A peasant girl through the ages

Chapter 640 Arrangement

Chapter 640 Arrangement
Xinyu sent Jingxu to the mountain, but she never expected that the two people who arranged for her would know Jingxu and they were apprentices that Jingxu had brought before. Xinyu didn't know where her father found these two people. Those who came here, since they all know each other, then this matter will be easy to deal with. She was worried before, fearing that the people arranged to come over would not take good care of the old man. This time she was relieved.

Xinyu took a closer look at how the next arrangement would be. After all, this temple has no incense income for the time being, and this person needs to eat.

"Don't worry, we have enough food, and the land has been opened for us. We have been planting the land for the past two days, and we can be self-sufficient in the future."

When mentioning farming, Xinyu got a little excited, she also wanted to help, and by the way, she had to grow her rice and wheat.

Jingxu also meant the same thing, and Xinyu was not in a hurry to go back. After staying on the mountain for several days, several people worked together to plant all the land, and all the vegetables that should be planted were also planted. Jingxu and the others left some money and tickets, in case she goes away, the old man and the others can exchange supplies with the people down the mountain at any time.

"Fifth Grandpa, if you have lived on the mountain enough, you can go down the mountain, as long as there are people watching this place."

Jingxu smiled: "This place is nice and clean. I drink mountain spring water and live a life like a fairy. There are people with me. It's good. Don't worry, don't people live on the opposite mountain? They will watch over us."

Xinyu also didn't expect that, after a few months of absence, his father and the others were quite fast, and someone was stationed here, so she felt more at ease.

Xinyu went down the mountain with her prey on her back, and there was still some meat left in the temple. As for whether those two people ate or not, she didn't care, as long as it could ensure the nutrition of the old man.

Xinyu gave Shen Lan and the others some meat and food.

Shen Lan and Han Shanglin are relatively easy to get along in the village now. Han Shanglin is now a big celebrity in the factory. Han Shanglin has contributed a lot to the development of the factory to this day. As for Shen Lan, he is also teaching adults and children sincerely. Literacy and reading, what they do is obvious to all big guys, and no one will care about their identities based on the dividends paid at the end of the year.

When Xinyu passed by, Shen Lan was crying while listening to the radio, the old lady's move shocked Xinyu.

"Grandma Shen, what happened? Someone bullied you?"

Shen Lan shook her head, pointed to the radio, and said excitedly, "Xinyu, we've launched the satellite, I'm so excited—"

Xinyu was surprised, this was not the first time a satellite was launched, she was a little puzzled why the old lady was so excited.

Shen Lan popularized to Xinyu the significance and far-reaching influence of this satellite.

"Girl, you don't know, yes, we have launched satellites before, but that has a different meaning, the first one has a very short time limit, but this one is different, it is very powerful, and how many scientific researchers have put together the hard work behind it and sweat..."

When Xinyu left, she was full of emotions, but the outsiders felt like she had won a 500 million prize. Such a scene made Xinyu feel a little lucky that she came to this era. Although she was poor and backward, the big guy had a fiery heart. With a hot heart and hard-working hands to get rich, there are such simple and hard-working people, why worry about the people not being rich and the country not being strong.

Xinyu even saw the excited second uncle hugging his wife. You said that a person with such reserved feelings actually did such a thing in public. Don't worry about it. Xinyu must be very excited , it is not appropriate to hug others, I can only hug my wife to express my inner excitement and excitement.

When Xinyu went back, Du Qiuchan had just come back. It was noon, and she had to go home to cook, and she didn't know if the child would come back, so she got ready first.

What Xinyu saw was the red light on her mother's face, and she was also excited when she saw it.

Xinyu grinned at Du Qiuchan: "Mom, let's have another lunch, I brought back meat, let's eat meat."

Du Qiuchan excitedly took the meat from Xinyu's basket.

"Okay, let's have a good meal. By the way, Fu Chen knows if you're back. Have you written to him yet? This kid is too busy."

Speaking of Fu Chen, it reminded Xinyu of the promise Fu Chen made with the Li family brothers back then. Although Xinyu didn't know what Fu Chen was going to do, she had a faint feeling that maybe today's matter should have something to do with Fu Chen and the others, and Li Xinyu didn't know what the agreement between the family brother and Fu Chen was. She reckoned that it should have something to do with today's matter.

"Mom, Fu Chen is busy. I told him before that I'm coming back. Don't worry, no one can take your son-in-law away."

Fu Qiuchan was amused by Xinyu's words: "You little girl, no matter how you speak, you are not shy at all. You have been snatched away. Don't cry, Fu Chen is a very good child, he is good everywhere. Except that you don't talk much, you have nothing to do and keep in touch with Fu Chen, this relationship is gradually deepened in the contact."

As soon as Du Qiuchan finished speaking, the postman's voice sounded outside the door. Today, there are not only Xinyu letters but also packages.

Xinyu took the things and ran back to the house happily.

Du Qiuchan shook her head amusedly when she saw her daughter's appearance. She guessed that Fu Chen wrote the letter to the child in all likelihood, which is normal.

Xinyu first took out the letter Fu Chen wrote to her, and when she saw the contents, she would be more sure of her previous guess.

"This guy, after coming here, he seems to be getting better and better. Oh, I can't compare, I'm just a piece of shit now—"

When Du Qiuchan walked in, she heard her daughter say the word waste material.
"What's the matter, who is waste material?"

Xinyu smiled wryly and said, "Oh, I feel like I'm living a relatively mediocre life, and I haven't done anything earth-shattering."

Du Qiuchan rolled her eyes at her daughter, and said earnestly: "Girl, we are just ordinary people, live a down-to-earth life, just do things with a conscience, don't think about what you have and what you don't have, and give your Wu family's medical skills to you. After learning it well, it is a great thing to be able to relieve the pain of patients in the future, so don’t think about it blindly.”

Xinyu smiled, what her mother said really made sense, in fact, she was quite envious of Fu Chen's smart brain, which she couldn't compare to.

Xinyu looked at the package and was surprised that it was sent from the capital, especially when she saw the address on it, Xinyu's eyes flickered.

"Who mailed the package?"

Xinyu smiled and handed it to Du Qiuchan: "My dad, you man, hehe, Mom, my dad is thinking about you, or you can go back, I am at home, why are you staying here, You can go and accompany my dad."

Du Qiuchan was still a little surprised that her man could send a package by mail.

While unpacking the package, Du Qiuchan said: "Your dad is smoking crazy. We've only been back for a few days. Why did you think of mailing things? Why waste that money? Isn't it just looking for trouble?"

When they saw what was inside, both mothers were dumbfounded.

"Book? What is my dad doing?"

When Du Qiuchan saw the gift in his hand, he was immediately happy.

"This man is finally considerate, Xinyu, take a good look at it, it's a cooking book, my God, it looks like it's been around for a while, where did your father find it?"

When Du Qiuchan opened the book and took a look, oh my god, there were a few sheets of paper in it, among which was Lin Changhe's message, and the others were secret recipes.

(End of this chapter)

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