I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2015 1890 New Proposal

After a brief look around the entire office and conference room, Li Kui found that no one had many opinions on these proposals. At this time, Li Kui nodded with confidence.

Although the company has passed an internal meeting before and briefly communicated the situation in this regard, whether this proposal can be passed still needs the approval and recognition of all shareholders. Now that the company has entered the listing process, Everything must be standardized and streamlined, but unlike before, where the three shareholders could just meet and implement it, the company can no longer continue to be haphazard.

Although the combined shares of the three people currently control the entire company, the company needs to be responsible to the majority of shareholders and the public after it is listed. There are more things that need to be considered and taken into consideration. This is the price that must be paid to obtain financial support and huge fame and fortune.

However, what makes me more gratified is that the two friends are on their own side without any meaning, and the representatives of state-owned capital do not have many objections to their control rights and the exercise of company rights.

The other party seems to have the attitude of not intervening in the normal operation of the company, but only sent financial representatives and capital shareholder representatives to attend the meeting to show that capital attaches great importance to the company. The rest of the things were done in a completely non-asking manner, which fully developed the concept of trust.

"Then the next topic we have to discuss is the direction in which our company needs to expand and develop after going public. After going public, there is no doubt that we will have a very considerable amount of funds at our disposal. This is also the main reason why we went public. In which direction we should use these funds and work hard, we still need to discuss it."

Although many companies go public so that they can develop in a better direction, the considerable amount of funds brought after the listing is also very important. The current development of Weibo companies has already encountered certain restrictions and Disadvantages.

After all, it already occupies 85% of the domestic market share of social platforms, and the remaining 25% is survived by some eccentric platforms.

Even if you want to, you can always drive out the other party by improving your competitiveness. But when this happens, you will become particularly conspicuous, and you may even be suspected of being a monopoly.

If any industry is suspected of being a monopoly, it may give everyone a bad subjective impression. At the same time, we must be prepared for the country and the governing body to issue alternative restrictions, which may be caught off guard.

In addition, the platform I occupy controls social media public opinion to a certain extent, and this issue must be treated with caution. Therefore, even if several other platforms do not have the intention to continue to develop, I will do my best. If possible, select some suitable support targets so that they can continue to survive in this industry.

In terms of social platform networks, as long as there are more than two platforms active, you will never touch the red line of suspected monopoly. As for who occupies a larger share and who occupies a smaller share, the state will not intervene. After all, this is also a commercial competition in itself.

However, certain problems have indeed arisen after the company went public. If it continues to develop, it may touch the red line of monopoly. However, if it starts to go overseas, it does not seem to be so appropriate. After all, the current network development may still be limited. It didn't go as smoothly as I expected. It will take some time to reach the standard of maximizing its market value and development. Even the Internet development in several surrounding countries has not established a systematic and complete set of rules at all. It is most appropriate to use one word to describe it: Internet barbarism.

If we go deep into development in these countries, the initial investment may be completely in vain. After supporting the rise of the other country's network, too much manpower and material resources will be wasted. Judging from the company's current situation, it is better to invest the limited funds. to areas that may be more rewarding.

As for the plan to go overseas, it is better to wait until the entire network environment becomes more stable and experience some ups and downs before considering this issue.

Now I have suddenly accumulated my own protection pool and foundation, but no one can guarantee whether there will be rising stars who can catch up with my early advantages. There is a saying that goes well: if you forget to fight, you will be in danger. Whether it's out of caution in times of peace or something else, it's not appropriate to be as arrogant and arrogant as possible, but you still have to be realistic when considering things.

After raising my own question, I can see that everyone below is discussing with each other in twos and threes. Some people’s opinions are that we can develop into other fields and radiate with a huge user base, so as to complete the phenomenon of overtaking in corners. Finally Relying on the accumulation and support of these huge resources, it feels that it is the overlord of other industries. Let your company become a well-deserved giant across various industries.

Of course, this question and direction are correct, but this approach may be unanimously resisted by everyone, and may even appear to be too ugly in the eyes of the public to some extent, and may even offend others. Interests, you must know that every industry and category has capital behind it. The current Weibo company is not strong enough to compete across fields and industries regardless of capital.

There are also some people who hope that the company can develop in the direction of entities, but this proposal has been refuted by many people as soon as it was proposed.

After all, from the company's perspective, the company's foundation is the Internet, and it is a well-deserved and very pure network technology company. If you now extend your reach into the physical world, it will seem to be a bit outweighed by the gain or a hopeless gain.

Moreover, the development of every company and industry in the industry requires many years or a lot of resources to achieve results. For the current company, it may not seem too suitable and appropriate.

There are also some company executives who suggest that companies can set up exclusive investment and venture capital departments to effectively flow and operate these funds. Furthermore, in the Internet industry, sometimes investment and choice are far more valuable than hard work and development. Importantly, maybe picking a good project among a group of newly sprouted startups may not bring very considerable returns to the company.

It is even possible to see the companies invested by subordinates develop better and better, and to complete a series of acquisitions and merge the other parties into the scope of their own company. Through this means of capital operation, the company's volume and volume can be continuously accumulated. market capitalization.

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