The Su God of the Reopening of the Sports Arena

Chapter 1206 Yes, I want to win, I want... 4 consecutive championships!

Chapter 1206 Yes, I want to win, I want... four consecutive championships!

"Game start!"

"Start or Su God is faster! Blake starts amazing in second!"

"Sushen in the acceleration zone expanded his advantage, and Blake chased after him."

"On the way, Zhao Haohuan started to exert his strength and started to catch up."

"Shen Su is still number one! I probably won't be able to catch up, look at Zhao Haohuan, the speed has increased, can he catch up to the ferocious Blake?"

"Zhao Haohuan speeds up in the future, speeds up... Zhao Haohuan's time!"

"Catch up!"

"Press the line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Su Shen won the first place in 9.80s. Except for the Diamond League, which did not participate in Doha, he won the triple championship and ranked first in points!"

"The second No.2 is... Zhao Haohuan!"

"Zhao Haohuan 9.85s, this shot is also very good, refreshed his PB, the last moment lore is absolutely wonderful!"

"Blake is in third place. Blake has performed very well in front of him. He even almost won second place in this game. Throughout the Diamond League, Blake has continuously broken through his own PB. It can be said that he is in a very fierce state, and this It also proves that there is another top sprinter on the planet."

Yang Jian's commentary is still so in place, and Blake's performance once again let people see the strong talent reserve of Jamaica's sprint system.

It really is a run for the whole people, not a fake.

Really fierce.

This result is already second only to Su Shen's 20-year-old best result in history. Blake's name of genius, in this diamond league Rome station, is the first time to show his glory.

Looking at his results, Blake wasn't too dissatisfied. He knew that it was still difficult for him to catch up with God Su, but at least the gap...was not that big anymore.Unlike before, I don't know how many grades are worse.

At least for now.

He could see the back of God Su in front of him.

And he knew in his heart that he had only just begun.

"Good performance, Yohan." Su Shen also congratulated Blake for opening his PB in the past, which is at least a winning demeanor.

After seeing God Su, Blake nodded. He was still a little restrained, and he didn't know how he did it. He was so wild and unrestrained during the game, and he immediately returned to the past after the game was over.

"Su, you are still so strong. Usain didn't work hard enough this year, so it's not wrong to lose to you." Blake looked at Su Shen's more robust body, and said, "I've read your thesis too, and I also think that sprinters need Enough muscle to provide energy."

"But the premise can't affect your special project." Su Shen casually reminded: "Especially your weak parts, you must check carefully, don't take it lightly, everyone has their own weak parts, these are born, you have to do it The most important thing is to focus on, strengthen the end point, and don’t forget to exercise the weak link because of the temporary improvement.”

When Blake saw this, he seemed to think of something. Su Shen is a young leader in the world of sports science. In this regard, even Mills said that Su Shen is an unborn scientific research genius. figure.Since it is so powerful, Blake thought for a while, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally said, "Su, where do you think my muscles are weak?"

In fact, as an opponent, he shouldn't ask this kind of question, but Jamaica does not have professionals in this field.

The coaches in Jamaica are very good, and the training is also good, but it does not mean that their scientific research ability is also very strong.

It's not the same thing at all.

Training this thing is related to scientific research ability, but it is not absolutely related.

In fact, Blake doesn't think Su Shen can say it accurately, because he thinks that his muscles are very strong. This is a fact. Blake loves retraining, which is a well-known thing, otherwise his muscles would not be the same. One of the most developed among the five tigers.Therefore, for a person who loves retraining so much, it is natural that his muscles will not be bad. After all, Mills said that his muscle training intensity is very good. He just wants to seize this opportunity and ask, after all, there is no such scientific research in Jamaica. Sexual Superman.

He felt embarrassed to call and send text messages. He was not like Bolt, so he opened his mouth only after the game was over.

"Hamstring muscles." How did Su Shen point out the problem all of a sudden, and even directly pointed to a certain muscle.

Su God knows that it is not surprising at all, because Blake’s later self-interviews and documentary films have mentioned———Blake was born in the St. James region of Jamaica. Blake was called a little lame when he was a child , because he learned to walk later than children of the same age, and he always walked unsteadily.When he was more than one year old, children of the same age could already chase each other, but Blake couldn't stand and walk.Blake didn't learn to walk until he was two years old.

Then why is it called "Little Cripple"?In fact, this represents a congenital deficiency.

Blake has one side of his hamstring, which is naturally weaker.

This can't be seen normally, it will only appear after reaching a certain ultimate strength.

Even Su Shen knew which leg he had the hamstring muscle in, but this was too exaggerated, so it was better to just tell him the approximate range.As for the explanation, Su Shen came here casually, saying that after watching his game video, he analyzed the data of his running posture model.

At present, Sushen Laboratory is one of the most famous sports laboratories in the world.

Throughout Jamaica, there is no such high-energy sports laboratory.

Coupled with Su Shen's status and status other than an athlete, it is simply not too easy to deal with a 20-year-old Tiehanhan Blake.

Blake was shocked when he heard this, because he did have one side of the hamstring after each training, which was relatively uncomfortable, but it was fine after a night of sleep, so he didn't take it seriously.But right now, being said by God Su, he thought of it a little bit. Although he was stunned by God Su's "fairy judgment", but thinking of Mills' extraordinary evaluation of God Su and the various identities of God Su, he soon believed it. , and nodded, and then a word, almost made God Su spit out the water he just drank.

"Thanks, Sue, tell me your bank account."

"I'll transfer [-] knives to you first."

"Pay later if there is an effect."

Su Shen: ...

Why, I don't need it, I just don't want such a good track and field talent, and it's wasted before it's fully fulfilled.

And in the future, he will also need strong enemies to stimulate him, otherwise it may become more and more difficult for him to improve.

So this is something both public and private.

But asking for money, Su Shen really didn't think about it, because even though Blake is already a little famous, he is also a top ten player, and the track and field athletes on this timeline are rewarded with more influence, but after all, he still has no top name He didn't even win an OW medal. In such a situation, even if he had some money, it wasn't too much.

I can't even count my money.

Just squeeze the wool, and immediately Apple's stock wool, I don't know how much to squeeze out.

10 yuan?Why do you want it?

Moreover, he and Blake are still friends, so it's fine to do so. If this is a certain blog that is not short of money, God Su will definitely not be polite.

Su Shen said no, but he still underestimated Blake's persistence.

"Su, it doesn't matter if you don't give it to me. I can find your laboratory or your team to contact, and I can just transfer it."

"It's really not necessary." Before God Su finished speaking, Blake couldn't help but said: "You helped me, and I should give you back. This is due courtesy."

After all, Blake turned around and went to the mixed interview area for an interview.

This guy……

God Su looked at Blake's back, smiled and shook his head.

When Blake walked over to Zhao Haohuan, he looked at the latter and said, "You are very strong, Zhao, but I will surpass you."

Zhao Haohuan looked at Blake, in fact, this scene also made him understand why God Su valued him so much.


Very strong.

How long has it been? I have improved so much in a year. If I don't improve myself, I may really be unable to beat him in the future.

Zhao Haohuan didn't know that the 20-year-old Jamaican boy in front of him was originally the second person in PB after Bolt in history. In terms of hardness, he was also the second. He even killed him in pure running at 200 meters. Bolt's world record pure running.Therefore, this person's talent is higher than he thought. If he is not injured, with his self-discipline, the future is even more limitless.

Lao Zhao also faced Biao Bolt at the beginning, and now he has approached Blake, and he is really good at picking people.

His eyesight is not so good.

However, Su Shen also has high hopes for Zhao Haohuan. If there is a chance to join the "Big Six", then he hopes it will be Zhao Haohuan.Of course, the difficulty is still very high. After all, there are only a few people who can break through 9.80s in hard power.

PB can break, are pitifully few.

Zhao Haohuan's talent, here, it can only be said that compared with such five or six people, there is no advantage at all, because among these five or six giants, who is not a super talent in human history, Zhao Haohuan can compare, it is already great It's not easy anymore.

Su Shen didn't put any pressure on him, but he still hoped that one of the future Big Six would be added.

Form the lineup of the Big Seven.

That's really nice.

9.80+ score, the bottom of the competition...

This scene is so beautiful that I dare not look at it.

In addition to the top three of these people, the following rankings are:

No.4 work and rest, 9.99s.

It seems that he has also begun to enter the state of the season. He should be very promising to break the PB legally this season.

Lao Yi is also quite satisfied with his results. It took only a few shots and he was already in the state of breaking ten. After running a few more games and waiting for a while, he should be able to run into the best level of this season.At that time, 9.99s was definitely not my limit.

No.5 is Lemaitre, with a score of 10.09s, which dropped to close to 10.10s in an instant, which was almost a meter away from Lao Yi.Lemaitre also played hard in the preliminaries because he wanted to compete for places. He is not in his best form yet, and he doesn't have the ability to break the top ten. If he runs too hard in the front, he will naturally have problems later.

Seeing that he can run to 9.99s regardless of labor and leisure, he can't help but sigh, the gap between white people and yellow people is still too big.

There is still a gap of one meter.

And even if he catches up with Lao Yi, sorry, Zhao Haohuan and Su Shen are still ahead.

As the most promising player among the white players, he can even pull away from the third player of the yellow race by one meter. Even if he has physical problems, it is too big, which makes him feel a little uncomfortable.Fortunately, he is also a guy with a strong heart, otherwise he would not have achieved such achievements in his last life.Apart from Italy's No. [-] master, Amenne, he is actually the white king of this generation, the proud son of heaven.

It's a pity that in this life, under the leadership of God Su, the sprint of Asians has improved too fast, and the pride of Caucasians has disappeared.Therefore, in fact, white gentlemen who have always felt that white supremacy in their hearts desperately need a white man to stand up and prove themselves.

It proves that the physical fitness of the entire Caucasian is no worse than that of the Yellow.

After all, the saying that 100 meters represents physical fitness and even racial theory is what they themselves did.

Now many people around the world have accepted it, but you can’t do it yourself, so you have to accept backlash.

As for Zhang Peimeng, he was in seventh place. This shot Zhang Peimeng ran too hard because of the headwind in the preliminaries, and he didn't have the ability to make multiple shots.

No.6 is Lemaitre's teammate, Mbond Yorke, with a score of 10.09s, and the thousandth place is almost fifth.

No.8 is Simone Collio, the No. 10.17 flying man in active service in Italy, with a score of [-]s.

No.9 is Jamaica's Forsythe with a score of 10.25s, ranking last.

The wind speed is 0.6M/S, the Diamond League, and Su Shen has won three consecutive championships.

There is no doubt that he has become the target of media coverage.

If you want to ask who is the biggest news and celebrity now that the Diamond League has started, it must be God Su.

After defeating Bolt in Magic City, Powell in Oslo, and Blake in Rome, he felt a little invincible at the moment. A group of reporters began to chase after him, wanting to know his plans for the next game .

Especially the Battle of New York.

After the Diamond League moved to the Americas, he fought against the current No. [-] player in the world, Tyson Gay.

After all, Guy is gearing up right now, waiting for God Su to come.

Both of them have an undefeated record right now. After Bolt was out of form, Gay... seemed to be the only one who could stop God Su.

"Su, after you won the three consecutive championships, will you win the next stop in New York?" A reporter immediately asked.

"Of course, why not? Athletes compete for victory. If I can win, I will definitely fight for it."

"But there is No. 1 Tyson Gay in the New York station." The reporter knew from the accent that he was a reporter from the United States.

Su Shen looked at him, smiled and said, "So what."

"I respect Guy, but since I have won both Bolt and Asafa, it doesn't seem unreasonable to win another Guy, right?"

"You don't think that I defeated those two people earlier, they are not as good as Guy."

"So you're saying, you're guaranteed to win." The reporter began to pick things up.

Su Shen naturally sees through this kind of question, but since you asked, and now I am a three-time champion, if I answer falsely, will I feel sorry for Bolt and Powell?
So Shen Su looked at him, with a smile on his face, and replied word by word:

"Since you have said so, I will lend you a good word."

"New York station."

"I'm going to try to win four in a row."

This statement came out.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Not only because this oriental athlete can face sharp problems in this way and resolve them easily, but also can use his tricks and fight back domineeringly.To be honest, if God Su was not yellow-skinned and black-haired, they would really think that God Su is not an Oriental, but a Westerner.

This kind of self-righteousness, along with Su Shen's triumphant progress in the Diamond League.

one more time.

Once again on this runway of only [-] meters.

was greatly impacted.

I want four in a row.

This may be the strongest voice Asian athletes have ever shouted in the Diamond League Golden League.

Su Shen looked at the faces below and said in his heart:

The first time was a shock.

Much more shocking.

You will get used to it.

must remember.

Domineering and powerful has never been the patent of you Westerners.

We Orientals are domineering.

We may not even know ourselves.

PS: The first update~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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