Chapter 57
The city is also short of fresh vegetables during this time, because of the heavy rain, fresh vegetables from outside the city cannot be brought in at all. Fortunately, there are pickles and dried vegetables at home, and the family has been dealing with this for a week.

There are fresh vegetables to eat today, and everyone's appetite is up.

"Okay, you guys should take a rest, Xinyu and I will go out for a walk."

Lin Jianbin was puzzled, the old lady is not like this usually, she usually doesn't go out much after dark.

"Grandma, what time is it now? It's pitch dark outside. What are you doing out there? The road is full of water, and it hasn't been drained yet, so you can walk around in the yard."

Du Yuzhi told Lin Jianbin about what he was going out to do, but Lin Jianbin didn't quite agree with it, he didn't know the background, who knew who the other party was, what if there was a mistake and he got caught?
Xinyu also knew Lin Jianbin's concerns: "Brother, I just think that such a woman is unbearable to look at. She is very beautiful. If she didn't have that scar on her face, she would be even more beautiful than my sister."

Lin Jianbin nodded his sister's forehead hating iron and iron: "You, you, why are you looking at your face again? Those who are beautiful are not necessarily good people, especially such people. If she is aggressive, no matter how powerful you are, you Can you still kill her?

If this person goes crazy, it's not something ordinary people can control. If you don't know anything about the situation and dare to visit him, you're a little too courageous, right? "

It's not a day or two for my sister to look at her face, and it's probably too late to change now.

Entered the room and took the clothes: "Come on, I'll take you there, I want to see who is so sacred that it makes our Xinyu feel beautiful, little girl, you are a beautiful person, and you don't see it every day. It feels rare."

Xinyu shrinks her head, she doesn't blame her for this matter, she is really not the kindness of the parents of rare people, it's just that she feels a little distressed when she sees that woman, but Lin Jianbin can't explain this feeling, since he thinks so Let it be.

Accompanied by Du Yuzhi and Lin Jianbin, Xinyu finally arrived at the place, and when she saw the building in front of her, Du Yuzhi's face changed, but she didn't say anything.

"Grandma, I'm in the back room with nothing. Don't say I'm sorry to see you. I think you'll cry when you see her."

Lin Jianbin's face was a little gloomy. This place is a well-known ghost house in the county. He didn't know if there were ghosts, but everyone spread it like this. After a long time, no one came here. The woman my sister saw Is it a human or a ghost?
The gate was locked, and Xinyu and Lin Jianbin worked together to get the old lady into the yard. Under Xinyu's guidance, the three of them went to the backyard. It was so quiet that no one could be seen here.

Du Yuzhi's heart was in his throat: "Xinyu, are you sure that woman is here?"

Xinyu walked quickly to the small house and opened the door. There was no light inside, and no one could be seen: "Auntie, are you there?"

Now the woman responded: "Are you that little girl?"

Du Yuzhi and Lin Jianbin breathed a sigh of relief when someone spoke inside. It's just a human being, but nothing out of the ordinary.

"Auntie, my grandma and my brother accompanied me to bring you food. Do you have a light here?"

The woman wanted to shake her head and found that Xinyu couldn't see it, so she said, "No, wait a minute, I have a fire here."

The woman has matches in her hand but not many, she is reluctant to use them, and she can't be stingy when people come to give her something.

When the fire was lit in the room, Du Yuzhi and Lin Jianbin looked at the woman in front of them. Lin Jianbin looked at the woman for a while, and then a movement shocked the three people present.

Lin Jianbin strode over and picked up the woman's hair, carefully looked at it by the light of the fire, and shouted: "Xiaodie? Are you Xiaodie?"

The woman was a little dazed, and of course she was somewhat resistant to Lin Jianbin's contact. She pushed Lin Jianbin away, with a hint of unkindness in her eyes: "Stay away from me, who are you? Who is Xiaodie?"

"Xiaodie? Jianbin, are you sure she is Xiaodie?"

Lin Jianbin nodded affirmatively: "It should be right, grandma, take a good look at her. Although she was young back then, her general outline has not changed. Look, does she look like her mother?"

Du Yuzhi looked up and down by the light of the fire, and then rushed over: "Xiaodie, I am your Grandma Du, do you still have any impression?"

Looking at Du Yuzhi, Xiaodie's expression was still blank, she shook her head, her eyes were a little puzzled: "Grandma Du? Why does this name seem familiar to me? Why can't I remember it?"

Seeing Xiaodie like this, Du Yuzhi felt distressed for the old lady, and couldn't care less about the smell, so she hugged Xiaodie and cried bitterly: "My good boy, what happened to you, why are you like this, you What about your parents? Didn't you go to other places, why did you appear here? What about the family members? Where did they go?"

Being hugged and crying by Du Yuzhi, Xiaodie shook her head: "I don't know who I am, my head hurts—"

Xinyu went over to hold the old lady back: "Grandma, don't worry, we have to quickly find a way to cure her illness. In her current condition, it should be that her brain has suffered a serious injury."

Lin Jianbin didn't say anything at this time, picked up Xiaodie and walked out: "Let's go home, grandma, you follow."

There are too many doubts in Xinyu's heart, let alone who is this woman in front of her?Let's just say that his brother, who is so calm, even did something for this woman, what's going on between the two of them?

After Lin Jianbin had spoken, Du Yuzhi picked up Xinyu and left again with his things. Lin Jianbin was responsible for hugging people as he had come in. Xiaodie still wanted to struggle, she didn't want a strange man to touch her.

"Xiaodie, be good, I'm Jianbin, have you forgotten? I'll take you home, let's go home and eat delicious food."

Xinyu also tried to ask Du Yuzhi about Xiaodie's life experience, but it was not convenient to talk on the way, and this woman's life experience might not be that simple.

Du Yuzhi can know this woman, and the relationship seems to be quite deep. The only thing that can be explained is that maybe her grandma worked as a servant in this woman's family back then, so the conditions of this woman's family can be imagined.

It is estimated that Lin Jianbin did not show anything else along the way, but Xiaodie was obedient and let him carry it. When she got home, Du Yuzhi had no time to explain, so she asked Xinyu to quickly boil water for Xiaodie to take a bath. Qiaoling wanted clothes, and it must be too late to make them now, only her granddaughter is about the same size as this child.

When Lin Qiaoling saw Xinyu and the three of them went out for a trip and brought back a woman, even she was taken aback.

She couldn't do anything else, but she could only help her younger sister to burn fire and scoop water in the kitchen. Lin Jianbin found a bathtub and asked the old lady to give Song Xiaodie a good bath.

"Xinyu, who is she?"

(End of this chapter)

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