my bright sword career

Chapter 547 Fly towards the target

Chapter 547 Fly towards the target

Near the runway of the airport, dozens of 96-type triple anti-aircraft guns have already taken off their gun coats, and there are nervous gunners standing beside each gun. The black muzzles are pointing obliquely at the sky. The appearance of facing the enemy.

There is no way, the gunners can't help being nervous.

Since the start of the war, the Taiyuan Airport has been visited five or six times by the planes of the Liantai Flying Corps. This is still a large-scale bombing, and those small-scale or only two or three or even stand-alone attacks are countless.

Every attack caused the Japanese army to pay a lot of losses, especially the loss of personnel was a headache for Xiang Shan and Saburo.

But all the Japanese troops at Taiyuan Airport gritted their teeth against the planes of the Liantai militia. The most abominable thing is that the Japanese thought that since you can come, I can go, so they sent bombers several times to play a sneak attack, but they were caught every time. The radar of the Liantai militia found out in advance that the so-called sneak attack had become a joke, and in the end they had no choice but to die.

The first one to fly to the airport was a Type [-] dive bomber. Half of its left wing was missing, and there were more than a dozen bullet holes in the rear half of the fuselage. Even the ground crew on the ground were surprised that it could still fly. return.

Everyone focused on it, and saw that the Type [-] dive bomber swooped down towards the runway on the ground. After barely lowering the landing gear and flaps, the wheels finally touched the ground. After sliding for several hundred meters, it finally stopped.

Amidst a whining sound, an ambulance rushed to the side of the plane, carried a blood-stained pilot out of the cabin, stuffed it into the ambulance, and drove away with a whimper.

After half an hour of busy work, all the planes finally landed without any risk.

With a long sigh of relief, Xiang Shan and Saburo asked the staff at the side: "Have the statistics been calculated?"

"Your Excellency, the statistics have been calculated." The staff officer bowed first, and then said: "We lost 9 Zero fighters and 8 [-] Land Attacks in this operation, but it is worth noting that there are two more The Jiuqi Lu Gong was seriously damaged, and there is no need for repairs."

"That means we still lost 19 fighters in this operation?"


Seeing that Xiang Shan and Saburo did not speak for a long time, the staff officer comforted: "Your Excellency, don't be sad. According to the pilot's report, we are not without gains this time. Our fleet destroyed three Chinese chariots and more than 20 trucks, destroyed A large amount of supplies.

Not only that, but the aircraft group also severely damaged a Chinese army that was marching. Presumably the Chinese people are also feeling distressed now? "

Xiang Shan and Saburo snorted coldly: "Where are the planes? How many fighter planes did they destroy the Chinese people this time?"

"This..." the staff officer hesitated for a moment before saying softly: "One of their P47 fighter planes was destroyed, but their pilot was rescued after parachuting."

"Is this what you said the Chinese people were feeling sorry for?"

Xiang Shan and Saburo looked at the staff with sharp eyes, "When did the dignified imperial soldiers learn to comfort themselves? You have also seen the situation of our team. In this short period of time, Commander Gangcun dispatched more than 200 fighter planes from North China to support Shanxi .

But in less than ten days, more than half of them were lost. If we continue to fight like this, it will take less than a week for us to run out of fighters! "

The staff officer who flattered the horse's leg immediately shut his mouth and didn't dare to say anything anymore, but it's a pity that he didn't look for trouble, which didn't mean he didn't come to him for trouble.


A major came in a hurry, gave Shan and Saburo a salute and said loudly: "Major General Tomomi Kuda, head of the Ninth Mixed Brigade (the first two chapters were written as Mixed 86 Brigade, I'm really sorry) called,

The Ninth Mixed Brigade is now launching an attack on Ping'an County, but the resistance of the Chinese people is extremely fierce. We are ordered to immediately dispatch a fleet of no less than [-] aircraft to Ping'an County immediately to support them! "

"Nani? Send fighter planes to support them, and you need no less than [-] planes?" Xiang Shan and Saburo were almost annoyed, "Who does Major General Tomomi think we are? Treat us like those eight-cent cheap red deer ?"

When the Japanese army sent conscription letters to citizens, the stamps on the envelopes cost eight cents, so army soldiers were also ridiculed by the navy and the pilots who claimed to be the proud sons of heaven as red deer worth only eight cents.

The staff officer persuaded: "But since the head of the Tomami brigade sent us a telegram, it's not good if we don't express it?"

Xiang Shan and Saburo also hesitated after hearing this. The face of an active brigade commander is not so easy to fight. If things get serious and the other party sues the headquarters, he, the team leader, may not be able to resist.

Just when he was hesitating, a staff officer walked over quickly, gave him a surprise salute and said loudly: "Your Excellency, the headquarters has urgent calls... a large number of Eighth Route Army suddenly appeared near Qin County, Shanxi, and they are heading towards Jin Zhongjinfa, the Gangcun Command ordered us to immediately dispatch aircraft groups to bomb the Eighth Route Army!"

"How is this possible?" Xiang Shan and Saburo were taken aback. "It stands to reason that our reconnaissance planes conduct patrols and investigations every day. How could it be possible for a large number of Eighth Route Army to suddenly appear in..."

Speaking of this, he stopped suddenly, and only then did he remember that he had to concentrate all his strength to compete with the Liantai militia for air supremacy in this short period of time, so he also stopped the routine reconnaissance plane of the 21st Flying Team, and now he was touched Speaking of the hinterland of Shanxi, he, the person in charge of Shanxi Luhang, has an inescapable responsibility.

After calming down, Xiang Shan and Saburo hurriedly said: "You immediately order all the reconnaissance planes to dispatch immediately to carry out aerial reconnaissance in Shanxi for three consecutive days. You must keep an eye on the movement of the Eighth Route Army at all times."

The staff officer agreed, and then asked again: "Your Majesty, what should I do with the telegram from the head of the Tomomi Brigade?"

After pondering for a while, Xiang Shan and Saburo waved their hands angrily: "How about this, you send a report to the Mixed Ninth Brigade, saying that we can only deploy [-] planes to reinforce him now, is there more?"



Just when the staff officer was about to leave, a shrill air defense siren rang out at the airport. Xiang Shan and Saburo who were at the airport were taken aback for a moment, and then a surge of anger surged into their hearts, and those Chinese planes came again.

"Quick...quick...the enemy plane is in the air...the enemy plane is in the air!"

The pilots who had just returned to the flight or near the tarmac or in the lounge roared and rushed towards their own planes. Just a few minutes later, one fighter after another rose from the ground, guided by the tower. Fly towards the target.

(End of this chapter)

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