After drinking up the remaining soup on the table, the chat between the three of them had almost come to an end. It was almost lunch time. If they continued chatting in the restaurant, it would probably delay the boss's normal behavior. Open for business.

"Otherwise, go back. I'm going to go back and lie down for a while. I got up too early today and I'm very sleepy now."

After a big yawn, Shang Yan made the suggestion, and there were even tears in the corners of his eyes because he was holding on to his energy. You must know that for him, his sleep time has been extremely compressed, and he has not slept for a suitable length of time. Naturally, he cannot maintain as much energy as the other two people.

"Let's walk too, it's almost done."

After Li Kui took a look at the time, he agreed to the other party's proposal. After all, he would have to return to the company and continue working. As a manager of the company, he may certainly use a more stringent requirement. Treat your subordinates, but at the same time, you will also strictly abide by this routine when treating your subordinates, so that you can be convinced.

Maybe after the company is actually listed and his work is no longer so busy, he will learn from the status of the other two shareholders, stay in the company for a while every day, and then directly control his time freely, but it may not be too appropriate right now. , and he is still somewhat unconvinced of his subordinates' ability to handle matters alone.

Since both of them had the opinion of wanting to leave, Gu Cheng naturally would not put forward any different opinions. After the three of them stood up, they took the items on the table to confirm that nothing was missing, and then made a gesture of preparing to pay.

"How much does it cost, boss lady?"

After Shang Yan shouted, the proprietress who was still rushing to solve her lunch problem immediately came over after hearing the news. This is the case in the catering industry. You have to either advance or delay your meal time. You can't just keep up with these diners. and conflicts with the hotel’s busiest times.

"Have you finished eating? Three bosses, how do you feel about the taste? Do you have any comments?"

He hurriedly put down the dishes and chopsticks in his hands, took out two paper towels, wiped the oil stains on the corners of his mouth, and tried to greet him in a more solemn manner.

As a service industry, attitude is sometimes a major factor in determining whether you will have repeat customers.

“I have nothing to say about the boss lady, it tastes great. I’ll come here more often next time I have the chance.”

Faced with this question, both Li Kui, Shang Yan and Gu Cheng all gave extremely consistent answers, and Gu Cheng and Li Kui once again verified their previous understanding of their friends in today's reception. It seems that When it comes to food, Shangyan has indeed continued its authority.

"That's good, that's good, why don't you take it."

After hearing the customer's satisfactory reply, the landlady's face showed a bright smile. Maybe the living environment, service, and various external conditions at her home are not as outstanding as those at other homes, but In terms of taste, they are quite proud. Seeing these two new-faced guests give relatively high praises, this is also a kind of recognition and encouragement for them.

"That's not possible. You are also open to do business. How can you not charge money? Just give me a discount."

Of course, saying you won't charge money is just a polite statement. If you agree to the situation, the boss lady may not express her different opinions directly, but this is not the way to deal with people. Being humble to others is a sign of respect for you, but if you climb up the ladder, it may seem like you are taking a big advantage for a while, but this kind of attitude and way of dealing with others will not make you gain anything. What a good response.

"Okay, you can get a discount, so let's give it to 168. I just calculated it, and it's about 190 yuan. It's a good sign, and the bosses will take care of me in the future."

After refusing for a while, the boss picked up the menu that had been calculated just now, recalculated the final amount one by one, and then gave his concession.


In fact, there are many times when we are not simply looking for discounts, we just want to save a little bit of money. Maybe you just enjoy the concessions made by others and deliberately respect your attitude.

As the boss said, the discount has already been made, which makes people feel happy. Moreover, the other party has also chosen a more auspicious number very thoughtfully. To be honest, there is no flaw in it.

After responding cheerfully, Li Kui immediately took out his wallet from his pocket, counted two whole bills, and quickly stuffed them into the boss's hands. At the same time, some people glanced at the old city with dissatisfaction, and they were taking out their wallets and preparing to fight for it.

Because before eating, I had already explained that this meal was invited by me. Although the three of them also fought and escaped before eating, it was just a game to tease each other and enhance their feelings in this way. When it comes to anyone, one or two hundred yuan for a meal is not a big deal at all. Would you and your best friend have any conflicts over a two-dollar lollipop?

"What are you paying for? I can't even afford 200 yuan? If you do this again next time, let's not eat together anymore. You are so annoying. I feel like you don't fit in with the atmosphere. You always do this. Something to make everyone angry.”

It can be seen that his subconscious action of taking out his wallet does seem to violate Li Kui's dignity to some extent, although he also knows very clearly that all along, in these matters, everyone takes into account their family environment and the money they earn. It is not because of being too rich, but it is deliberate humility and maintenance. Even for a long time, everyone helped me more or less in other ways, but now my life is on the right track. If you use this method again, avoid making yourself feel a little too incompetent.

After all, the current Li Kui is in a completely different state from the previous Li Kui. Now he is not only the third largest shareholder of a company that is about to be listed. At the same time, he is also a well-deserved top executive of the company. The salary and salary he receives are enough to make the other party's life extraordinarily sufficient.

So now I also want to present a completely different mental state to my friends and close friends.

"Okay, okay, okay, you pay, you pay, and I eat for free. If you pay this time, I'll pay next time, okay?"

After Gu Cheng felt the other party's concerns, he waved his hands helplessly. To be honest, it was just a subconscious act for him to take out his wallet, forgetting the rules everyone had before eating.

"That's not okay. This time it's about this time, and next time is next time. Let's talk about who treats next time." (End of Chapter)

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