
Gu Cheng was sitting on the bed in the guest bedroom, wrapped in a quilt. Even though he was surrounded by a blanket, he still felt cold and shivering.

With the change of seasons, the original heat of summer gradually fades away unconsciously, and people live farther and farther away. With it comes the comfort of autumn, but it will still be accompanied by some bursts of coolness. wind.

The change of seasons is the most suitable and most likely time for various flus to occur. Gu Cheng has always thought that his body is as strong as a cow, so he does not have much protection against this disease, but there is no Thinking about this time when the weather changes in autumn, the first person in the family to be affected is myself.

After taking a shower last night, in order to cool down, I sat on the balcony alone and blew in the night breeze for a while. When I came back, I felt dizzy. At first, I simply felt that I had been blown too much by the wind, so I felt a little uncomfortable. That's all, but I didn't expect that after waking up on the second day, my whole body was light-headed, and even had runny nose, sneezing and coughing one after another.

I remember the last time I felt so uncomfortable was many years ago. Ever since I slowly started to take up fitness, it seemed that this disease rarely appeared in my body. After suddenly experiencing this awkwardness again, The uncomfortable feeling was far more intense than imagined.

In order to prevent the flu from being transmitted to his daughter and Jiang Ning, who is a woman and has a weaker protective ability at home, once Gu Cheng felt unwell, he directly moved his resting place from the master bedroom to the guest bedroom. I have implemented strict protection in my own house. Whether I want to go in or out, or deliver food or water, I need to disinfect with alcohol, and try to contain the source of infection in my own place.

Almost three or four hours have passed since I got up in the morning. My head is all groggy, and my body feels 10% weak. I have taken medicine, and I have been drinking water more frequently. I went to the toilet several times, but I still didn't feel any relief from the symptoms.

It seems that no matter how hard a man is as steel, when the disease comes, everyone is still equal. He leaned on the bedside with a long sigh, drank the tea that was slowly cooling and warming next to him, replaced the toilet paper that stuffed his nose, and breathed through his mouth with a big mouth.

This feeling of airtightness in the nose is indeed very depressing, and breathing through the mouth feels particularly uncomfortable. Accompanied by the triple physical, physiological and psychological discomfort, it really gives people a feeling that life is worse than death.

Seeing her boyfriend's uncomfortable look, Jiang Ning felt funny and a little distressed at the same time. The funny thing was that Mingming promised to pat his chest last night, guaranteeing that even if the whole family was infected, he would not be affected by his body. The quality will never be troubled by any disease, and I even feel that the flu medicines I hoarded during this period are completely useless.

The reason why I felt distressed was because I saw that the other person looked obviously pale and tired, and at the same time, he felt uncomfortable because he couldn't breathe due to a stuffy nose. I really felt like I wanted to replace him with my own body.

"How about we go to the hospital and hang up a hanging bottle? This will help you get better faster. You are always struggling here by yourself. Is there any solution?"

Jiang Ning had made this suggestion several times throughout the morning. Originally, the company had specific matters that needed to be arranged by herself today, but seeing the current situation, she had no choice but to put aside all the company's affairs. Stay at home and take care of your sick boyfriend wholeheartedly. Although he was in a weak stage of illness, Gu Cheng still showed his stubborn attitude vividly. After he fell ill, he took medicine and refused to go to the hospital. On the one hand, he felt that the current hospital itself was also the season of frequent influenza. So it must have been overcrowded.

On the other hand, this is just the most common cold. Even though I am in the flu stage, which is really unbearable, going to the hospital is the same solution. The effect of injecting a bottle is minimal. It is better to slowly wait for your body's healing system to restart, and then add the stimulation of drugs to slowly let yourself recover.

Furthermore, when I caught a cold, I went straight to the hospital to get a sling, and asked me to educate my daughter and girlfriend on the benefits of fitness. Are you still no different from ordinary people? When he thought about this situation, he felt that he was still willing to endure the pain.

"No, I'll just take some medicine after dinner and I'll be fine. Everyone gets sick like this. If I go to the hospital now, I won't even be able to get in line. I might as well stay at home, by the way." , don’t forget to disinfect when you go out later, and disinfect the dishes and chopsticks I use. Don’t pass this disease on to you two. If all three of us fall ill, It’s an embarrassing time.”

Because of the cold and stuffy nose, my voice has changed compared to before, and I have a voice that always has a nasal resonance.

I saw my boyfriend, Jiang Ning, who had wiped his nose too much and his nose had turned extremely red, like a strawberry. He had no choice but to shake his head, put aside the tea that he had just replaced, and quickly replaced the ice pack that his boyfriend had put on his head.

After doing this, he took all the equipment, completed the disinfection according to the other party's instructions, and walked out of the room.

"Auntie, can I go see dad?"

The baby was still wearing pajamas, with messy hair and hazy eyes. It was obvious that he had just woken up. But at this moment, he was looking worriedly at the door of the second bedroom, holding his favorite baby in his hand. Baby, there is a kind of eagerness to try, but also a little hesitant.

"No, because dad is sick. If the baby goes in, the baby will also be sick, and he will need an injection by then. And dad is fine. Auntie just went in to have a look. If you miss daddy, auntie will help. How about you call dad?”

Faced with the baby's request, Jiang Ning undoubtedly refused directly. After all, he was in the stage of rampant influenza. It was already very surprising that Gu Cheng contracted the flu. If the baby with relatively weak resistance was allowed to If you get infected again, you may be too busy to touch the ground. (End of chapter)

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