Chapter 424

A 105mm grenade exploded less than 30 meters away from Ding Wei. Although the shock wave of the explosion had been blocked by the foxhole, Ding Wei was still coughing from the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke and dust.

After finally getting better, Political Commissar Li couldn't help but scolded while hiding in the same foxhole with him: "These devils are really crazy, and they don't stop at night!"

Ding Wei ignored Political Commissar Li's complaints. He raised his binoculars and looked forward to the right for a while, trying to find the position of the shelling. After a long time, he shook his head, "The devil's artillery is at least ten kilometers away from us, otherwise there is no way to see it at night. Nor exposed."

"Ten kilometers?" Political Commissar Li frowned slightly, "What cannon fire so far?"

Ding Wei looked gloomy, "I heard that the Japanese have a very advanced 105-caliber field cannon with a maximum range of 18 kilometers, but this kind of artillery is only equipped for the most elite field divisions because of its high price.

It is estimated that this kind of artillery is shooting at us now. "

Political Commissar Li remained silent. As the saying goes, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. In the past two days, he has been taught a good lesson by the Sixth Division.

Whether it is combat experience, individual quality or combat will, this Japanese army's most elite field division is much higher than the Japanese army stationed in the First Army in Shanxi.

Since eating up a search team from the Sixth Division yesterday, the Xinyi Regiment didn't stay for too long at all. It just hurriedly cleaned the battlefield and retreated. The whole process took less than 10 minutes.

But in these 10 minutes, the rest of the search troops of the Sixth Division surrounded them like hyenas that smelled blood. No matter how much the search team lost, they still fought to the death. They had only one purpose, and that was to hold back the new regiment. As long as they dragged the large army to arrive, the task would be completed.

If it was normal, Ding Wei would not be afraid of the Japanese army's style of play at all. He even had several ways to easily eat these small troops, but the situation is different now. He knows that as long as the new regiment is held back for more than In two hours, the Japanese army's follow-up troops will arrive like flies smelling blood, and then surround them.

Later, the situation also developed in the direction he was most worried about. Although the Xinyi Regiment had been desperately on their way, under the desperate delay of the Japanese army, they were rushed to the cavalry regiment under the Sixth Division at [-] o'clock in the middle of the night. The team caught up.

Seeing the arrival of the large Japanese troops, Ding Wei immediately realized that it was meaningless to continue running. He immediately ordered the troops to immediately seize the two surrounding hills and urgently build fortifications to defend, and then sent a telegram for help to the Liantai militia.

When Ding Wei asked for help, the 45th Field Artillery Regiment and the [-]th Infantry Regiment of the Japanese army arrived one after another, and soon formed an encirclement trend against the Xinyi Regiment.

It's just that although the Japanese army arrived, they did not launch a large-scale attack on the Xinyi regiment, but sent a small group of troops to harass and feint them. The Field Artillery Wing continued to attack the Xinyi regiment's position with artillery.

On the surface, since the Japanese artillery bombardment was at night, the casualties caused by the Xinyi regiment were really limited, but Ding Wei did not think that the Japanese army had too many shells to pile up, but he knew that the Japanese army was constantly harassing them in this way , so that the soldiers of the Xinyi regiment could not take a good rest. After dawn, the Japanese army could calmly launch a general attack on the Xinyi regiment, and then eat the Xinyi regiment in one fell swoop.

"Old Li, is there any news from the Liantai militia?"

"No!" Political Commissar Li shook his head, with a look of doubt on his face, "They just replied more than an hour ago, and they asked us to wait for reinforcements, and there was no follow-up. But I think that with the personality of Commander Gao, he should not let us……"

"and many more……"

Ding Wei suddenly interrupted him, "Listen... there seems to be a voice in the sky."


Accompanied by Ding Wei's words, there were bursts of low-pitched roars in the sky.

Political Commissar Li was stunned: "'s late at night, how could there be an airplane?"

Radar and electronic technology in this era are relatively primitive and backward, and aircraft can basically only fly during the day.The risk of flying at night is too great, so generally speaking, it is not a last resort, and airplanes rarely fly at night.

"Bang bang..."

Accompanied by his voice, several planes began to lower their altitude, and then threw out several round objects, followed by low-pitched explosions, and the lights that were as dazzling as the sun shone in the sky, In an instant, the place within a few kilometers of the originally pitch-black area became as bright as day.

This sudden movement startled the Xinyi regiment and the Japanese army who were fighting, and everyone subconsciously looked up at the sky.

Under the bright daylight, 24 Stuka dive bombers painted black appeared in the eyes of everyone. In the air, the warring parties who were originally hidden in the darkness were all exposed to each other's sight.

"Not good... order the troops to hide immediately!" Ding Wei, who was the first to react, gave the order reflexively.

But in his desperation, he didn't know that the Japanese commander on the opposite side also issued the same order.

When the flares lit up in mid-air, the first batch of B-25 bombers in dense formation also descended, and the belly hatch slowly opened.

Under the scorching light, the targets on the ground are not easy to distinguish in the eyes of observers.

When one after another 100kg high-explosive bombs fell from the belly of the aircraft to the ground, after a short slide of more than ten meters, the heavy bombs came into contact with the ground.

"Boom... boom boom boom..."

In an instant, a violent explosion shot up into the sky with devastating smoke and flames, instantly engulfing the place hundreds of meters in front of Ding Wei's position.


When more than 300 aerial bombs exploded in less than [-] square meters at almost the same time, the effect was extremely astonishing.

Although Ding Wei's position was more than 300 meters away from the nearest explosion point, when dozens of tons of aerial bombs exploded together, everyone could feel the whole mountain trembling.

Many foxholes were directly blown down by the strong vibration, accompanied by countless flying sand and rocks, like the dust, gunpowder smoke and flames of landslides and tsunami that almost swallowed the entire front of the position.

(End of this chapter)

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