I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2006 1881 Pretending to be Deep

Taking a closer look, Jiang Ning returned home with a happy and excited face. First, she picked up the baby who was running towards her and gave her a few kisses on the face. Then she was busy changing her shoes and putting the package in her hand aside. Then we started chatting with Sister Sun, whom we hadn't seen for a long time.

"Sister Sun, you are here. You don't know that he was sick two days ago and kept me busy. I never thought that the accumulation of housework could be so tiring."

"Oh, you can call me next time something like this happens. I'll come over right away with just a phone call. I happen to have nothing to do at home. Xiao Mo will be in the first grade next year. I just want to promise Just drop him off in the morning and pick him up in the evening. If you encounter it in the future, be sure to remember to call me if this happens."

"Okay, no problem. By the way, speaking of Xiao Mo, when I bought clothes for the baby some time ago, I also picked some big ones. Remember to pick them up when you get home from get off work later and let him try them on. Put it on and see how small it is. If it doesn't work, remember to tell me in time and I can take it over and exchange it."

"I'm so embarrassed. Even if you always give me cosmetics, how can I ask you to buy me more clothes? I'll give them to you later. If you give them to me for free, I won't be able to take them."

"Oh, what Sister Sun said is too foreign. We are all like a family. Even if we are not a family, we are still good friends. I am also Xiao Mo's aunt. What's the big deal if aunt buys some clothes for my niece? .”

Maybe it was because they hadn’t seen each other for a while, but the two girls sat together and chatted happily. They expressed how much they missed each other, and also discussed some cosmetics that were popular recently or that they were currently using. .

Maybe it’s because she no longer has too much pressure and burden in life. Sister Sun’s mentality is completely different from when she first started looking for a job. You must know that her savings are very rich now, and at the same time, she still has a lot of money in this city. Owns quite a lot of real estate. It can be said that from now on, even if I don't work at all when I am old, I will be able to have more than enough and live a very prosperous life. I have even made preparations for the expenses and expenses for my daughter's future college education. Naturally, my mentality became much brighter and more cheerful.

In addition, I often get together with Jiang Ning, which also broadens my horizons a lot. Some things have already happened. It is useless to continue to regret and indulge in this matter. It is better to gather up the expectations of the deceased. Courage to face the wonders of life again.

It can be said that Jiang Ning was able to get out of the shadow of her husband's death. It was precisely because she often got along with him that she felt much younger, and she slowly learned to dress up under his guidance. And taking care of oneself, at this moment, coupled with the mood and the use of cosmetics, the whole person does not look like the age group at this moment, but is comparable to those girls in their 20s.

"By the way, I unpacked all the things you put in the study for you. Then I threw the clothes and other items into the washing machine and washed them. They were left to dry on the balcony."

While the two were chatting, Gu Cheng interjected. After saying this, he looked at his girlfriend intently, hoping to find some clues or a shocked look on her face. After all, that Among the pile were some unspeakably personal items.

Gu Cheng finds it interesting to tease his partner when he has nothing to do and add some fun to his life.

"Ah, okay, I understand. Thank you for your hard work. Remember to remind me to take these things back tonight."

But what made me feel a little disappointed was that after hearing the news, Jiang Ning's expression remained as flawless as usual, as if she had no idea about this private item. After saying this, he continued to have a passionate exchange with Sister Sun, and never tired of asking her to taste the clothes she had purchased online. When she met the other party who liked her style, she did not hesitate to share her own style with her. As well as shopping online store channels and shopping links.

Seeing Sister Sun's always interested look, if nothing else goes wrong, Jiang Ning will probably draw her into the online shopping circle and start enjoying this convenient and trendy service.

He didn't get the surprised and shy reaction he wanted from his girlfriend. After giving back, Gu Cheng seemed a little idle. Although he seemed to have no purpose, fiddling with this and that on the sofa, he kept his eyes fixed on his girlfriend's every move, hoping to find a relatively free moment to communicate with her about this private matter. The problem.

"It just so happens that I haven't cooked yet. Have you not eaten at the company yet? I'll cook more on the way. If you come back a little later, I'll put the rice in the pot."

According to the plan made at the beginning of the exchange between the two, Jiang Ning should go home as soon as possible in the afternoon after lunch. However, he did not expect that things were handled extremely quickly today and all the work was simpler and easier than imagined. It went smoothly, so I moved forward the original time to go home a lot.

However, the other party's sudden return did not have much impact on the original plan. The main reason was that the other party returned home before Sister Sun officially started cooking.

"Okay, Sister Sun, please be busy first, and we can talk after lunch."

Jiang Ning, who had been chatting with the other party for more than ten or twenty minutes, reluctantly stopped her desire to continue the communication after hearing the other party's prompt. After all, the other party's work has not been completed yet. If I continue to delay, I will undoubtedly extend the family's lunch time.

Seeing Sister Sun hurriedly returning to the kitchen and making corresponding preparations for today's lunch, the baby here returned to his original position. I started watching the anime plot attentively, and I finally found it. It was a suitable time and atmosphere, so he quietly and slowly moved his position on the sofa. After he got close to his girlfriend, he rubbed her elbow with his dark-colored face.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with you?"

Jiang Ning looked at her boyfriend with a confused look on his face and blinked at him in a pretentious manner. He could feel that the other party seemed to want to remind him of something, but even though he had gone through everything he had experienced today in his mind, he had no idea. Think of anything that needs the other person’s prompting.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?"

"What are you talking about? Oh, you recovered today, right?"

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