I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2040 The End of 1915 and Returning Home

What I need to face and deal with next is the company's expense reporting work for various departments. In addition to the indispensable office supplies that need to be purchased every month, there are also many areas that require financial support. Approval is required. Without your signature, the financial department will not approve funds arbitrarily. This can ensure that its jurisdiction over the entire company is 10 points tight, and also reduce corruption and embezzlement.

Regarding this kind of corruption and embezzlement, it may not be possible to eliminate it in many companies. There will always be some ways in which the company's internal employees can make profits. This kind of thing is not possible even at the national level. There is no way to completely prevent it.

In order to minimize the occurrence of these things and to have a clear conscience as much as possible, Li Kui maintains a high degree of vigilance on these matters. In addition to requiring his signature for every funding approval, he also maintains that every reply must be signed. Every six months, an external audit department will be invited to the company to scrutinize the accounts.

After all, the company's self-examination will always lead to the situation of deception, but the external audit department does not have such similar worries. The two parties themselves are in a state of strangers, and the other party itself is known for its fairness and credibility. As my foundation, I can ensure that there will be no mistakes when conducting inventory.

My two friends have completely handed over the management rights of the entire company to themselves. As the person in charge of the company, I need to be responsible for the rights and interests of the two shareholders. In addition, the company is about to reach the stage of listing, so it pays more attention and caution to financial aspects.

For a listed company, the company's financial problems are absolutely inevitable. In the case of a scandal or even serious scandal, it may lead to a serious decline in the entire company's stock price, which has an indirect impact on the company's trust and trust in the hearts of shareholders. Degree of popularity.

Therefore, the entire company and even all senior executives are extremely careful and cautious about the company's financial issues. After all, if any problems arise during the self-examination, the department head needs to bear the primary responsibility and may even lose his or her job. In serious cases, economic crimes may be involved.

If it were an ordinary company, this kind of thing might not pose much of a threat, but at this moment, Weibo Company is more like a train running at a high speed and running in time. No one with a ticket is willing to get off the bus easily at this time. Not only will it have a great impact on their own interests, but they will also lose all their previous efforts and hard work.

Compared with yesterday, today's work may seem a little simpler and easier. After approving all the documents, I refreshed everything on hand again and found that there was really not much work, so I stood up. Stretched.

At this moment, the time has almost reached around 6 pm. Compared with the work that ends close to late at night every day, today is undoubtedly a lot easier.

Looking back and observing the work situation outside, many departments in the company have reached the end of working hours. Most of the successful return home are only those important departments. Maybe the matters at hand have not been completed yet, so they spontaneously extended the working time. .

In fact, from Li Kui's perspective, he is not too in favor of this kind of uncontrolled overtime, and he does not regard overtime as proof and honor of his counterpart's hard work. He has always been a fan of it, and he has named and expressed his attitude more than once in meetings, that is, he advocates that all employees should not get off work at all times. There is a need to work overtime. Today's work is done today. According to everyone's work ability, basically the tasks assigned by superiors can be completed within one day. Even if the results cannot be produced for a while, there is no need to waste your private entertainment time. Ask to stay in the company.

If overtime work really occurs in the company, then it will obviously only express one attitude, that is, your work efficiency is too low and inferior compared to other colleagues.

And the reason why I work overtime has always been because I am not a graduate in the economics and management industries. He knows only a little about business, and he knows that he can only improve his work efficiency by working overtime.

Precisely because I came from the position of an employee, I can actually grasp everyone's needs very accurately. I believe that no employee in the world will like the behavior of superiors and leaders asking for overtime without any reason. If you were given too many tasks in the previous episode, or you have been working overtime for a week in a row, then it may be the superior's task distribution strategy. It is not too reasonable, so it is also recommended that employees can raise their own questions in a timely manner and make corresponding adjustments.

It is precisely because of this that people who can get off work on time within the entire company will undoubtedly receive the envious eyes and unanimous admiration of everyone. If the other person is able to get off work on time, it means that he has done far more work than he should have done during the working time, and those who work overtime are equated with those who have low work efficiency, even if the overtime hours are too long If you are young, you may be questioned by your superiors and looked at with surprise by your colleagues.

After tidying up the slightly messy items in my office, I sorted out all the approved documents and put them on my secretary’s desk. When the other party goes to work the next day, he will get these approvals as soon as possible. All good documents are transferred to each department, and then the needs of the other party for the new day are collected and placed on their own desk, and then they are arranged according to priority.

After cleaning up the office, he took his luggage and got into the elevator with a relaxed and happy mood. He would not be idle while in the elevator. He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to his girlfriend. , prepare to invite the other party to have dinner together tonight.

He has never felt that it is rare for him to get off work early. He should be able to enjoy his quiet life at home. In his own life, work needs to be managed carefully, and the same goes for relationships.

Don't take all the woman's contributions for granted. Relationships require mutual contributions from both parties. Once the other party has any free time, they will choose to reunite with you, and you need to maintain the same attitude and seize the opportunity. Every time we can get together, we have a heartfelt relationship with each other. Only in this kind of mutual cooperation and mutual understanding of the emotional state can we go on for a long time and persist.

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