my bright sword career

Chapter 618 Attacked

Chapter 618 Attacked

An M24 grenade exploded next to the ruins of a bombed bunker. After the explosion, two soldiers of the Eighth Route Army in gray uniforms slowly poked their heads out from the depression on the side. I touched it.

When they saw two Japanese soldiers lying motionless in a pool of blood, the vigilance in their eyes did not disappear. Instead, they raised the bayonet-mounted Type [-] rifles and stabbed the two corpses respectively. After the corpse still didn't respond, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After fighting the Japanese for so many years, the Eighth Route Army at this time is no longer as naive as it was during the Pingxingguan Battle.

The Battle of Pingxingguan can be said to be the first time that the Eighth Route Army fought against regular Japanese troops.

When the battle came to an end, the health workers of the 115th Division went to bandage the wounded of the Japanese army, but they disappeared after they went.

It turned out that the Eighth Route Army at that time did not know much about the Japanese army. They did not know that the average Japanese army had a short knife hidden in each of their bodies.

After suffering this kind of loss, the 115th Division's attitude towards the wounded Japanese army changed a lot. Unless it was absolutely necessary, the soldiers of the 115th Division generally would not take the initiative to capture prisoners or treat the wounded.

"What... Most of the Japanese troops in Dongzhimen retreated to the city? Only a few troops were left to resist?"

After successively receiving reports from several battalion commanders below, not only did Commander Yang not feel happy, but his mood became even heavier.

As a commander who has been in the army for many years, he certainly knew that the reason why the Japanese army retreated was not because of cowardice, but because the top Japanese army had decided to place the decisive battle in the city.

Thinking of this, he raised his binoculars and glanced at the soldiers rushing towards the city again, because he knew that after this battle was over, many familiar faces would definitely disappear in this world.

Dongdajie is the main road of Taiyuan, connecting Dongzhimen in the east and Nanmen in the south. This avenue with a width of more than ten meters is the essence of Taiyuan City. In addition to the business houses lined up on both sides of the street, the provincial government, headquarters and other Japanese troops stationed in Shanxi The military and government offices of the First Army are all located on the main street. As the Chinese army launched an attack on Taiyuan, schools and government offices in the city became the garrisons of the Japanese army.

As Dongzhimen was deliberately abandoned by the Japanese army, the 686 regiment became the first unit of the coalition army to rush into Taiyuan City. This made them gain everyone's attention and honor, but they also suffered the most tenacious and craziest counterattack by the Japanese army.

As an army deeply baptized by the spirit of bushido, the Japanese army is undoubtedly crazy, because as long as they can remember, they have been told to fight for the emperor and the Japanese Empire when they grow up, even if they die for it.

Taiyuan, which has not rained for several days, looks extremely dry as the strong wind blows.

In the sky full of smoke and dust, thousands of people wearing bayonet-mounted rifles, bamboo swords, spears and other weapons, and wearing various clothes rushed towards the 686 regiment from all directions.

These people are not the regular Japanese army, but the ronin, businessmen or members of the pioneering group temporarily recruited by the Japanese army in Taiyuan City.

These people did not join the Japanese army, but the bad things they did were no less than the Japanese army.

Under the banner of "maintaining law and order", they drove away the local Chinese people and forcibly occupied their farmland and houses.

The most unacceptable thing is that they will also force those Chinese people who have lost their land to work for them, squeezing their labor force recklessly.

It can be said that the so-called Japanese pioneer group, military merchants, and ronin are no different from a group of vampires. Their treatment of Chinese people can be described as "smashing bones and sucking marrow".

These people appear to be ordinary expatriates, but in fact they are no different from soldiers in the army in their hearts. They are all war tools educated in militaristic ideology, and their minds are full of absurd ideas of serving the emperor.

"Emperor for half a year!"

These teams of pioneers, ronin, and businessmen brandished crude weapons and rushed towards the soldiers of the 686th regiment who had just entered the city.
The continuous gunshots and artillery sounds from outside the city not only did not scare these people who had been poisoned by the Japanese government's tea for a long time, but became more excited, with bloodthirsty eyes in everyone's eyes.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

Just as they were shouting slogans and rushing towards the 686 regiment, there was a piercing whistling sound above their heads. This was the shrieking sound of shells tearing through the air. It is the shell of the 75 howitzer, and the one with the sound of "woo, woo" is the mortar shell.

In an instant, dozens of grenade and mortar shells fell one after another on the charging team on the North Street, and the rain of steel bullets covered the East Street in an instant. .

This round of artillery fire came from the artillery battalion outside the city. Although Lianzhi had issued an order not to bombard the residential buildings in Taiyuan City, the artillery battalion also played a trick. They just extended the artillery fire. As for why the extension When we arrived in the city, the gunners were all novices, and the error was a bit big.

"Da da da……"

A machine gunner leaning on the stone pier of the shop by the street desperately pulled the trigger, and the Czech light machine gun in front of him kept pouring out flames.

The hot bullet casings continued to fall on the stone road along the barrel of the gun. The spacious street in front of him was like a slaughterhouse. Those teams composed of ronin and pioneer groups could not pass through the line of fire composed of machine guns and grenades.

The smoke and dust blocking the line of sight has faded, and the high lethality of various 6.5mm hollow-point bullets and 7.9mm pointed bullets at close range has been fully exerted on this street. After the charging ronin and the men of the pioneering group were hit by bullets , The bullets tumbling around dragged out their lung lobes and threw them on the people behind them. Before the people behind could react, they were hit by another bullet. The wounded with their stumps in the street howled desperately.

Slowly, the dust and smoke all over the sky were blown away by the strong wind, and the street that was originally covered by gunpowder smoke and dust clearly showed its appearance in front of the eyes of the siege troops.

The avenue, which was more than ten meters wide, was already filled with corpses and wounded. There were painful groans and cries for help everywhere, and the blood flowing everywhere almost covered the avenue.

Even the soldiers of the 686 regiment who saw this scene were a little stunned. They were all wondering, who are these people wearing all kinds of costumes?And some sharp-eyed fighters even saw some old people, children and women among the corpses.

Seeing this, the hearts of many soldiers trembled. Although all of them hated the Japanese, when they saw with their own eyes that there were women and minors among the people they killed, they still aroused their innermost feelings. Kind.

A hygienist looked at the company commander next to him, with a questioning look in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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