I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2008 1883 The hateful child

Gu Cheng felt extraordinarily satisfied that he had not seen in a long time. He slumped in his seat and looked at the faint heat rising from the teacup in front of him, falling into a state of emptiness.

It's been a long time since he last ate so comfortably. I don't know whether it's because his body is in urgent need of energy after recovering from a serious illness, or because he has tasted a familiar taste after a long time, but he is in a very strong state today. I ate three large bowls of rice in a row until my stomach was full and round.

This strong fighting power also shocked Sun Ya, who originally had to cook a larger portion than usual. I thought that if I didn't finish eating at noon, I could heat it up at night, or I could make less food for myself, but I didn't expect that it would be completely eliminated in the whole noon.

In the same state, besides himself, there was a baby. The baby was also slumped on the sofa, maintaining the same posture as his father. It's just that what was placed in front of Gu Cheng was steaming black tea, while what was placed in front of his daughter was warm water that had already been dried.

After Jiang Ning and Sun Ya finished their work, they got together and chatted. They didn't know what they were talking about, but they seemed to have nothing except gossip, clothes and makeup. There are other topics to talk about.

Speaking of which, Sun Ya's existence is actually something Jiang Ning needs to cherish, because Jiang Ning has very few best friends in this city on weekdays. In addition, everyone is far away from home, and they are often busy with their own duties. things. Some are already married and need to run their own families, and some are in the stage of starting their own businesses and are too busy to do anything, and have very little time to get together.

On weekdays, Jiang Ning's activity space is almost three-point and one-line, either at the company or at home. Occasionally, he may go out with Gu Cheng to attend gatherings of his friends, but because he doesn't have much contact with him, each other’s friends. They also maintained a nod of acquaintance and didn't go too deep.

Therefore, he is almost lonely on weekdays. The boss, who is in a high position in the company, rarely finds topics for private chat with his subordinates. Apart from communicating with Gu Cheng every day, he was also extremely bored.

The appearance of Sun Ya has just filled the vacancy in this area. At least he can communicate on some topics that he is interested in, and he can also treat the other party as a best friend. The relationship between the two parties has neither direct boundaries between superiors and subordinates, nor too much. The distance is too far, but a relatively good friendship has been formed because of getting along day and night.

I don't know if it was because of Sun Ya's arrival today. Whether it was Gu Cheng or Jiang Ning, they felt that the afternoon had been a long one. They all moved very quickly, and it was already dark time. After finishing the dinner issue, she declined the two people's request to stay for dinner. Sister Sun left in a hurry. After all, it was already time to pick up the child. If she continued to delay, her child might be detained by the teacher. .

After lunch, whether it was Jiang Ning or Gu Cheng, the two of them already had a tacit understanding about this night, making eye contact from time to time and lowering their heads shyly. Just when the two of them felt that they were extremely comfortable both physically and emotionally and were fully prepared, something went wrong with the baby.

"Are you going to sleep or not?"

Gu Cheng looked helplessly at his daughter, who was particularly energetic. She had been jumping from the end of the bed to the end of the bed, and then from the end of the bed to the end of the bed, playing this game for nearly half an hour. Normally, I would have almost fallen asleep at this time, but I don't know why it is so different today, and I still look particularly energetic until now.

Before this, the two of them had used many methods, including the tried-and-true bedtime storytelling session, until they had told several stories. The daughter was still staring with big bright eyes, showing no intention of sleeping. In addition, I also tried the bedtime nursery rhyme part, but still got nothing. By now, Gu Cheng was a little exhausted, and even the mood of the two adults was completely ruined, but the other party was still very happy and interesting. Rolling back and forth on the bed. It seems that he has no intention of sleeping at all.

"But I'm not sleepy."

"What do you want to do if you don't sleep?"

"Want to play."

His daughter's answer made Gu Cheng feel a mouthful of old blood stuck in the middle of his throat. He couldn't spit it out or swallow it down, and he felt extremely uncomfortable. Angrily, he simply turned off the desk lamp in the room, and then got into bed alone, especially with his back facing his daughter. It seems that they are planning to use this cold war method to make the other party stop for a while.

And Jiang Ning next to her was naturally also very presentable, with the two adults using their backs respectively. The baby was left alone in the middle, still sitting on the bed, not wanting to sleep at all.

Deliberately keeping a quiet look, giving her daughter the illusion that everyone has fallen asleep, hoping that in this way the other party can slowly fall asleep. The plan was originally perfect, but I didn't expect that my daughter's performance made me feel a little unexpected.

The baby, who was lying on the quilt in all kinds of boredom, felt particularly lonely without the company of adults, so he fiddled with the pillows on the bedside table next to the hollow with his hands. Even adjusting my sleeping position back and forth, I may never find a suitable place.

In addition, you can also clearly feel the baby drawing his own paintings with his hands back and forth on the backs of the two people. But seeing that neither of the adults wanted to pay attention to him, he retracted his fingers helplessly.

After remaining quiet for a while, the baby was too bored and simply lay in the middle of the bed, rolling back and forth and playing games for his own entertainment. Even if no one was paying attention, he could feel that the other party should be having extra fun. After all, this kind of gurgling The laughter was clearly heard by the two adults, and they even sighed in unison.

Gu Cheng felt like destroying himself. The biggest obstacle to the progress of the relationship with Jiang Ning may be his daughter. How do he look at his children and find them cute? But at this moment, he really felt why some people commented that his children were disgusting.

After a few rounds of tossing, they might be tired. Just as Gu Cheng and Jiang Ning were unconsciously expecting that the baby would soon fall asleep, they did not expect that the other party would not be idle even if they were resting, but began to hum. We started singing a song. Even though we couldn’t understand what the other person was singing and couldn’t even form sentences at all, one person was singing very happily. (End of chapter)

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