Chapter 575 Take a Breath

"Mr. President, I think this Chinese man is too greedy. He just asked him to contribute some troops. He dared to ask us to garrison troops. Such a person should be taught a lesson!"

White House Office of the President

Professor Hawkins was shocked and displeased when he saw the telegram just sent from China. The head of a small local militia dared to make a request to the great United States of America. Thinking of the unpleasantness of the last trip to China With this experience, anger surged in my heart.

Roosevelt was sitting upright in a wheelchair, holding a cup of coffee and looking at the big birch tree outside the window, his face was as calm as a bottomless abyss.

After hearing Hawkins' complaint, he turned his head and smiled, and suddenly asked, "Hawkins, if I remember correctly, the Battle of Guadalcanal has been going on for almost a month, right?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, we officially launched the attack on Guadalcanal on August 23th, and it has been [-] days since today."

"Yes, it has been 23 days." Roosevelt sighed softly: "According to the latest battle report sent by the Army, we have killed more than 300 people on this small island of more than 4000 square kilometers, and there are almost the same number People were injured, how many casualties do you think we have to pay to take this island?"

Hawkins remained silent. Due to the special political system of the United States, the power of the President of the United States is relatively weak...except during wartime.

Moreover, the American people are also more sensitive to the number of casualties. Although the impact of the Pearl Harbor incident has not completely dissipated, the American people still have a relatively large hatred for Japan, and they are still very supportive of the war against Japan. The most direct manifestation That is, many young people are very active in joining the army, and the people are also very active in donating money.


You must know that in more than a year, it will be the next presidential election in the United States, and he does not want to be defeated for this reason.

Then he first lit a match, then picked up a cedar wood veneer and lit it on the match, then put the match in the ashtray, then took the cigar and put it on top of the lit cedar wood, letting the cigar burn Heat evenly until the foot of the cigar forms a smooth, evenly burning ring of fire

Roosevelt laughed happily.

The Battle of Guadalcanal has been going on for almost a month, and the U.S. military has paid nearly [-] casualties for this, and the date of occupation of Guadalcanal is still far away. If such casualties continue, it is likely to affect his prestige , which he did not want to see.

Roosevelt laughed, "I have no doubts about the victory of this war, but I haven't thought about how to rebuild the world situation after the war. But at least one thing is certain, Japan after the war must be lifted. Armed forces must also be garrisoned on their territory, but I have a concern about the garrison now, do you know what it is?"

Besides, based on the Chinese people's hatred for the Japanese, once they station troops in Japan, will the Japanese still have a good life? In this way, the Japanese's hatred will be attracted to the Chinese people.

Hawkins shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe, but to be honest, Huaxia's strength is too weak, and even the best strategic vision can only be castles in the air and castles on the beach."

And once the Chinese were pulled onto this boat, they became the shield in front of us.

He took a deep breath of the cigar, stirred it gently with his tongue, and let his taste buds fully experience the sweet, bitter, spicy aroma of the cigar, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Especially when it comes to the issue of garrisons, we must be more cautious. After all, they are a yellow race, and they are naturally wary of whites. The layout is extremely unfavorable, so we are going to recruit the Huaxia people at this time, do you understand what I mean? "

Roosevelt said leisurely: "Because I saw that on the far side of the world, there is actually someone who, like me, considered the post-war Asian pattern. Just because of this, he has more strategic vision than most generals in our country."

By the way, how do Chinese people describe this kind of thing?By the way, kill two birds with one stone! "

Hawkins can become a senior aide to the president, and of course he is not easy to deal with. As soon as he turned his mind, he blurted out: "The emotions of the local residents."

You have to know that Japan, as a country that has been deeply influenced by Bushido for many years, even if it is defeated, it is not that simple for us to really disintegrate their will and turn them into an obedient dog.

An excellent politician must be a master who is very good at manipulating public opinion, and Roosevelt is a leader among them.

"And isn't that what we need?"

There was a flash of appreciation in Roosevelt's eyes. He turned around, took out a wooden box from the drawer, took out two cigars from it, and handed Hawkins one.

But this kind of support is not without a bottom line. Once the U.S. military suffers too many casualties in the war against Japan, it may shake the public's support for the war against Japan, and may reverse at any time.

Mr. President, I have to admit that this move of yours is really brilliant.

"Why?" Hawkins asked in surprise.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it?" Hawkins suddenly realized, "Using yellow people to deal with yellow people is called using barbarians to control barbarians in the words of the Chinese people. Divide Okinawa Island so that the Chinese people, and even the Japanese garrison will not be able to deal with it." What, after all, we can control the number of their princes.


There was silence in the office, and Roosevelt said after a long time, "Hawkins, do you know? When I first saw this telegram, my first reaction was not anger, but even a hint of surprise. Do you know why?"

"Hawkins, I have to say that you have a very thorough understanding of the international situation, but you still lack understanding of the Eastern peoples.

The most wonderful thing is that they don't have a navy. As long as they garrison, their supplies will be in our hands. Isn't it up to us what to do then?

After the two had laughed, Roosevelt said to Hawkins: "After you go back, call Gao Si back in my name and ask him to tell General Gao that I agree with his request in principle and agree that after defeating Japan, you can Give him a land that is assigned to Okinawa or not less than [-] square kilometers, and he can even be given a garrison quota.

But in exchange, the Liantai militia will dispatch no less than 5000 elite troops to Guadalcanal to cooperate with the US military in Guadalcanal, and even after taking Guadalcanal, this troop will not be able to return home, and must cooperate with the US military in the Pacific Fighting on the island until the Japanese surrender, during which the loss of personnel suffered by this unit should be replenished by the Rentai militia. "


Even Hawkins couldn't help but gasp when he heard this condition.

(End of this chapter)

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