The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 663 God Su Starts to be No. 1 in the World?

Chapter 663: God Su Starts First in the World? (Ask for tickets~~~)

Tianchao Sports Station.

The men's 100m award ceremony is being broadcast live.

Yang Jian is explaining here, his excitement is still a bit uncontrollable:
"God Su has created a miracle. A young man who is 3 days away has created a miracle."

"Maybe none of us stood on the podium of OW before, but now, we have."

"I hope there will be more in the future."

Li Tao also took a deep breath. He had also fantasized about this scene, but when the fantasy really came into reality, it was him...

Also slightly startled.

Looking at the black-haired boy who was standing on the right side of the broadcast screen and preparing to go on the podium, he didn't speak for a long time.

It wasn't until the director gave Yang Jian a gesture that Yang Jian reacted. He touched Li Tao with his leg from below, turned off the microphone, and said in a low voice, "It's your turn, Director Li."

Li Tao nodded and said, "Our Chinese Athletics Team has won seven gold medals in the past ten World Championships. But let alone the medals in the 7-meter race, we couldn't even make it to the final stage. Today, Su Shen, create history."

"He told us."

"We can do it, we are as good as anyone."

"Even on the [-]-meter runway."

"I really like the sentence Su Shen just said in an interview—people who can create miracles themselves believe in miracles."

"Everyone must remember, we yellow people have no limit!"

It was spread through the Tianchao Sports Channel twice in a row, and Su Shen's words quickly began to spread in the country.

Many people, even if they don't usually watch running, feel surprised, shocked, and hard to calm down by the achievements of Su Shen, an unknown young man.

After all, for so many years, the news received in China is——

We are not physically as good as Omi people.

We are not born able to fight our bodies.

We almost mean it here.

But if this is the case, what is Liu Xiang, what is Su Shen, and there are so many famous weightlifters and sports champions, what are they all?
After breaking ten, Su Shen won the medal of the OW competition. This is a competition that even the elderly know that it best embodies the physical fitness of human beings.

But this time, we not only won the medal, but three people went to the finals alone.


In fact, among all the people, there will always be some people who are the first to wake up and wake up.

God Su's purpose is to wake them up first, and then ask them to wake up the people around them one by one, so that if they spread it to hundreds of thousands, naturally this concept and idea will be more and more accepted by people.

The idea that our bodies are inherently inferior will naturally be swept into the dustbin of history.

In fact, compared to the hexagon, take a good look and see who is the most versatile.

It’s just that some foreign and domestic public figures and media deliberately avoided talking about it, and only talked about our weak projects.

In fact, there's even more to Asians than all-around and athletic titles.

But this fact has been intentionally or unintentionally ignored.

Fortunately, with the world line known behind Su Shen, this era will eventually pass.

After 2020, it will become more and more difficult to make 50 in China.

Our national self-confidence will also increase.

Therefore, he just accelerated this progress as much as possible.

Generally speaking, it is still following the irreversible general trend.

For example, classmate Xiao Xie Zhengye saw this and took the initiative to apply for an increase in dosage. Even the Xu Baolu brand special nutrient solution that he hated to drink in the past, he pinched his nose and drank it directly, no longer making excuses to escape.

Another example is some people in the Ersha Island team. They were also deeply shocked by Su Shen's breakthrough and Su Shen's words after the game.

Even once, everyone had a strong "sense of mission".

It's no longer about running for the day and a good spot to retire.

In this way, the impact on the grassroots after the retreat in the future cannot be ignored.

If there is a hot search now, it is estimated that it will go crazy.

But there is no such thing in China right now, but abroad, Twitter, where God Su has already invested, has already started.

For one of his big bosses, Twitter's promotion, he must have spared no effort.

Regarding Su Shen's achievement breakthrough, several eye-catching positions were marked and pushed.

Su Shen's international reputation has gradually increased.

Not to mention anything else, the first person in Asia to break the [-] and OW [-]-meter medals, in fact, not only Su Shen wants to change the domestic thinking, but he is also working hard to break the stereotypes abroad.

Especially when they arranged a simple post-match visit to Maurice Green.

Green just came out of the ABC live broadcast room and was about to go to rest. He was a little impatient at first, but after hearing the price of this "Twitter interview", he immediately said——

go, where?

I have time anytime.


In America, what is called patience and impatience is a matter of quotation.

As long as the money is in place, then everything is easy to talk about.

After all, Green has also retired, and he also needs opportunities and ways to earn extra money.

Although the content of Green's interview was to discuss the entire [-]-meter race, in fact, the key issue was still on Su Shen.

Green already had a good impression of God Su, and if he could help him make Gatlin feel embarrassed, he would be a friend.

In addition, it is obvious that money has been given here, so that he can say good things, so what else is there to say?

Green opened his mouth and said: I think this guy will catch up with me in the outdoor future.

Looking at the expressions of these people, it seems that they are not strong enough?
Well, for the beauty of the knife, Green immediately reacted and added: "It may even surpass me."

Become the fastest man in the real world.

Hey, this is fine, the title is much more exciting.

Can talk, add money.

Both sides are happy, and the topics of nature programs are getting hotter and hotter, but the most important thing is data analysis.

Without data analysis, how can you convince the public?People thought you were bragging about your business.

Green took the money and was still willing to do things. He made a phone call, then took out a section analysis of the high-speed camera, and said:
"Why do I say that China's Su can do it? Let's look at the results of his shot. The segment analyzed by the high-speed camera is 60 meters and 6.35s."

"Now the world record is my 6.33 run in Edmonton."

"The hard power of my shot deducted 0.2 against the wind and the altitude bonus of more than 600 meters in Edmonton, and the hard power was about 6.33s. And the score of China Su's shot was converted, and it actually reached 6.33s."

"So everyone understands that although he is 0.02s behind me in terms of grades, he actually already has this ability."

"Especially his first 30 meters is amazing. The first 1.83 meters even equaled the record of the first 1.81 meters of Jamaica's first-generation starting machine, Raymond Stewart." Although Americans advocate Green's [-], But in fact, Green himself doesn't think so. He knows very well that [-]s is the most terrifying current ten-meter segment data.

"To compare, in fact, Powell's shot is only 6.40+ (really that much), which is far from his usual good results. Naturally, it is impossible to run past Su. In the picture, he was thrown away by Su in front of him by so much. , is a very normal thing.”


For many people, looking at the data is the simplest and most intuitive. After saying this, everyone understands why Su Shen’s shot is so fast, why Green would say that, and why Powell’s future is so ahead of Su Shen’s shot. many.

Also because of this, foreign countries are the first to know that Su Shen's first ten meters have already tied the world division record.

This record, in fact, even Raymond Stewart is difficult to run a few times.

Absolute horror.

However, the Sushen Bar in China has already taken the lead in forwarding the news, allowing domestic Sushen track and field fans to be the first to get popular science and feast their eyes on it.

Of course, because of this, there will always be people who are irrational, and after hearing the news, they start shouting all over the world——

do you know?
Su Shen started to be the first in the world.


Well, it's not a big problem anyway, and it will be achieved in the future anyway.

Right now, God Su is busy.

He has to be busy wearing the medal, and then watching the five-star red flag slowly rise in Osaka.

That is, if it can be accompanied by the national anthem in the future.

It's even better.

Su Shen looked at the slowly rising red flag and said silently in his heart.

PS: Looking for tickets~~~~ woo woo woo~~~ At the same time, I am also looking forward to Su Shen’s first show this year~~~~ Ho Ho Ho ~~~~ I can’t wait~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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