my bright sword career

Chapter 651 Cluster Grenade

Chapter 651 Cluster Grenade

"Too deceiving!"

Seeing Julian disappearing at the door, even Chi Yaohui couldn't help but get angry.

As an ally from afar, Julian didn't want to take care of it, but even wanted to take half of the air power they had in their hands, regardless of the consequences. From this, it can be seen that although Julian looked It sounds gentle, but the kind of white supremacy in his bones is almost the same as that of John.

"Okay, old Chi, it's not worth getting angry with this kind of person."

On the contrary, Gao Hongming seemed to be much calmer. He had already experienced Lao Mei's behavior as a world policeman in later generations.

Compared with the old beauty of the later generations, the current Julian is already very restrained.

If it were the old beauties of later generations... hehe...they would be proficient at detaining people, detaining them, assassinating them, and even monitoring their allies. Now Julian's verbal threats can only be regarded as pediatrics.

After getting angry, Chi Yaohui asked worriedly again: "Tuan Zuo, if we refute Julian's face today, will he play tricks behind his back?"

"It's certain to make small moves." Gao Hongming sneered, "But it's just a matter of making small moves, after all, he's not stupid, and he knows that it won't do him any good if he makes things big.

Otherwise, once we are annoyed and the matter is brought to the White House, Roosevelt will be too embarrassed to openly cover him up. After all, this is an extraordinary time.

Once we were really annoyed, we withdrew our troops and returned to the country in a fit of anger, and everyone broke up. He couldn't afford such a consequence. "
Gao Hongming was right. Julian, who was on the way back, quickly calmed down despite his hatred.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth. Seeing this, the staff officer at the side quickly took out a lighter and lit it for him.

Only at this time did the adjutant boldly ask: "Sir, that Chinese general dared to refuse your request. He is too courageous. Why don't we stop their supplies after we go back?"


Julian glared at the adjutant: "Do you still think we don't have enough things to do? Gao Hongming is the one who can talk directly to the White House. Once things get serious, we will all be in trouble."

After all, Julian pinched the bridge of his nose with some annoyance.

Originally thought that as long as he made a request or showed a tough attitude, Gao Hongming would happily agree to his request, but now it seems that he still underestimated the toughness of the other party.

It stands to reason that with John's lesson before, Julian shouldn't come to the door so rashly, but yesterday's battle really scared him.

In just one day's work, the Eighth Marine Regiment lost more than 800 people, which is almost a quarter of the battle loss ratio. According to this style of play, the Eighth Marine Regiment would be wiped out after a few more days of fighting.

And as the commander of the Second Marine Division, he was also directly responsible for the huge casualties of the troops. This is why he still came here knowing that he might be rejected.

"Forget it, let's fight for another two days. If the casualties are still so high, then we can only ask General Spruance to talk to that General Gao in person." Julian could only think so.
The air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder, and Li Sanpao, lying among several dead bodies, listened carefully to the sound of nearby explosions. The clods of soil blown up by the shells fell from the air from time to time, occasionally accompanied by fragments of limbs, like a few seconds It fell to the broken arm a few meters ahead.

The shells that fell from time to time frightened him into motionless. This has nothing to do with courage. No matter how strong a person is, he can only pray for God's blessing in the face of the shells that fall one after another.

This feeling of waiting for death makes Li Sanpao feel very tormented. Sometimes he would rather hope that a shell will fall on him, and then all these sufferings will end.

This is not because of Li Sanpao's poor mental quality or timidity. According to surveys, many soldiers on the battlefield had similar thoughts when faced with the same situation, just like many people would jump down when they stood on the top floor of a tall building and looked down. The impulse is the same.

At this moment, Li Sanpao heard a strange whistling sound in the air, which was different from the sharp or dull whistling sound of ordinary shells breaching, more like the sound of air being torn apart.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise followed by the shaking of the ground, and a terrifying air wave mixed with clods, broken limbs, and broken wood passed over Li Sanpao's head. The force was so violent that it almost took away all the air, causing He was out of breath.

"It's an opportunity."

Taking a deep breath of the air full of gunpowder smoke, Li Sanpao, whose head was pounding and unable to hear a sound, realized that this might be a rare opportunity.

He stood up suddenly, not caring about spitting out the mud mixed with blood in his mouth, and ran forward with a cat waist, taking advantage of the gunpowder smoke to block the sight of the Japanese army on the opposite side, and sprinted to the bottom of a big rock more than 100 meters away.

One meter above the boulder, a [-]-type heavy machine gun was crazily pouring flames forward, and the thumping sound like a woodpecker kept stimulating Li Sanpao's heart.

He turned his head and saw that the gunpowder smoke behind him had gradually dissipated. In his path, several corpses fell to the ground in disorder. They were comrades who attacked with him.

This bunker is located at the corner of a cliff, with a rock formation as thick as ten meters above the head, and it is located in a blind spot for artillery fire. The original method, in order to take down this bunker, his company has already killed more than ten soldiers.

Looking at the machine gun that was still spewing flames above his head, Li Sanpao took out a cluster grenade consisting of seven M24 handle grenades with the wooden handle removed from the canvas bag at his waist, and unscrewed the cover at the end of the handle. .

After rushing forward a few meters, he yanked the fuse, and the grenade immediately made a chirping sound and emitted blue smoke.

At the same time, Li Sanpao also rushed to the side of the bunker and forced the cluster grenade into the narrow shooting hole. After doing all this, he immediately lay down on the ground and rolled behind the big rock below.


Accompanied by a loud bang, 700 grams of TNT explosives exploded in the small bunker, and a mass of flames and powerful shock waves burst out of the firing holes along with thick gunpowder smoke, which swallowed the lives of more than ten soldiers. The dark fort was finally stripped away.

After doing all this, Li Sanpao struggled to stand up, but found a sharp pain coming from his back, and most of his strength disappeared. He tried several times, but finally had no choice but to give up.

Just when he was in a daze, there seemed to be a sharp whistle in his ears, and countless soldiers rushed up from below, rushed past him, and rushed towards the Japanese army position...

(End of this chapter)

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