my bright sword career

Chapter 616 Devour

As the saying goes, knowing shame and then being brave, although the 686 regiment suffered a big loss in the first round of attack, as the number one main force of the 115th division, the 686 regiment was not discouraged.

After research, the second battalion replaced the first battalion and launched an attack on Xiaogushan again.

And the 686 regiment is not fighting alone. In order to strengthen the 115 division's ability to attack key points, Gao Hongming also dispatched more than a dozen firepower teams to the 686 regiment.

Facing the fire team that arrived, Commander Yang was not polite, and organized them into the second battalion, and immediately launched an attack on the Japanese army.

On the Eighth Route Army's position, more than a dozen Czech-style light machine guns, in cooperation with three [-]-type infantry guns, suppressed the Japanese firepower from the front, creating favorable conditions for the charging soldiers.

The Japanese drama, which is obviously at a disadvantage in firepower, can't raise its head under the suppression of the superior firepower, and the shells fired by the flat-fired Type [-] infantry artillery continue to smash sandbags, parapets and other buildings that the Japanese army regards as protection. Blow up to the sky.

When they were tens of meters away from the front of the Japanese army, the commander of the fifth company commanding the soldiers to charge shouted: "Grenade."

Hundreds of M24 long-handled grenades rained down on the bunkers and trenches of the Japanese army in a parabola, and then hundreds of balls of smoke exploded in the trenches.

As soon as the grenade exploded, the fifth company, which was the first assault team, rushed to the chest of the Japanese army. The soldiers armed with MP40 submachine guns desperately fired at the enemies in the trenches or bunkers, making sure not to let them show up.

"Flamethrower, flamethrower, quick, flamethrower."

The soldiers who broke through the Japanese defense line shouted while shooting with submachine guns.

What they called was actually the fire team that the Liantai militia rushed to help them temporarily.

These fire teams are not holding ordinary rifles, but the famous M2 flamethrower, so they have a very cool name... flamethrower.

Accompanied by the calls of the submachine gunners, three Liantai militia soldiers in iron-gray military uniforms and M35 helmets ran over panting, carrying two large jars on their backs.

The three fire-breathing soldiers who arrived late rushed to the Japanese trench and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Three fire dragons tens of meters long shot out along the trench, and the whole trench instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames. Soon dozens of firemen jumped out of the trench and ran on the open ground, mouth He kept making roaring sounds to vent the pain on his body.

Seeing those burning people struggling in the sea of ​​fire, the soldiers of the second battalion not only did not show any expression of intolerance, but excited expressions.

It's not that the soldiers of the second battalion are cruel by nature, but that they witnessed the tragic situation of the first battalion yesterday. At this moment, they only have one thought, and that is to avenge the brothers of the first battalion.

Looking at those devils struggling in the flames at this moment, their hearts were filled with a sense of joy.

So amidst the miserable screams of those burning men, some excited voices resounded on the battlefield from time to time: "Don't shoot, burn these bastards to death."

Looking through the binoculars, he saw the Japanese soldiers being lit by flamethrowers one by one, but Commander Yang didn't say anything.

Two hours ago, when Regiment Commander Yang learned that more than a dozen flamethrowing teams would join their regiment's offensive team, he was ready to turn the Japanese soldiers on Xiaogu Mountain into roast chickens.

"Regimental Commander, we are going up." Looking at a soldier from the Second Battalion who rushed to the top of Xiaogu Mountain, the chief of staff said to the silent regimental commander with a happy face.

For a small hill like Xiaogushan, as long as the frontal position is conquered, no matter how stubborn the defenders are, it is of no significance.

"Immediately notify the troops in front. If you see an injured Japanese soldier lying on the ground, you must be careful and careful. Fake death is a housekeeping skill of the little devil. We can't fall twice in the same place."

Once the Japanese soldiers cheated to death, the soldiers could execute them on the spot, and the captives would be handed over to the Liantai militia, who would "treat" these devils well. "

Commander Yang gritted his teeth and said with a chill in his eyes that he didn't want to know how the Liantai militia, which guarded the prisoners of war, would "treat" these devils after they were handed over to the prisoner-of-war camp.

"Reporting to the regiment captain, the second captain reported that nearly half of their defense line has been broken by the Chinese, and now the Chinese have reached less than 200 meters from his headquarters.

He asks you to give urgent tactical guidance, otherwise, the Second Battalion will have to die to repay the emperor. "

Kasai Masahiro was silent for a moment after hearing the chief of staff's report, "Tell Aoki-kun that I don't have any reinforcements for him here, please let him do what he wants."


The Chief of Staff bowed and turned to leave.

The meaning of Masahiro Kasai's words is obvious, that is, I don't care about you anymore, it's your ability to escape, if you can't escape, you can only blame your fate.

The positions of the two artillery battalions assigned to the 115th Division were located in an open area called Fangshan, five kilometers away from Xiaogushan. It stands to reason that deploying artillery positions in this way is really taboo for military strategists.

You must know that in such an open area, once the artillery position is discovered, it will definitely become the number one target of local aircraft and artillery.

However, for the Japanese army, which lacked aircraft support and lagged behind in artillery performance, setting artillery positions at high places would not pose any threat. On the contrary, with the help of high-altitude reconnaissance balloons like clairvoyance, they could easily bombard the Japanese army with the condescending favorable terrain. any target.

This is also the reason why high artillery positions are still widely used by many artillerymen when dealing with weak enemies, although they do not conform to the tactical principles of modern warfare.

"Azimuth 178, distance 3970, fire plate timing 6, high-explosive shells fired rapidly with eight rounds."

The battalion commander of the artillery battalion wearing headphones received the distance reported by the observer on the scout balloon, and then used the shooting gauge to calibrate the firing range of the M2 105mm howitzer.

After receiving the order, the gunners, who were naked from the upper body and only wore a pair of military trousers, then lowered the barrel of the 105mm howitzer and aimed at the small isolated mountain several kilometers away with a direct sight.

Boom! "

As the gun bolt is opened, the loader drags the 105mm high-explosive projectile and pushes it into the barrel, and closes the barrel at will. The two ammunition hands behind the gun position hold a high-explosive projectile respectively, ready to hand over the projectile to the loading town at any time. hand.


The officer holding the headset shouted angrily.

With the roar of the officer, the 36 M2 105mm howitzers in the Fangshan artillery position made a sharp whistling sound. Black exploding smoke and orange-red muzzle flames, accompanied by the sharp piercing sound of shells, flew straight to Xiaogushan several kilometers away.

"Boom boom boom..."

36 shells instantly covered the top of Xiaogu Mountain, and all the positions of the Japanese army were swallowed up by thick smoke and countless shrapnel flying around...

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