After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 696 689. It wasn't me who walked out of Zhang Yi, it was Zhang Yi who walked past me.

Chapter 696 689. It's not that I walked out of the memory, but the memory walked by me.

Time goes back an hour.

The short-haired girl wearing a mask and beret walked into a coffee shop and sat down at a hidden booth.

After waiting for about five or six minutes, another petite girl with a single ponytail walked in, twisted her neck and patrolled the store, her ponytail swaying slightly behind her.

When he found the place where she was sitting, he walked slowly.

"Good afternoon, Neru-san."

As soon as she was seated, the girl showed a beautiful smile, and raised her hand to gently stroke the slightly curvy hair on both sides of her cheeks.

"Sorry for calling you out suddenly."

The first thing Sakura Ayane said when they met was an apology.

Qingshui Yousha waved his hands straight: "It's okay, it's okay, anyway, I just finished work, and I was thinking of coming to have a cup of coffee, of course Neru-san's treat would be the best.

Hello~~please order~~"

Qingshui Yousha said to the waiter not far away with a smile on his face.

After the coffee was served, Qing Shui Yousha smiled sweetly and asked, "You must have something to talk to me about?"

"...Mmm." Sakura Ayane nodded silently, took off her mask and put it aside, revealing a beautiful face with a hint of melancholy.

"Related to him?"

Sakura Ayane sighed lightly: "Isn't this asking knowingly?"

"Puff haha~~"

"You seem happy?"

"How should I put it? If you're happy, you won't be happy, but you don't have any special thoughts. Maybe it's because I'm an unrelated person."

Sakura Ayane looked at her cheek for a long time, and sighed slightly: "You have become uncute at all."

The sand in the clear water didn't seem to mind at all, and he asked instead: "Neru-san thinks it's better for me to be stupid?"

Qingshui Yousha gently shook his head: "Now you look very much like Sazhi."

"Oh! Are you complimenting me?"

"In a sense, it is indeed a compliment."

Qingshui Yousha puffed up his cheeks: "Why are you beating around the bush, you are also infected, by him."

"I'm pretty sure that's not a compliment."


Qing Shui You Sha held the spoon, the coffee cup made a "ding ding ding" sound, and he took a sip slightly, as if he was so bitter that he spit out his tender tongue, squeezed the creamer on the side into the cup, and sipped it again "Ding Ding Ding".

"It's not good."

Stirring her coffee, she stared down at the eddies in the water, asking with a smile without looking up.

"Well, it's really uncomfortable."

"I said earlier that getting entangled with him would become unlucky."

Sakura Ayane glanced at her: "You don't seem to have the right to say anything about me."

"That's not."

"Who would have thought that things would turn out like this, what a headache."

"It's Herensang who should have a headache, as long as you don't admit it, it's fine."

After finishing speaking, Shimizu Yousha suddenly raised his head and glanced at Sakura Ayane.

"Or, do you want to make it public at this juncture?"

Regarding Kazuto Mogami, Ayane Sakura has almost no one to talk to, not even Risa Taneda, the only ones she can talk to are Saori Konishi and Yusa Shimizu.

And the relationship between her and Saori Xiaonishi is basically in a half-broken state. If they didn't meet each other on the set of Sling Stone every week, it can be said that there is no intersection between them.

Therefore, after the accident, Ayane Sakura urgently needs someone she can confide in, and this person cannot be Mogami Kazuto, and of course it cannot be Saori Konishi.

Therefore, she and Qing Shui Yousha will meet here.

Even before they had a painful past.

Seeing that Qingshui looks calm and breezy, she may have walked out of the shadow early on. As for what is going on in her heart, Ayane Sakura is not sure.

"Actually... we originally planned to make it public after we returned to Tokyo."

Sakura Ayane was always paying attention to the changes in Shimizu's expression. She thought that even if Shimizu's heart fluctuated, it would not show on her face.

In fact, even though Qingshui Yousha has grown, she still retains some of its characteristics. Her hand stirring the coffee froze for a moment, and she was silent for four or five seconds, her fingers let go of the tightly clenched spoon.

"Hey~~~ So I really plan to get married, I joked today that I'm going to sit at the table of my ex-girlfriend."

Sakura Ayane noticed that the girl had a forced smile on her face, and under her sweet face, there were emotions similar to hers.

"Ah! But Neru-san, don't get me wrong, I didn't meet him privately, I just ran into him on the recording set." Shimizu Yousha immediately waved his hand to explain.

"Well, I know." Sakura Ayane nodded without a moment's pause.

Seeing her so indifferent, the smile with clear water and sand was a little stiff, and it took a while to recover: "Wow~~ You trust him so much, it seems that the relationship is really good."

She kept laughing, but from Sakura Ayane's point of view, that might just be her way of covering up her embarrassment.

She was too familiar with this smile.

That night when she confronted the girl in front of her, Ayane Sakura laughed like that, but now she just reversed her position.

Sakura Ayane struggled for a long time, not knowing whether she should continue to speak, she was deeply afraid that her words would hurt the girl in front of her.

But she had no one else to confide in.

"Neru-san, if you're taking care of me, you don't have to. Besides, you can only talk to me about your troubles now, right?"

She saw through all of them.

The girl she once regarded as her younger sister has become a more mature adult than her.

"Qinosuke, have you come out yet..."

She might be whispering to herself, but Qing Shui You Sha heard it.

Qingshui Yousha shook his head: "It's not that I walked out of the memories, it's the memories that walked past me."

Ayane Sakura remained silent.

"I don't have any thoughts now, um, probably. It's just that these two things, thoughts and emotions, can never be the same. Neru-san should be very clear about this."

At that time, Sakura Ayane was probably in the same situation as Qingshuiyousha at this time, holding the idea of ​​staying away from that person, but the mood would always attack in the middle of the night, causing trouble in the chest, and the pain was so painful that I could barely sleep from my dream. woke up.


"So, Neru-san doesn't need to take care of me at all, it's better to say that you should give me a good time, maybe I can give you advice."

Holding the lukewarm cup in both hands, Qingshuiyousha looked at the gleaming ring on her finger, smiled and waited for her to speak.

"Before that, we already had plans to get married."


"In the course of going on a weekend trip, it was decided to go public."


"Father also said that he wants to see him. Even if my parents object, I think I will still marry him without hesitation."


Sakura Ayane raised her head slightly, Shimizu Yousha was biting her pink lips tightly, her eyes were red and she lowered her head, not daring to look at her.

"'s okay, please continue, Neru-san..."

(End of this chapter)

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