Chapter 605
Taiyuan has been the economic, political and cultural center of Shanxi since ancient times. Although it was occupied by the Japanese army in 37, many people fled, especially more than half of the celebrities and gentry.

But even so, Taiyuan is still the center of Shanxi by virtue of its strong foundation and huge population. There is an endless flow of merchants and people coming and going in Taiyuan every day. how many.

However, today's Taiyuan City has lost the prosperity of the past, and the bustling crowds of the past have disappeared, replaced by teams of heavily armed Japanese soldiers.

Just three days ago, Niangziguan and Xinkou returned to the hands of the Chinese people. Except for a few people from the two brigades in charge of defense, most of the Japanese troops including the two brigade leaders were wiped out .

The whole country was excited by the news, and almost all newspapers listed the news as the headlines on the front page. Newspapers and magazines such as Shenbao, Ta Kung Pao, and Anti-Japanese Youth all paid tribute to the 129th Division, 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and the 37th Division of the Jinsui Army who participated in the battle. 42 and other five temporary editors did not hesitate to praise.

Of course, some of the newspapers controlled by the Chongqing government also said some strange things about grapes being sour in a sour tone.

He also advised the World War II zone and the Eighth Route Army that in order to better fight against the Japanese invaders, it is best for the World War II zone to apply to the Chongqing government and ask the government to send more central troops to fight together.

Of course, this sour tone was also ridiculed by many people. Ta Kung Pao even pointed out bluntly that the biggest hero in this battle was actually the Liantai militia that was silently hiding behind.

Without the support of hundreds of planes, artillery, and tanks from the Liantai militia, no matter how many troops were sent to take down Taiyuan, which was heavily defended by the Japanese army, it would be nothing but a dream.

Just when everyone was rejoicing, a report titled "Thousands of Elite Expeditions to the Pacific so-called Where Did It Come From" by the Youth Daily was published in the newspaper, and it immediately became like a blockbuster bomb, destroying the entire Kuomintang-controlled area and even the enemy-occupied area. All were stunned.

This report was naturally published by Huang Yingtao. She published all the interviews with Gao Hongming and reported Gao Hongming's answers verbatim.

This also made Gao Hongming, who had disappeared for more than half a year, reappear in the public's field of vision, and the sensation caused this time was even more violent.

All of a sudden, high-ranking officials and dignitaries down to ordinary people were discussing this whimsical head of the militia.

The news naturally reached the ears of the Japanese as soon as possible.

"This Gao Hongming is so arrogant, how dare dare he invade the territory of the Great Japanese Empire?"

The roar of Anda 23, Chief of Staff of the North China Front resounded in the office.

The bright yellow light reflected Anda 23's livid face, which made his expression extraordinarily violent and weird.

Like most Japanese, when Anda 23 saw this report, their first reaction was that the Chinese were absolutely crazy. With their strength, how could they possibly participate in the scramble for the Pacific Islands.

However, as the news came one after another and the Chongqing government's acquiescing attitude towards this matter, the high-level Japanese army in the pass finally realized that this matter seemed to be really possible.

Major General Anda 23's attitude was the same at first, in his impression.

Although the Liantai militia is powerful, it has also caused a lot of casualties to the Imperial Japanese Army over the years, and now it has joined forces with the Eighth Route Army and the Jinsui Army to attack Taiyuan.

But attacking Taiyuan and participating in the scramble for the Pacific Islands are two different things.

If you want to participate in this matter without a powerful navy, you are not even qualified to even think about it, and everyone on earth knows the strength of China's navy.

But later, the Anda 23 and the Japanese high-ranking officials understood that the Liantai militia had passed by American planes and ships on a large transport plane from the direction of the Burma Highway.

This result silenced the entire Japanese military community, and what made them most angry was that Gao Hongming dared to sign an agreement with the US government to discuss how to station troops in Japan after the war and divide Okinawa into [-] square kilometers.

This agreement is like the United States and China slapping the Japanese in the face back and forth, and they have already regarded Japan as a defeated country. This is what makes Anda 23 most angry.

But soon a faint voice came over: "Anda-jun, did such a small matter make you so angry?"

The speaker was none other than Neiji Okamura.

Neiji Okamura, who has been living in the office for more than half a month, and even takes care of food and lodging in the office, has become even thinner. He is already short and looks like he might not weigh more than ninety catties, as if a gust of wind could blow him away. Run, only one pair of eyes are still bright.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I didn't do this, but the Chinese and the Americans are too arrogant. Look at the agreement they signed with the Americans. This has already treated the Empire as a defeated country. This is a disservice to the Great The humiliation of the Japanese Empire."

"Humiliation? I'm afraid not?"

Neiji Okamura snorted softly, looked out of the window for a long time before softly saying: "At this point in the war, we, China and even the Americans have reached the point where we can't stop dying.

In this war, either the empire defeated the United States and China to gain control of Asia and the Pacific Ocean, or the empire was defeated, and the ending was just as stated in this newspaper. The American army and the Chinese army landed on the mainland of the empire and stationed troops in the mainland of the empire .

Let me ask you again, is Gao Hongming wrong? "


Anda 23 was speechless for a moment.


Neiji Okamura patted Adachi 23 on the shoulder, "Now you are the chief of staff of the front army, and you should look at the problem from the perspective of the overall situation, and don't look at the problem from the perspective of a division commander like before. If you do, your accomplishments are over."

Anda 23 said tremblingly: "Your Excellency, do you also think that the empire will be defeated?"


Neiji Okamura laughed, "Theoretically, any country may be defeated, and the empire is no exception, but in my opinion, the empire is far from being defeated, at least for now.


"what is this?"

"It's just that I'm afraid that in order to compete with the Americans for the ownership of the Pacific Ocean, the headquarters will withdraw troops from the China battlefield at any cost, which will cause the empire's strength in China to become weaker and weaker. This is what worries me the most."

Anda 23 hesitated for a moment: "Isn't the base camp so confused?"

"How do you know they won't?" Neiji Okamura asked back, and the three major 23 stopped talking.

In fact, since the beginning of the year, the consequences of the Japanese opening up the Pacific battlefield have begun to emerge.

In order to compete with the United States for the ownership of the Pacific Ocean, the base camp has already transferred several elite divisions from the pass to the Pacific Ocean, resulting in even more emptiness of the already insufficient troops.

Neiji Okamura is anxious about this, but he is only a commander of the front army and has no right to speak about such matters. Today he just took the opportunity to express the complaints accumulated for several months. .

(End of this chapter)

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