will also give this kind of action an excuse to say that it is better to do better than the past.

But it does not mean that I hope that my daughter can use her talents without limit or even restraint at home. In order to prevent the other party from causing too much damage to the walls or floors of her home, she has to clean up these things. The aftermath.

He even went to a special store to buy a lot of paintbrushes used by children, such as crayons, which are easier to clean. For example, the water pen itself is just a pen tube with water in it, but under the influence of special drugs Able to outline colorful patterns on white paper.

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