my bright sword career

Chapter 522 Catch up with the little devil

Chapter 522 Catch up with the little devil

The M2 107mm mortar is a heavy mortar used in another time and space of Laomei. It was originally intended to be equipped with chemical defense troops, so this mortar is also called a chemical mortar.

Later, the army saw that this thing was very useful, not to mention powerful, and it was quite accurate, so they also got a batch and gave it to the troops.

It's just that although this thing is powerful, its weight of 161 kilograms is really not light. Even though the Ninth Battalion worked hard, they only carried two, and as for the shells, they only carried twelve rounds.

Don’t be too small, you must know that each mortar shell weighs 14.5 kilograms, and a soldier can only march with two shells on his back.

Now, in order to be able to take down the division headquarters of the Japanese army, Lei Xiangdong didn't plan to overdo it. He used the most powerful heavy weapon in his hand from the beginning.

However, this is no ordinary high-explosive bomb.

You must know that the Ninth Battalion spent a lot of effort to bring these two heavy mortars to dozens of miles away. During the explosion, clusters of white phosphorous smoke began to rise at the explosion site, and then clusters of white flames began to scatter around, and many flames splashed on the surrounding Japanese soldiers.

The Japanese army who had just started their garrison mission saw that the shell exploded so loudly, but only a cloud of white phosphorous smoke came out. Many soldiers thought it was a dud.

But when several more shells fell and white phosphorous smoke also came out, they realized that something was wrong.

With the spread of phosphorus smoke, many Japanese troops also began to be recruited.

After those seemingly inconspicuous white flames splashed on people, the soldiers who were splashed at first didn't take it seriously, they just patted their hands like dust, but then there were shrill screams that started to spread in the Japanese army. The battlefield resounded.

Many Japanese soldiers were surprised to find that those comrades who were splashed by the flames began to slap the burning parts frantically, and as they slapped, the small flames burned bigger and bigger, and finally burned into one piece.

A Japanese officer finally remembered: "It's a gasoline bomb...the gasoline bomb dropped by the Chinese."

Accompanied by the officer's voice, there was chaos on the Japanese army's position for a while.

With more and more time dealing with the Liantai militia, the brutal reputation of napalm has also penetrated into the Japanese army. panic.

"Boom... boom..."

White phosphorus bombs exploded one after another around the headquarters of the division. In addition to causing a big fire, it also caused great panic. Toranojiro was startled.

"Baga, what's going on outside, why is it messed up?"

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, is not well. The Chinese people are calling, and just now, the Chinese people fired napalm at us!" Chief of Staff Akira Kobori went out to inquire, and hurried back to report.

"The Chinese fired napalm bombs at us?" Iwai Torajiro was stunned for a moment.

"Aren't we still more than 20 kilometers away from the front line? How did the Chinese get over the line of defense?"

"Your Excellency, Commander, now is not the time to talk about these things.

It's not safe here anymore, what we have to do now is to escort you out of here quickly. "

Without saying a word, Akira Kobori greeted a few staff officers and called a small group of Japanese soldiers to surround Iwai Torajiro and was about to leave.

But as soon as they walked out of the yard, a string of bullets was fired not far away, knocking down the two Japanese soldiers who rushed to the front, and then many of them hit the wall of the earthen wall and made a chirping sound.

"Go from the back!" Kobori Akira pulled Iwai Tororujiro's arm and ran towards the back without saying a word.

Behind them, Lei Xiangdong, who had already fired all the white phosphorous shells, led the Ninth Battalion to kill them. The difference in numbers and firepower between the two sides was too great. Still being beaten and defeated.


Three MG42 machine guns were pouring out flames towards the hillside desperately, crushing the Japanese army's two remaining machine gun fire points and the defenders so that they couldn't even raise their heads. Lu Xianping also took the opportunity to lead his platoon to the Japanese army.

Seeing the sandbag firepower point less than 30 meters away from him, Lu Xianping shouted: "Grenade!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Accompanied by his voice, several M24 long-handled grenades were thrown into the sandbags of the Japanese army one after another.

"Boom boom boom..."

Accompanied by several consecutive explosions, the Japanese defense line was in chaos for a while.

Seeing the opportunity approaching, Lu Xianping shouted: "Go!"

Following Lu Xianping's shout, he jumped out of the bunker first, and with an MP40 submachine gun in his hand, he rushed to the front of the bunker made of sacks that had been overturned by grenades, and faced several people lying in a pool of blood whose life and death were unknown. The army can't help but say that it is a shuttle of bullets.

Immediately afterwards, several soldiers also rushed in. After they rushed into the position, they began to spread out and each occupied several nearby bunkers.

War has always been the best teacher. Lu Xianping's platoon has recently recruited a lot of recruits, but even the recruits' tactical movements are orderly. This shows that under the influence of war, the soldiers grow very fast.

But it's no wonder that most of those who don't grow fast have already paid the price with their lives.

"Follow up quickly, the first squad takes the lead, and the second and third squads cover from the left and right wings."

Without too much nonsense, Lu Xianping gave the order on the spot.

After being honed on the battlefield, this rookie two years ago has now grown into a qualified second lieutenant platoon leader.

Under the command of Lu Xianping, a group of people quickly attacked the Japanese army command post, but the more they beat Lu Xianping, the more they felt something was wrong, so he found his company commander.

"Sir, there seems to be something wrong with the situation. The little devils didn't resist at all. They were all fighting and retreating. The devils in front are trying to disengage from us."

"The devil wants to run." The company commander saw through the devil's trick at a glance.

"Little Shandong, don't worry about those devils who are alone. Your task is to lead a platoon of devils to chase those devils desperately. You must not let them escape."

The company commander's face was also full of anxiety. The Ninth Battalion managed to penetrate here and touched the division headquarters of the devils. Several company commanders were scolded to death.

Lu Xianping also became ruthless, and stomped his feet vigorously: "Company commander, don't worry, isn't it just chasing devils, I'm going all out today, even if I die, I have to catch up with those little devils!"

(End of this chapter)

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