I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2010 1885 Hidden Scheming

I glanced at the time on my phone and saw that it was now 9 o'clock, and there was still a certain amount of free time before the agreed meeting time. He couldn't help but speed up his work. While holding the car keys and moving towards the garage, he didn't forget to take out his mobile phone to contact his friends.

"Have you set off yet?"

The background voice of Shang Yan on the other side also sounded anxious, and even the tone of his speech was a little erratic. If nothing else, it should be the same as himself. He might have missed it and had already set the schedule.

Coupled with the fact that the other party is currently busy or with things related to the bar, his life schedule is not very consistent with that of ordinary people. Basically, he has become accustomed to not going to bed until four or five o'clock in the morning and sleeping until 12 noon every day.

If nothing else happens, the other party should have just realized the problem at this moment, speeding up their work as much as possible and rushing to the scene as soon as possible.

On the one hand, today's appearance is very important for the entire Internet company. On the other hand, if he is really late or absent, he can even imagine how furious his friend Li Kui will be. What kind of violent verbal attack will he be subjected to?

"I'm on the way. I'm on the way. I've reached the corner. The company is in front of me. Where have you been?"

Gu Cheng can see through this excuse almost immediately, because he has also experienced this stage. There were many times when I had made an appointment with my friend to meet at a certain time, but when I received a urging call from the other party, I didn’t even go down the stairs at all. But as long as a friend asks, he will definitely tell him a location that is not too far away from the destination to indicate his current location.

In the future, the crisis will be averted by speeding up the car. If it is really too late, other excuses will be found, such as a traffic jam at the intersection, a car accident ahead, or road construction somewhere. Phrases like these that are temporarily difficult to distinguish.

"Oh, I'm already at the company. I'm sitting at the front desk drinking coffee. Please hurry up. Brother Kui asked me just now."

He obviously didn't get in the car, but when faced with Shang Yan's inquiry, he still played a trick and increased his speed and pace. Next, it depends on who of the two people arrives at the scene first. The other person's excuse and wording will be directly exposed.

"Okay, okay, wait for me for a while and tell Brother Kui that there's a traffic jam here. I'll be there soon. I'm in a hurry to turn a corner, so I won't talk to you now."

After saying that, the other party hurriedly hung up the phone. If he hadn't heard the other party's keys turning on the car, he might have been deceived by the other party's vivid acting skills.

The current progress and status of the other party have been grasped through telephone contact. If nothing else, the two people should be relatively synchronized now. They have just arrived at the car body and are ready to set off. The next step is to see who arrived at the scene and how quickly. The faster the outcome, the better.

However, what gives me an advantage is that Shangyan's home is far away from the company, which is a little further away from my own home. If it only takes me 25 minutes to get to the company, then it will take 40 minutes for the other party to get there. minute. Of course, there are many unexpected factors that hinder your progress, such as vehicle congestion and luck. If you are unlucky and have to wait for traffic lights every time along the way, the time and gap will naturally be equalized.

It also has a lot to do with driving skills. Experienced drivers can catch up by taking shortcuts or accelerating. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but speed up his movements, trying to give himself the upper hand.

When I arrived at the garage, I realized that something unexpected had happened to me. Because I had not communicated with Jiang Ning in advance, my car had already been driven away by me when Jiang Ning went to work, and there was only one parked in the parking space at home. A brightly colored sports car, you can tell from its appearance that it is definitely for women.

At present, the family owns two cars, one is his own SUV, and the other is Jiang Ning's sports car. When Jiang Ning first bought the sports car, he simply thought that the shape was particularly in line with his own aesthetics. At the same time, The color and grade are also more in line with your identity and level.

So I spent a lot of money to order a sports car as a tool for daily travel. However, after living in the city for a long time, I realized that the sports car is only suitable for simply adding one's own class. In terms of convenience and comfort, it is not as good as Ordinary cars are completely incomparable.

Putting aside everything else, as long as you are running in the city, your speed will never exceed the speed required by traffic regulations. Moreover, parking is not so comfortable, and the feeling of driving is not as comfortable as other cars.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Ning now uses Gu Cheng's SUV most of the time when commuting to get off work. On the one hand, because the chassis is high, the field of vision is wider, making it more decent to drive. On the other hand, because there are children, SUVs are always more suitable than cars.

Although I was very resistant in my heart to driving such a feminine sports car, time did not allow me to do so, and there were no more options for me to compare and choose from, so I had no choice but to take it out from the private garage in a familiar way. The car key unlocks the sports car and is ready to go.

For convenience reasons, the keys to Gu Cheng's two cars were almost always left in the underground garage, eliminating the need to go to the room to get the keys every day. Of course, some protective measures have been taken to prevent others from driving away their car through observation or other methods. Furthermore, the security situation of the community is like this.

After adjusting the distance and height of the seats, he backed the car out of the garage, deliberately raised the glass on both sides so as not to expose any flaws, and drove the car towards the destination.

He could even imagine that when he arrived at his destination, if nothing unexpected happened, he would definitely be laughed at by his two friends. After all, for a tall and thick man to drive such a girly car, his own style seemed particularly inconsistent, especially The other party may leave special evidence and use various methods to remember their dirty information.

Although there is no comparison between a sports car and an SUV in terms of comfort and convenience, it also has its own characteristics and style, that is, it is much faster than an SUV when it accelerates.

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