Chapter 409
Facts have proved that when it comes to vital interests, Americans are still very pragmatic.

After receiving the sarin gas formula and the actual products provided by Gao Hongming, American scientists only took half a month to produce the first batch of real products. According to Gao Hongming's latest request, a plane from the United States arrived one evening China's C-47 transport plane stopped at Liantai Airport, and this plane carried gold worth 500 million US dollars.

A few days after receiving this batch of gold, the U.S. government publicly announced that it would start aiding the Soviet Union, and declared that it was legal for Americans to voluntarily serve in China and the United Kingdom, and it did not violate the "Law of Neutrality."

Not only that, Roosevelt also announced that he would introduce Lattimore, an expert on Far East issues, to Chairman Jiang as his political adviser, and agreed that Colonel Chennault, a retired Air Force officer, would recruit retired pilots and volunteers in the United States to help the Chongqing government reorganize the Air Force.

A series of actions and statements by the United States made the Japanese government feel a deep crisis. Japanese Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka summoned the U.S. ambassador to Japan three times in one day to lodge a solemn protest.

But the Japanese obviously overestimated their own influence on the United States. The U.S. government that received the protest still did not restrain itself at all. For this reason, Yosuke Matsuoka could only resign sadly, and was replaced by retired admiral Sadajiro Toyoda.

On September 1941, 9, the meeting hall of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan was full of people.

A screen was placed beside the long table headed by the head, and behind the screen sat the Emperor Hirohito of Japan.

In front of Hirohito was a long wooden table that stretched forward for more than ten meters. On both sides of the table were full of important ministers of the current Japanese cabinet.

Headed by Japanese Prime Minister Fumma Konoe, followed by Chief of Staff Moto Sugiyama, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sadajiro Toyoda, Minister of Internal Affairs Haramichi Tanabe, Minister of Finance Masahiro Ogura, Minister of War Lieutenant General Hideki Tojo, and Minister of the Navy Dozens of people including General Kawakoshiro, Minister of Justice Iwamura Michiyo, etc.

It can be said that all important members of the Konoe cabinet and the military are here today.

Hirohito, who is a symbol of Japan, would not normally speak on such occasions, so Sugiyama Moto, the chief of staff, became the host of this meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Sugiyama Moto pointed the gun directly at Konoe Fumimaro, "Konoe-kun, the war in China has now fallen into a stalemate, but the United States has gone uncharacteristically in the war against China, and has begun to violate its neutrality. As the prime minister of the cabinet, you, as the prime minister, do not know what countermeasures you have to deal with the flirting with the Chinese government?"

Looking at Moto Sugiyama with a gloomy face, Cabinet Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He took a deep breath and said: "Recently, the attitude of the United States towards the empire has undergone a drastic change. I think this is related to the war between Germany and the Soviet Union. .

Obviously, Germany’s sudden war against the Soviet Union stimulated the United States and made Americans feel deeply disturbed. For this reason, US President Roosevelt personally summoned the Imperial Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Nomura, and asked him about the situation of the Empire’s war against China. And asked the empire to withdraw its troops in China in the shortest possible time. Although Nomura-kun refused on the spot, the seeds of distrust were planted because of this. This is why the US government's attitude towards the empire has changed drastically today. "

Hearing Fumma Konoe's words, many people present showed displeasure, and Hideki Tojo cursed even more, "The Americans are dreaming. In order to conquer China, the current empire has already occupied China. Most of the territory, as long as we persevere, we can complete the great cause of His Majesty the Emperor's unification of the world, how could it be possible to give up because of a word from the Americans?"

"China is the lifeblood of the empire. Once China is lost, the empire will immediately become a third-rate country, so the empire must not withdraw from China!"

Amidst the outrage, Hideki Tojo even shouted the slogan of going to war against the United States, which gained the support of many radicals for a while.

Of course, this proposal was also opposed by the conservatives headed by Fumma Konoe. Fumma Konoe immediately reported to Hirohito that the Japanese ambassador to the United States, Yoshisaburo Nomura, was in contact with President Roosevelt as soon as possible, hoping that the United States could eliminate hostility to Japan. emotions, and increase the export of materials to Japan.

One side gave way to start a war with the United States, and the other side tried their best to prevent it. The two sides quarreled in the imperial meeting, and Hirohito's head was a little big. As a last resort, he could only cough lightly behind the screen.

As the host of the meeting, Sugiyama Yuan, after hearing Hirohito's hint, quickly raised the wooden hammer and tapped on the wooden plate a few times: "Silence... gentlemen, please be silent!"

After everyone quieted down, Moto Sugiyama asked Konoe Fumma seriously: "Konoe-kun, you said that Yoshizaburo Nomura is in contact with Roosevelt to seek a change in the relationship between the United States and Japan. Can you be sure of this?"

Konoe Fumimaro smiled bitterly: "There is nothing 100% in this world. In the words of Shina, do your best and obey the destiny."


Hideki Tojo couldn't bear it anymore, and angrily scolded: "Do you know that just yesterday, the Chongqing government of China planned to rebuild the air force with the help of a retired American Air Force colonel named Chennault. How much influence did the empire have in Cheng?
The guns of the Chinese people have already been pointed at our chests, but you are still imagining that the Americans will be merciful. Is there anything more absurd than this? "

Seeing Hideki Tojo's repeated provocations, Konoe Fumimaro couldn't help but sneer, no matter how good-tempered he was: "Really? But as far as I know, the Empire's Army Aviation has recently In less than half a year, more than 300 planes were lost. Who did this? It must have been shot down by the ghosts of China, right?
Tojo-kun, your calculation ability still needs to be strengthened. No wonder your good friend Ishihara said with a smile that you are only at the level of a corporal managing 4 machine guns! "

Hearing this, even Hirohito, who was sitting behind the screen, couldn't help laughing, but then he quickly shut his mouth again.

Because Hirohito was the emperor, he had to pay attention to his manners, but the other people present didn't have these concerns, and they burst into laughter.

The disagreement between Wanji Ishihara and Hideki Tojo has long been an open secret in the Japanese military circles, especially the nickname "Senior Soldier Tojo" given by Wanji Ishihara to Hideki Tojo made Tojo a great shame, but It was the first time that he was called out among people like today.

"Bagaya Road!"

Hideki Tojo's face turned purple with anger, he jumped up immediately and was about to rush over to punch Fumma Konoe.

Don't look at Fumma Konoe's gentle appearance, but he was born in a Japanese aristocrat and he also practiced when he was young. He didn't show any weakness when he saw Hideki Tojo rushing over.

A good imperial meeting instantly turned into a martial arts arena.

(End of this chapter)

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