Chapter 621
Sun Ruikun, who had been scolded for a while, realized that his petty thoughts had been detected, and he no longer dared to make any small moves. He could only honestly urge the troops to step up their attack on Ximen.

Objectively speaking, in terms of fighting will, the Jinsui Army is indeed much worse than the Eighth Route Army. In addition, most of the land in Shanxi was occupied by the Japanese, which narrowed the scope of conscription, and the quality of the troops was poor, so the combat effectiveness was lower than that of the Eighth Route Army. Much worse.

But the Jinsui Army is not without advantages. Although the quality of their infantry is not good, their artillery is famous all over the country.

For many Shanxi people who have been doing business with an abacus in their arms since childhood, the instinct for calculation is almost etched in their bones.

And what is the most important thing about artillery?Of course it is computing power.

As early as during the Great War in the Central Plains, various warlords across the country fought in melee. When other warlord artillery could only use the most old-fashioned direct-point shooting due to the poor quality of artillery, Shanxi's artillery could already use indirect shooting through calculation.

The so-called direct aim shooting is to shoot directly after aiming at the target through the scope within the visible range.

If the sight is damaged, the artillery will even open the bolt and aim directly from the inside of the barrel. This method is a native method.

The indirect shooting is much more complicated, it requires a lot of calculation work.

First of all, the command center of the artillery should be set up, and according to the task, the artillery should be given a shooting direction, which is to use the steering wheel to first measure a shooting direction, and then ensure that each artillery in the company is in line with the shooting direction given by the steering wheel.

In an era without fire control computers, it required very high technology to skillfully play with a cannon. This is why in China in this era, artillery should be included in the ranks of special forces and enjoy special allowances. What is high technology.

Therefore, the high quality of Shanxi artillery is well-known in China.

This time, in order to win Taiyuan, Yan Xishan also spent a lot of money, pulling out half of the artillery.

Under the repeated bombardment of the five artillery battalions, the west gate of the Japanese army was finally breached, and the temporary 47th Division became the second team to break into Taiyuan City.

On the second day after the Temporary 47th Division entered Taiyuan City, the Temporary 48th Division also captured the South Gate. In this way, except for the North Gate that they deliberately left untouched, the three sides of the Taiyuan City It has fallen into the hands of the coalition forces.

Jiao Funian held a 98K rifle in one hand and an M24 grenade in the other as he struggled forward in the alley. There was smoke and dust from the explosion everywhere around him, and his visibility was even less than 20 meters.

The reason for this situation is that apart from the hot weather these days, there is basically no wind, which makes it difficult for gunpowder smoke and dust to dissipate quickly in a short period of time.

In this case, the soldiers can only command the battle under the guidance of the officer's whistle, and he lost contact with the troops in a small-scale battle just now.

Although he could still hear all kinds of hell-like roars from the surroundings from time to time, he didn't dare to rush over, because no one could guarantee whether the one on the other side was his comrade-in-arms or the Japanese.

No one expected that after entering Taiyuan, it would be like this. The Japanese army turned against its weakness on the periphery. When the coalition forces entered the street fighting, the resistance of the Japanese army became crazy.

First, more than 5000 expatriates in Taiyuan City were organized, first they were distributed old sealed guns, and finally even cold weapons such as bamboo swords and even spears were distributed even when there were insufficient weapons.

The two sides fought repeatedly for every street, every alley, and even every house. As the most brutal street fighting, the casualties of both sides began to increase rapidly.

Take the temporary 47th division as an example. More than 9000 people in the division were killed and injured more than 4000 people in just three days. The division commander Sun Ruikun even cried and asked the joint index to allow the temporary 47th division to withdraw temporarily for rest on the phone. .

But his request was rejected by Yang Aiyuan and Sun Chu without hesitation, because they knew that the casualties of the Japanese army in the city were no less than theirs.

The casualties of the 115th Division and the provisional 48th Division were also not small. Commander Lin has asked the Joint Command several times to allow them to use heavy artillery in the city.

Although this request was rejected, Gao Hongming still invested in the only armored unit in his hand, and ordered the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th battalions of the Liantai militia to also be involved in this meat grinding battle.

Jiao Funian walked to a two-story building that had been bombed and collapsed. The house was bombed until only two half-collapsed walls remained. Suddenly, he saw a figure flashing in front of him. The difference in military uniform could not be seen clearly in the smog.

But when the distance between the two sides got closer, Jiao Funian keenly noticed the yellow cloth floating over the opponent's shoulder, and without a trace of hesitation, he jumped towards the man's abdomen with a left thrust. Taking advantage of the situation, he drew out the bayonet and continued to rush forward.

The reason why Jiao Funian did this is because among all the troops, only the Japanese army would install two cap pendants on both sides of the soldiers' hats. Except for the Japanese army, no other Chinese army did not have them. This is also an effective way to identify the enemy from the battlefield. way.

After killing the Japanese soldier, Jiao Funian groped out of the alley and came to a street. As soon as he got to the street, he heard the crisp sound of submachine guns and two explosions from the left.

When he heard the submachine gun, he looked happy, and quickly ran over to the sound of the gun. When he came to the side of the street, he happened to see more than 20 soldiers who could no longer tell what color their uniforms were wearing under the cover of a No. [-] tank. Down to attack a building.

And the firepower of the Japanese army's counterattack in that building was also extremely fierce. The dense machine gun bullets hit the armor of the tank and flew in all directions. This also caused the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army to dare not approach the tank at all, for fear that if they were not careful, they would be hit by stray bullets flying around. give hit.

Looking at the Eighth Route Army soldiers who were not far away from him, Jiao Funian did not go over immediately, but poked his head out from behind and shouted loudly, "Which part is the front?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard two slaps, and the two bullets hit a place less than two meters away from him, which made him shrink his head back quickly in fright.

Then he heard a scolding voice coming from the front, "Damn it, are you deaf? Didn't you hear that it was your own?"

"Brothers in the back, come out, there was a bastard who was too nervous just now, are you okay?"

Hearing the shout from the opposite side, Jiao Funian came out from the corner with a gun in his hand, and said angrily: "If it wasn't for my fate, today's life would have to be reimbursed here."

A man with the appearance of an officer bent over and ran to him and apologized, "I'm really sorry, we are the third battalion of the 115th Regiment of the 689th Division of the Eighth Route Army. Our company was ordered to attack this street, but these little devils are so tenacious. Quite a few brothers just couldn’t chew it off.”

(End of this chapter)

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