my bright sword career

Chapter 509 Suspicious People

Chapter 509 Suspicious People
After appeasing several daughter-in-laws, Gao Hongming came to the lobby of the front yard and saw Shi Feng, the director of the investigation department.

"Good group seat!"

Seeing Gao Hongming coming in, Shi Feng hurriedly got up and gave a salute in surprise.

"Okay, sit down."

Gao Hongming signaled Shi Feng to sit down, then picked up the teacup beside the table and drank it in one gulp. After drinking a cup of hot tea, he seemed a little more energetic, and he forced himself to ask.

"Well, what's the point of coming to see me so early?"

Looking at Gao Hongming who had obviously lost weight and couldn't hide his exhaustion, Shi Feng couldn't help persuading him: "Tuan Zuo, commanding operations is important, but you should also pay attention to rest."

"It doesn't matter."

Gao Hongming waved his hand.

"Let's hurry up and talk about business."

"Is such that."

Shi Feng also understood that it was rare for Gao Hongming to go home, and he couldn't bother him so blindly, so he hurriedly said: "Only two days ago, the three radar stations that were blown up have been rebuilt.

This time we have equipped all the radar stations with a company of guards to try our best to protect the safety of the radar stations. "

"Well, you have done a good job." Gao Hongming expressed his approval, "The radar station is our eyes and ears, without it our aircraft will become deaf and blind, we must protect the safety of the radar station. "

"Tuanzuo's instructions are correct."

After talking with Shi Feng, Gao Hongming felt more and more drowsy, and said impatiently: "Okay, if you have anything else to say, just say it, and you still have to hide it from me?"

Shi Feng blushed, hesitated for a moment and said: "Tuanza, that's right. The staff department received a piece of information yesterday, which said that when the Japanese army attacked the radar station last time, a group called Mashiko Advance Squad made by the Japanese army.

The leader of this team is a Japanese lieutenant named Mashiko Shigeo. Their mission is to disguise themselves as the Eighth Route Army and roam around various bases in Shanxi to report on the location of the Eighth Route Army headquarters and military supplies, assassinate the Eighth Route Army leader, and disrupt the Eighth Route Army's central command organization. etc. for the purpose of activities.

According to intelligence, the matter of the left deputy chief of staff of the Eighth Route Army who died last month is inseparable from Mashiko's advance team. "


Gao Hongming stood up on the spot. Of course he knew about the sacrifice of the left deputy chief of staff, but he didn't expect that it had something to do with this Mashiko advance team.

What shocked him even more was yet to come.

Shi Feng continued: "That's not all. According to our analysis, the Yizi Advancement Team is targeting you this time, so the staff department recommends that you must strengthen your own protection work, just in case."

"Good... good wow!"

Gao Hongming became even more furious. It wasn't enough for these little devils to harm the base of the Eighth Route Army, but now they actually turned their minds on him.

He gave Shi Feng a cold look, "Director Shi, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

As the saying goes, living in the body, nourishing and moving the qi.

As the troops in his hands became stronger and stronger, Gao Hongming's personal temperament was also slowly changing.

In plain language, it means that his official authority has become stronger.

Stared at by Gao Hongming, even Shi Feng felt his heart beat faster, he said with a wry smile: "Tuan Zuo, you also know that this is an extraordinary period.

During this period of time, there were a lot of people coming and going in Liantai County, and the investigation office had limited manpower, so it was difficult to check the people coming and going one by one, so we could only adopt the most stupid method of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for the devil to show up. "

After hearing what Shi Feng said, Gao Hongming felt unwilling, but he also knew that this was the most effective way at the moment. After all, the frontal battlefield was fiercely fought, and there was no way more troops could be spared to support them.

"Also, the staff department thinks that you have to strengthen your own protection. For example, last night you rushed back with only two platoons of guards. This is a very dangerous behavior.

Have you ever thought that if you are ambushed by the Japanese army, can this manpower adequately protect your safety, and if you make any mistakes, the entire Liantai militia will fall apart, and the entire Liantai... no, the entire battle situation in Shanxi will be in turmoil. Reshuffle. "

"Will the battle situation in Shanxi be reshuffled?" Gao Hongming was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't laugh or cry. He never thought that his consolation could affect the whole battle situation in Shanxi.

"Okay, I will remember what you said, and I will be careful next time."

"I hope you can really remember." Seeing Gao Hongming's indifferent look, Shi Feng sighed helplessly, who asked him to do this kind of dirty work.

He came here in a hurry this time just to remind his boss to be careful of Mashiko's special agent team, but it seems that Gao Hongming didn't pay much attention to it, so he could only work harder.

He stood up: "Tuan Zuo, if you have no other orders, then the department will go back first."

"Well... go, you have to be careful yourself."

Gao Hongming also stood up. In order to show his importance to the number one intelligence leader, he even sent him to the door of his house. He watched Shi Feng get in the car and leave before turning around and preparing to go back.

It was only when Gao Hongming was about to go back that his stomach suddenly growled, and the other realized that he hadn't had any water since last night, and now his stomach protested.

He originally planned to go back and ask Ziying to get him something to eat, but when he thought that Xie Wenqian had just given birth, both Qin Xiulian, Ziying and the girls at home were all busy, so he felt ashamed to make trouble for others.

After thinking for a while, Gao Hongming turned around and walked towards a nearby alley. He remembered that there were several breakfast shops there, and one of them made very good old tofu and deep-fried dough sticks. Thinking of this, he felt even hungrier and speeded up unconsciously. step.

Although it was just dawn, when he came to the small alley next to it, there were already a lot of early people gathered here, some were carrying green vegetables to set up stalls, and some walked around the streets to buy breakfast, which seemed extraordinarily lively.

Since he just took a bath and put on a long mandarin jacket, Gao Hongming's arrival did not arouse the ideas of the surrounding people. At best, seeing his shiny mandarin coat, he thought he was the young master of a rich family.

When he came to the familiar yet unfamiliar breakfast shop, Gao Hongming found a table and sat down, and called out skillfully: " comes a bowl of old tofu and two deep-fried dough sticks!"

"Okay...a bowl of old tofu and two fried dough sticks."

Soon...a proprietress in plain clothes put a bowl of old tofu and two deep-fried dough sticks in front of Gao Hongming.

Gao Hongming picked up the deep-fried dough sticks and ate one, and drank half a bowl of tofu soup in one breath, before belching in satisfaction.

After he had something to fill his stomach, he slowed down the speed of eating, and began to look around, but this didn't matter, his brows suddenly frowned, at another table not far from him There were actually several people in uniforms of the Eighth Route Army eating breakfast.

(End of this chapter)

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