I copied my daughter in the parallel world

Chapter 1987 1862 Daughter's Gift

Ever since his father got sick, the baby has been sitting on the sofa unhappily. He is not in the mood to watch the toys and TV that he usually likes to play with. From time to time, he will look at the closed door with worried eyes.

Because I have experienced illness before, I can personally understand the pain and suffering my father is experiencing at this moment. When I think of my father suffering from illness, I feel particularly uneasy and worried.

It's just that there aren't many solutions in my little head, and my abilities are not at this level, so apart from praying silently in my heart, I seem to be helpless in facing this situation.

If the baby can see his father, the solution he may think of is to blow on each other's head. Every time he is injured, the breathing of aunt and father can make him feel much more comfortable. He also hopes to use this method. It can relieve dad's pain.

But the problem now is that he has been severely isolated and has no chance to contact his father. Even daily communication can only be carried out through the aunt's transfer phone. This makes the baby unable to do anything even if he wants to do something. I can only helplessly hold on to my thoughts.

The helpless baby is no longer as lively as before. He is sitting on the sofa kicking his little feet. The aunt is also busy, thinking of ways to find a better treatment for her boyfriend. While taking medicine, I was thinking of ways to supplement my boyfriend’s nutrition. I was also worried that the other person’s flu would be transmitted to the baby and myself, causing everyone in the family to fall down. I was extremely busy. Naturally, we neglect to take care of the baby's emotions and worries.

After staying on the sofa for a while, the baby began to rack his brains to think about what kind of role he could play in treating his father's illness. He couldn't think of a specific solution no matter how hard he thought, while imagining that he could grow up quickly and be able to treat adults. Helped, he started pacing back and forth in the living room again.

The whole person looked extremely anxious, like a little adult. He put his hands behind his back and took steps like a little duck, but his brows were furrowed, which profoundly explained his mood at this moment.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally came up with a solution. Every time I was sick, my aunt would prepare a lot of snacks for me, and after eating these snacks, my pain symptoms seemed to be alleviated a lot. I believe that my father is now These delicious snacks should be especially needed to restore health as soon as possible.

When I thought of this, my whole body suddenly seemed like clockwork. I hurriedly rummaged through the boxes and found a small schoolbag that I usually used, and then dumped all the contents on the sofa, leaving a free one. A clean space with nothing in it.

Then he started busy filling the small schoolbag again. He took a look at the edible things currently on the table. Apart from fruits, there didn't seem to be much. Fruits are something I don't really like to eat. But every time I saw my father eating bananas, he seemed to be enjoying it, so he simply took two bananas and threw them into his schoolbag.

Then he rummaged through the cabinets and pulled out the cabinet where he usually stored snacks from the bottom of the coffee table. You must know that this behavior is quite labor-intensive for children. After all this work, the whole person was already tired. I blushed and felt thick-necked, but when I thought about my father seeing the big gift package I had prepared, I seemed to feel particularly happy.

I opened the cabinet and began to distinguish various snacks. I need to put a pack of Hua Mei. Dad should like to eat it. There are not many bear biscuits left. If it were kept on weekdays, I would definitely be reluctant to share it with my dad. , but now that my father is sick, he simply can’t care so much anymore and throws the remaining two packs of bear biscuits into his schoolbag. In addition, I also packed some marshmallows, lollipops, hawthorn candies, as well as the shortbread and potato chips that I usually like to eat. The vast schoolbag was almost full, but I was still a little unfinished. I glanced at the remaining snacks and seemed to be very regretful. The capacity of my small schoolbag was a little too small, and I couldn't fully satisfy my father's appetite.

After finishing all this work, I started to pull up my schoolbag to prevent the snacks from falling off during transportation, but I don’t know if it’s because I packed more or if they were not placed neatly. I always get stuck every time I pull it halfway. No matter how hard I try, I can't achieve the final goal.

After tossing and tossing, I finally failed to close the schoolbag. I sat on the ground and sighed, simply planning to deal with it first.

I originally wanted to ask my aunt for help and ask her to quickly transport the schoolbag back. After all, the aunt's lesson just now made me remember it. My father is currently ill and children are not allowed to enter the room, but he turned around and didn't know. The aunt who was walking around him just now has disappeared somewhere now. She searched back and forth in the entire living room, but she couldn't find him.

Fortunately, this matter was done in a self-sufficient way. I carefully dragged my schoolbag and slowly looked at the direction of the second bedroom. When I left, I was still afraid that my aunt would come out of some unknown corner and grab it. Caught yourself in the act. There doesn't seem to be much difference between this look and the way he behaves when he secretly eats sweets. It makes people feel cute and a little funny at the same time.

When he got close to the door, he stood up on his tiptoes, grabbed the handle of the door with his hand, and gently pulled the door down to open a small crack.

Now almost all the rooms in the house are undefended for the baby. If the situation was fine before, now almost every door handle in the house can be opened with a little effort, and it locks the door. This has been done with ease.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy."

Because the adults had warned her before, the baby was still a little hesitant to enter the room. However, this problem did not bother the smart baby at all. She stood at the door and lay in the crack of the door, carefully shouting inside again and again. , Don’t forget to look back when shouting, and always be alert for any emergencies.

Gu Cheng had just replaced a pack of paper towels on his desk. Looking at the entire trash can that was almost full, he sighed helplessly, preparing to replenish water and lie down on the bed to replenish energy. Suddenly I heard my daughter's cry, and for a moment I thought I was hallucinating.

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