my bright sword career

Chapter 464 Radar Station

"Dididi... da da da..."

The sound of knocking on the radio kept thinking, the confidential departments of a total of six radio stations were so busy, and the girls sitting in front of the radio stations were so busy that they were sweating profusely, and the entire headquarters was solemn.

Gao Hongming had been standing in front of the sand table without moving for half an hour. An inexplicable aura permeated around him, causing the surrounding staff officers to go around him even passing by. After a long time, he threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and asked in a deep voice: "Patrol How's the team doing?"

"Not good!" Chi Yaohui, who was writing and drawing on the map with his head down, shook his head: "Our patrol team was ambushed by hundreds of Japanese planes. Except for two planes that escaped, the others were all captured shoot down."

"Did the pilot parachute?"

"Only one parachuted."

Gao Hongming's face was very ugly, and he said through his teeth: "That means a total of five pilots were killed?"

Chi Yaohui hesitated for a moment, then said with difficulty: "Yes."

Gao Hongming didn't speak, but felt extra pain in his heart.

If there is one military branch that is the most scarce and valuable in the entire Liantai militia, it must be pilots.

It has been almost three years since he came to this time and space, but he has trained less than a hundred fighter pilots who can be used in air combat. The other pilots were all coaxed and brought back from the Central Air Force.

Even so, there are less than 150 pilots in six squadrons who can fly into the air to fight against the Japanese army. It hurts him to lose one or two pilots on weekdays. Now it is just a routine patrol that has lost five pilots. Pilots, that's almost a squad.

"You bastard, you actually learned how to set up an ambush!" The more he thought about it, the more distressed Gao Hongming gritted his teeth.

"Tuan Zuo, I always feel that something is wrong. Where did these planes come from? Where did the North China Front Army get so many planes?" Chi Yaohui suddenly said.


When Chi Yaohui said this, Gao Hongming also felt something was wrong.

The Third Flying Group... (should be renamed the Third Flying Division now) has lost 80.00% of its air power in consecutive decisive battles with the Taiwan-based Flying Corps some time ago, and it will not be able to recover its combat effectiveness within half a year.

So the question is, where did the planes set up today come from?
"Kwantung Army?"

The eyes of the two met, and they shouted in unison.

If you say that among the Japanese invaders, the most powerful force is the Kwantung Army.

As of 42, the strength of the Kwantung Army reached its peak. It had a total of 31 infantry divisions, 11 infantry and tank brigades, 1 death squad brigade and 2 air forces, with a total of about 120 million people. Even more than the Japanese army in the pass.

The army's strength is so strong, and the air power will naturally not be too bad. It has the first, second, and fourth flight divisions under its jurisdiction, with a total of more than 700 aircraft.

It's just that the Kwantung Army has such a strong force, but it has no idea of ​​entering the customs. Over the years, it has only been firmly stationed in Manchuria to guard against the tentacles of Soviet Russia. …

Because of this, the two of them didn't take the Kwantung Army into consideration at the beginning, but now it seems that they are still careless!

Gao Hongming suddenly turned his head and said loudly: "Staff Wen!"


A major in his thirties trotted over, saluted Gao Hongming and stood at attention.

"Where are the first and second teams?"

"Reporting sir, the First and Second Brigades have arrived near Xiaolongling and are fighting fiercely with the Japanese army. The Third Brigade has also launched into the air and is guarding near Liantai County to prevent Japanese sneak attacks!"

"Order all the bombers to refuel and reload as soon as possible, and all the reconnaissance planes take off, wait until the Japanese army retreats and follow them, find their airport and report to the command base."


Chi Yaohui shivered: "Tuan Zuo, are you trying to blow up the devil's airport?"

Gao Hongming sneered and said: "It's not rude to come here. Since the devils like to play sneak attacks so much, let's play a big one. I reckon that the devils must have secretly built a lot of field airports during this period, otherwise such a large-scale aerial The assembly will not receive any news."

"En." Chi Yaohui nodded: "It seems that with the gradual development of our flight corps, it has become a thorn in the side of the Japanese army. Today's air strike is a long-planned conspiracy by the Japanese army."

After all, his eyes showed admiration, "Fortunately, we have four radar stations to monitor the surrounding airspace 24 hours a day, otherwise the Japanese army's surprise attack this time would not be the patrol team, but our airport!"


Gao Hongming also sighed, with a trace of regret in his eyes: "But the devils have learned to be good, they must know the existence of our radar station, and they have also figured out the scope of our radar's surveillance airspace, otherwise it will not be just right. Stuck out of range of our radar and launched a sneak attack on our patrol."

"Sir, you are right." Chi Yaohui nodded: "The devil must have known about the existence of our radar station, so he took this sneak attack. But the devil is very cunning, and it is very likely that there is something waiting for us Woolen cloth."

Gao Hongming thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head: "At present, we are still in a confrontation with the Japanese ground forces. Even if the Japanese army makes any moves, it is impossible to use them secretly. After all, we are not vegetarians with so many reconnaissance posts."

Chi Yaohui thinks it makes sense, but he still feels a little restless, "But the Ministry of Staff still thinks that the Japanese army's surprise attack this time is not that simple, and it is very likely that there are other serial tricks, but they just can't think of it."

Gao Hongming also frowned, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and gave Chi Yaohui one, he just took out the lighter and was about to light it for Chi Yaohui, when suddenly his expression changed and he shouted: "Not good... Radar station!"

"'s the radar station!" Chi Yaohui also reacted, his face changed drastically: "We didn't expect that, since the devils know the existence of the radar station, they will definitely try to destroy it."

Both of them are smart people, so of course they wouldn't talk about how the devil was able to find the radar station.

As a kind of instrument, radar should naturally be set up at the highest point to obtain the best detection performance. However, there are only so many mountains around Liantai County, so as long as the Japanese army sends a small group of agents to go around Liantai County, they can find out.

In other words, even without dispatching special agents, as long as a few reconnaissance planes circle around Liantai County twice, they can see clearly. It is not too easy to find out the location of the radar station.

Gao Hongming immediately called the staff to order: "Call the radar station immediately and ask them to be on alert before ordering..."

"Tuan Zuo, urgent report from the airport, our radar station was attacked by a small group of Japanese troops, and three of the four radar stations were blown up!"

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