I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 2003 1878 The joy of online shopping

Gu Cheng, who was coaxed to smile by his daughter's words, returned to the study with a particularly satisfied mood. With Sister Sun's presence, I don't have to be by my daughter's side all the time. As long as the baby is cared for by someone, she doesn't care much about who is watching her, and can play happily alone.

Entering the study room, I was in a state of doing nothing. I looked through the books on my bookshelf. I originally wanted to find a book to pass the time, but after pulling out a book at random, I found that it was really difficult to concentrate on it. to the world of books.

He simply did something else in his free time. Just when he was looking for a specific target, he glanced and saw the express delivery piled on the ground next to his study, waiting to be unpacked. Suddenly I became interested, picked up the utility knife in the pen holder, and prepared to enjoy the unknown joy of demolition.

Speaking of which, since I started using online shopping, the person who has had the greatest influence on me is none other than my girlfriend Jiang Ning. Although he is a member of young people, he is not as advanced in accepting new things as he imagined. , maybe after the people around you are gradually affected, you will be exposed to and learn from it belatedly.

As for online shopping, it was precisely because of the use of Gucheng that she was influenced to understand and learn this knowledge, and her actions seemed like opening Pandora's box. If you calculate, one month In terms of the amount of money two people spend on online shopping, the other party's performance may always be far ahead.

To be honest, Gu Cheng was actually a little confused about this matter. After all, in his own perception, Jiang Ning was not a person who particularly liked shopping or purchasing, and he had never found that the other party had such hobbies. Thinking about it, it may be because of the busy work that the other party doesn't have much time to experience the joy of shopping. With the existence of online shopping, the potential in this aspect has been completely stimulated. It was as if the interests and hobbies that had been suppressed for a long time were released in an instant.

When Jiang Ning first learned about online shopping, she could still enjoy it. She would wait for the courier to arrive every day, urging her boyfriend to help get the courier back, waiting for the final answer to be revealed.

But later, I don’t know whether it was because I was too busy at work, or I had passed this period of novelty. After buying most of the express delivery, and knowing what was inside, many of the express delivery was simply thrown into the next room, temporarily. I don’t have many ideas that I want to open up yet. It seems that I want to accumulate this kind of happiness together and then enjoy it.

He opened the first express delivery with anticipation. In fact, judging from the size of the box and the style of the packaging, he could probably tell what was inside. When he actually opened the package, he found that it was just as he expected.

"I'm really not busy enough every day. You are the owner of a cosmetics company, and you still buy cosmetics online every day. I don't understand."

While complaining about this completely unfamiliar brand, sometimes Gu Cheng felt that he really couldn't understand his girlfriend Jiang Ning's thinking mode. As the owner of a cosmetics company, I often buy cosmetics from other companies’ brands online. I don’t know if I buy them specifically to try out the effects of other people’s cosmetics, or for other reasons.

However, at his own suggestion, Jiang Ning's cosmetics company has now opened an exclusive online shopping platform and store. The current online shopping platform focuses on daily chemicals and cosmetics, which are somewhat different from the more popular platforms currently. Focus more on the division of series.

Online stores are trying their best to spread the sales and popularity of their cosmetics brands through this emerging online shopping method.

The Internet is really a good thing, and changes in the new era are ubiquitous. If we put it in the past, we could only gradually build a city-by-city strategy through traditional local promotion. After having the Internet, we discovered this kind of work. It becomes simple. No matter how far apart you are, as long as there is an online shopping platform, you can maximize the effect of publicity as much as possible.

The advancement of the network platform is still in a slow state. The main reason may be due to the location. You must know that the city they are in is not originally focused on emerging technologies. Most network talents are still concentrated in coastal and first-tier cities, so the talent pool they have is not as high-end as imagined, and progress is slow. That's understandable.

Throwing aside the cosmetics that he couldn't understand at all, he continued to attack other packages. Speaking of these packages at home, some of them were bought by Jiang Ning, and of course some of them were bought by himself. Most of them are mainly books, but of course there are also some random things that may be rarely used.

I believe that many men can still understand this situation. Sometimes when browsing through various product recommendations on the web and seeing something that interests them, they always have a ready desire to consume.

Maybe after buying these things, I will throw them aside and forget about them. Some of them may be put in my hands and rarely used again after being used once or twice. Of course, more may have an impact on my life. Conveniently provide some help.

This package was undoubtedly the item I purchased. I couldn't guess what was inside, but I still gave myself a big surprise after opening it.

"Yo, this looks good, what is it made of?"

After opening it, what appeared in front of him was a complete set of weapons that gathered all kinds of weapons within his cognitive scope. However, this kind of weapon was basically a smaller version. I originally thought that the material he bought at that price should be made of the same material. It will be plastic, but when you actually open it, you will find that it is still made of alloy.

There are all kinds of weapons including swords, guns, clubs, axes, hooks and forks. The reason why I bought it at that time was because I really liked this set of pocket weapons and planned to put it on my desk as a kind of decoration. You must know that men have never been able to resist such things. Guns, steel and weapons have always been a romance for men.

Holding this entire set of weapons in my hand, I played with them one after another. The approximate length is basically as big as the palm of my hand. I felt the heavy weight and had to sigh at the real cost-effectiveness of this kind of hard work and materials. .

It may also have a lot to do with the fact that online shopping has just sprouted and everyone is still in a state of exploration. It is currently understood that most people who shop online are young people, and a certain part of these young people often deal with the computer network. (End of chapter)

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