I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2033 1908 Baby’s extra meals

When it comes to the discussion of this issue, Gu Cheng feels as if he has become a different person inside and out. On the one hand, he has suffered complaints and resentment from his daughter, and on the other hand, he cannot stand up to his girlfriend, who is also complaining about the actions he has taken. The measures and means are too drastic.

After finally appeasing his girlfriend's grievances against him, he felt particularly regretful after the other party walked out of the study. He had known that he would have left this problem at home to deal with it, and he would not have to suffer too much complaints. Although my starting point is good, when it comes to the actual discussion, it seems that the entire responsibility lies with me.

He closed the game interface where battles were still taking place on the computer screen and lay down on his chair distractedly, thinking for a while. Then he quietly walked out of the study while his girlfriend was busy, and lay at the door of the bedroom to take a look at his daughter's sleep.

I don’t know if it is because he is too aggrieved that he can see clearly. Even though he has fallen asleep, there is still a trace of grievance between the baby’s eyebrows. At the same time, the swelling of the eyes has not been completely eliminated, and the eye circles can be clearly seen. Ruddy all around.

In addition, the skin on the face on both sides of the nose has become inexplicably dry due to excessive tears. The whole person's sleeping position was curled up into a ball, making him look very insecure.

Seeing this situation, Gu Cheng felt particularly entangled and regretful in his heart. It seems that when educating children, you don't need to stick to your own position to achieve good results. Sometimes attitude also needs to be paid special attention to. . After all, children will never be able to compete with adults in terms of their ability to accept and withstand psychological stress.

Quietly closing the door, with such complicated emotions, Gu Cheng returned to his study. This incident also taught him a good lesson. If similar things happen again in the future, he must Pay attention to methods and methods. Although the starting point is good, it does not mean that your approach will definitely achieve good results.

Because the baby needs supplementary sleep, and because it is close to lunch, the other party will definitely miss lunch if nothing else happens. However, this matter is not too difficult to solve in the eyes of the traffic police. Children do not have to follow a fixed time for eating. They can cook a bowl of wontons for the baby when he wakes up. If this doesn't allow the other person to make up for the missed lunch, you can also add a meal of milk powder to the other person in the evening.

Naturally, Jiang Ning and Gu Cheng had lunch at noon. I wonder if they were affected by this incident, so Jiang Ning and Gu Cheng didn't have much appetite, so they just cooked a bowl of noodles for lunch, even if it was in a hurry. solution.

After finishing the lunch issue and both of them having eaten and drank enough, Jiang Ning returned to the bedroom and lay next to the baby. While giving the other person enough sense of security through patting, she also took advantage of this Allow yourself to catch up on some sleep during the break.

The baby slept for a long time, from about 11 am to 3:30 pm. When he woke up from his dream, he glanced at his surroundings in confusion. When he saw the face of his aunt in front of him, his worried mood completely relaxed.

He let out a big yawn, and he had not yet broken out of the state of being well-slept. He insisted on closing his eyes and prepared to re-enter the sleep state, but the sound he just made had already woken up the alert Jiang Ning from his sleep.

"Hey, the baby is awake. Are you hungry?"

Seeing the confused look in the other person's eyes, Jiang Ning also hugged the other person in his arms. He didn't know if it was because of the sleep supplement. He didn't seem to be affected by what happened in the morning. Apart from the look of confusion and lack of sleep, there weren't many other negative emotions on his face. "Hmm~"

While yawning, I responded to my aunt's question. I have to say that except for breakfast, I haven't eaten much until now. You must know that crying consumes not only your mind, but also your physical strength.

The mind and spirit can be replenished through sleep, but physical consumption can only be replenished by eating.

If he hadn't asked, he might not have reacted too much, but as soon as his aunt asked him, he felt his stomach became flat. The hunger has become unbearable.

"Then let's get up, okay? I'll cook you some wontons when you get up."

Compared with milk powder, Jiang Ning actually feels that food can provide more energy and absorb more nutrients. Therefore, in the process of raising babies, milk powder has become an auxiliary existence, and the highlight is Children's diet.

If you are busy, you may choose to supplement with milk powder when the other person feels hungry, but since you don't have much to do, you might as well start making a meal for your baby.

He nodded his head obediently. I don't know whether it was because he had just woken up or was in a bad mood that had not been fully evaporated. The baby did not have much desire to talk and expressed his needs by nodding.

With a gentle voice, he asked the baby to stand up, changed his clothes, put on his shoes, and finished washing his face. After doing this, the other party sat obediently on the sofa, waiting for the aunt to prepare delicious food, while focusing on the TV.

In the process of busy work, Jiang Ning will naturally allocate part of his energy to observe the baby's state at this moment. It has to be said that there may be some benefits to children's memory not being so strong. At least when encountering some things, they will not It would be too vindictive, and the way the baby looks at this moment. It makes people feel as if they have been freed from the problems of the morning, and have even forgotten those bad memories.

Because the family had similar reserves in advance to deal with such emergencies, Jiang Ning cooked the wontons relatively quickly. After boiling water in a special children's rice cooker, Jiang Ning cooked the wontons. Go in, and when it comes out of the pot, don't forget to order some seasonings to enrich the taste. Of course, it's essential and it will be embellished with some high-end shrimp skin that you bought specially.

After adding two drops of sesame oil, this delicacy was successfully cooked, and it even smelled fragrant. Even though I was very full from lunch, I still felt a little bit open when I smelled this smell. Feel.

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